Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 482 Why keep staring at me?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After leaving Histoy, Ning Xi walked around the street, planning to buy some gifts to take home.

I was really tired from walking halfway, so I bought some food and drinks, and then found a bench to sit down and rest for a while.

While eating, he suddenly noticed that someone seemed to be looking at him.

Ning Xi raised her head, only to see a disheveled beggar staring at her...

It really didn't feel good to be stared at while eating, so Ning Xi took out a sandwich from the food bag, stepped forward a few steps, and handed it to the beggar.

The beggar glanced at her, took the sandwich, and devoured it.

After a while, Ning Xi had the feeling that she was being stared at again, and when she looked up, it was still the beggar...

Moreover, this time, Ning Xi found that although he was staring at her, he didn't seem to be staring at the food in her hand, but was looking at her up and down with a critical and displeased gaze...

Ning Xi was a little confused, did I provoke you? I gave you something to eat just now, what does this look at me mean?

Ning Xi stopped eating and got up and walked over, "Hey, why are you staring at me?"

"I didn't stare at you." To Ning Xi's surprise, the other party replied to her in Chinese. Unexpectedly, this beggar was actually a Chinese...

So Ning Xi also changed her Chinese, "You still said no, you've been staring at me for a long time! And you're still staring at me now!"

The beggar looked her up and down, and replied, "I see the clothes on your body."

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and looked down at the skirt on her body, "What's wrong with my clothes?"

The beggar said without thinking, "Ugly."

Ning Xi was speechless. Even someone who has absolutely no sense of fashion would not find this dress ugly, okay?

"Then tell me, what's so ugly about this dress?"

Ning Xi was just asking casually, thinking that this person might say something too fancy, but unexpectedly, the beggar said: "The painting embroidered on your clothes is from Lin Fengmian's flower and bird painting "Rest", The painting is good, but the background color should not be such a dull color, the most suitable color is azure, and the material should not be silk, but lighter fabrics should be used. The waist design is the biggest flaw, not It is said that the tighter the waist is, the more you will show your figure. If you can put a little bit here, you will see the effect, it will definitely make a world of difference..."

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment, staring at the beggar who was talking about the clothes she was wearing, with a flash of interest in her eyes.

Needless to say, she re-examined the dress according to the beggar's suggestion, and felt that what he said was quite reasonable.

Ning Xi simply stopped and listened carefully, "Keep talking!"

The beggar snorted coldly, "The important point is that the clothes you are wearing are simply a half-finished design draft! To actually make such defective clothes and sell them is simply deceiving consumers!"

Ning Xi rolled her eyes and looked at the beggar in front of her, "How do you know so clearly?"

Because of his unkempt face and long, messy hair, the beggar could hardly see his true face, but judging from his voice, he could be roughly judged to be a young man in his twenties.

At this moment, Ning Xi realized that something was wrong. At this young and strong age, she didn't seem to have any disabilities. How could she be begging on the streets of foreign countries?

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