Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 467 Visiting Someone

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Because of the upcoming perfume commercial shooting, Ning Xi needs to stay in Los Angeles for a while.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she still has a very important thing to do...

She is going to visit someone.


Ning Xi set off for St. Bernardine, which is close to Los Angeles.

Since no one would recognize her in this kind of place, there was no need for a disguise, so Ning Xi didn't put on any makeup, and only changed into a simple and comfortable white T-shirt and jeans.

Saint Bernardine has topped the list of the most dangerous cities in country M for five consecutive years. There are a large number of low-income people, and it is located on the main smuggling route. It is the place with the most riots in the country.

Ning Xi paid double the price before the driver was willing to go there, and he didn't dare to go any further when he drove to the borderline between the two cities. When Ning Xi got out of the car, he drove away immediately.

This place is like abandoned ruins, most of which are low, moldy, dilapidated buildings and abandoned garbage dumps, dark streets and alleys, and those private dark transactions can be seen everywhere...

However, the entertainment industry here is very developed. Even though it is late at night, it is still very lively, with the sound of drinking, punching and gambling everywhere.

Pedestrians at the intersection of the street, most of the men are muscular, with hideous tattoos, and look fierce, while the women are dressed in cool and hot clothes, with thick gothic smoky makeup on their faces.

So, when Ning Xi, who was dressed like a high school student, walked into St. Bernardine in the middle of the night, she was like a little white rabbit walking among wolves.

On the side of the street, a pair of probing eyes looked coldly at this stranger who suddenly stepped into their territory.

With a lollipop in her mouth and headphones in her ears, Ning Xi walked through the streets with ease, just like walking on an ordinary street.

Because of her sloppy look, as if she was just going home, those eyes were just looking at her, but no one took the initiative to find fault.

After all, to dare to appear in St. Bernardine in such a late night, not to mention an adult, even a child of a few years old, is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person. There is probably a lot of power behind it, and someone who is a little bit careful They won't just go up to seek death.

After passing through a slum mixed with fish and dragons, the field of vision gradually widens, and the urban area is not far away, and the closer to the center, the more prosperous it is.

That's where the uppermost figures of St. Bernardine lived.

A year later, the place has not changed much. Based on her memory, Ning Xi came to the door of a small single-family building with ease.

Surrounded by dense forest, this small building looks eerie, a bit like a witch's castle in a fairy tale world.

The small building is pitch black and there are no lights on, is it asleep? Or is the master not there?

Ning Xi pushed open the courtyard door, walked to the entrance of the small building, and rang the doorbell. The doorbell sounded unusually abrupt in the empty night.

After waiting for a while, nothing happened inside.

I pressed it twice again, and it was quiet inside, and no one opened the door.

Ning Xi scratched her head, looked at the row of flower pots under the windowsill at the door, counted to the third pot, and then took out a bunch of keys from under the pot.

Hey... The level of this key hiding... really remains the same for thousands of years...

After getting the key, Ning Xi directly opened the door and entered the house.

He fumbled to turn on the light in the house, searched upstairs and downstairs, but he was not at home.

Ning Xi checked the time on her phone, sat down on the sofa in the living room downstairs, and decided to wait for the master to come back here.

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