Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 49 The young master who loves to squeeze juice

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi supported her forehead and ran back and forth, "I won't mention the matter of you sending flowers to me, but you know that the news of your return to China next month has already been revealed, and by then the airport will be full of your fans and the media I'm going to pick you up? Do you want me to be torn apart by them? Jiang Muye, didn't you just get dumped by me once? As for messing with me like this!"

"Do I have it? I'm giving you the chance to be famous for free. No matter how many little stars you ask for, you can't get it!"


"Okay! If you don't come, right? If you don't come, I will tell the whole world that you dumped me! Anyway, I don't care about losing face, I want everyone to seek justice for me!" The person on the other end of the phone froze. Vice dead pig is not afraid of the tone of boiling water.

"You..." Ning Xi's lungs were about to explode with anger. The most stupid thing she had ever done in her life was to provoke Jiang Muye.

Xiao Mian, you thought I couldn't deal with you?

The corners of Ning Xi's mouth slowly curled up, and she chuckled, "Okay, I'll pick you up, right? I'll go! Don't regret it then!"

Jiang Muye's side was actually alright, it was the first time he was dumped by someone, and he felt unhappy and wanted to find trouble, and it would be fine when he had had enough trouble. The most troublesome thing for her was the devil who gave the diamonds.

Forget it, forget it, let the soldiers come and cover it up!

"Ning Xi, someone is looking for—"

As soon as Ning Xi came out of the corner, she heard Xiao Li's urging voice, which scared her so much that she wanted to run away.

Who is this?

It's not over yet!

Everyone in the production team immediately cheered up. Could there be something more explosive this time?

In the corner, Cui Caijing looked disdainful, "These local bosses only spend money! LOW is dead!"

"Miss Xiao Xi, you... hello!" It was a timid little girl who came this time. Seeing her complexion, she thought she had done something wrong, and she was full of anxiety.

Facing such a girl, Ning Xi couldn't get angry no matter how angry she was, "It's okay, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I'm here to deliver something." The little girl said as she opened a white thing that looked like an incubator. Layers of cool white air burst out of it, and then she saw three bottles of red, yellow and green juice inside. s things.

"This is...?" The corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched slightly, Gong Dou had watched too much, her first reaction was that someone wanted to poison her to death, right?

"My young master made it himself. There are watermelon juice, orange juice, and mung bean soup." The little girl replied.

"Who is your young master?" Ning Xi was suspicious, trying to remember if there was a young master who liked to squeeze juice among the people she provoked.

The little girl motioned her to look at the note on the bottle.

Ning Xi took it off and saw that there was an English word written on it: fighting, and a heart was drawn on the back.

Ning Xi could still imagine how the other party pursed her lips shyly when she drew this heart.

"It's Xiaobao..." Ning Xi's eyes were tender for an instant, and her chaotic mood calmed down in an instant.

Originally, what she was most worried about was that she was just starting out, if she was too high-profile, it would cause unnecessary trouble and gossip.

Now think about it, why should you care about the eyes of those who don't care about her? If she always cared about other people's eyes in this line of work, wouldn't she be exhausted?

Back then, it was because she cared too much about the contemptuous gazes of those so-called celebrities, the attitude of her so-called biological parents, and Su Yan's thoughts that she lived with more and more inferiority complex and lost herself more and more...

She understood this kind of truth a long time ago, but she was upset for a while.

She just needs to be herself, she has a clear conscience, and one day she will prove herself with her strength.

She only fights for those who care about her.

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