Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 512 Can't control myself

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The man on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, his deep eyes were clear, without the slightest drowsiness...

Just now, he leaned on the bed and just closed his eyes and rested for a while.

When Ning Xi knocked on the door, he was in a light sleep and did not hear it, but when Ning Xi opened the door and came in, he was already awake, but, for some reason, he didn't open his eyes immediately.

Later, it was Ning Xi who carefully undressed him, helped him lie down, and covered him with a quilt.

Even though he knew that she only cared and respected him as a boss and superior, feeling the girl's silent concern for him, Lu Tingxiao still felt as if the cold blood had been injected with warmth, and even his fatigue was swept away.

However, at this moment, he thought that the girl had finished all these preparations and went out, but what surprised him was that the girl's footsteps moved a bit, but suddenly there was no sound.

She didn't move, she didn't move, even, he seemed to feel the girl's eyes on him...

what is she doing? looking at what?

It's a pity that he couldn't open his eyes at this moment, so he could only continue to pretend that he didn't know anything, lying motionless on the bed, paying attention to every subtle sound in his ear.

The girl stood on the edge of his bed, silent for a long time, so quiet that just being watched by such eyes, he had already reacted slightly, and finally, he heard an extremely subtle sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

Ning Xi if she was approaching him?

Just when he was suspicious, he actually felt something light tickle on his shoulders, and then, he was very familiar with the girl's sweet breath.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he finally realized that the itchy hair was the girl's hair, and she was very close to him at this moment...

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao's heart almost stopped, and the blood in his whole body almost flowed backwards. A burst of electricity rushed from his back, exploded in the central nervous system, and a burst of heat rose from his lower abdomen.

what is she doing?

Lu Tingxiao lay there stiffly, not daring to make a sound.

The girl is getting closer...


In the next second, he almost thought that the long-awaited softness and sweetness was about to land, but the girl's breath suddenly moved away, and then there was the sound of hurriedly leaving footsteps.

Lu Tingxiao opened his eyes, almost thinking it was just a dream.

But no, it's not a dream, it's all real.

Ning Xi did do some strange and incomprehensible actions just now...

After all, he had his eyes closed just now, so he couldn't be sure what she was doing. He just judged by intuition. She wanted to kiss him, but at the last second, she changed her mind?

Or is it all just his self-indulgence?

Maybe it's just that there is something dirty in his hair, and she leaned over to look for it for a while, and helped him remove it?

"Heh..." Lu Tingxiao supported his forehead, looked at the fierce reaction of his lower body, and smiled wryly, feeling like he was going crazy.

how can that be possible……

How could she want to kiss him?

This kind of thing is obviously only possible for him to do.

And because of a figment of his own imagination, because of an illusory kiss that didn't exist at all, his body reacted...

Lu Tingxiao got up hastily and went into the bathroom in the room.

The cold water didn't lower the temperature of the body at all, and the fire in the body was burning hotter...

"Xiao Xi..." Finally, the man couldn't bear it any longer, he put his palm under his body and moved slowly.

I imagined that if the girl really kissed me just now, I imagined a lingering relationship, but unexpectedly, I just released it like this...

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