Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 592: Unexpected Development

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi muttered softly after finishing speaking, "Besides, you treated me like this and that just now...however, it's evened out, right?"

Lu Tingxiao seemed to think about it for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, it's even."

Ning Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, as soon as I was relieved, I felt that something was wrong. This is not right... There is no even, it is clear that she is at a disadvantage, right?

Forget it, who told her to go there first, otherwise Lu Tingxiao wouldn't have done what happened later...

"Um...Master Boss, can you get up? I'm going to make breakfast!" Ning Xi asked weakly.

Lu Tingxiao did not leave immediately, but looked at her motionlessly, his eyes getting darker and darker.

Ning Xi still didn't know what she looked like at the moment.

The girl lying under him had a touching blush on her cheeks, her lips were swollen from kisses, her pajamas were a little messy, and her long black hair was splashed on the white pillow like ink...

Lu Tingxiao couldn't help but ask himself, how did he hold back?

"Lu Tingxiao?" Ning Xi was a little apprehensively stared at.

Lu Tingxiao came back to his senses, got up and got out of bed, Ning Xi immediately ran away like a rabbit...

Ning Xi skillfully prepared a table full of flavor and nutrition for breakfast, and then went to call Lu Tingxiao and Xiao Baozi over to eat.

Little Baozi seemed to be very happy today, his pink and jade-carved face was brighter than usual, and he ate more breakfast than usual.

Ning Xi originally thought that the idea of ​​keeping Lu Tingxiao here last night was really inappropriate, but now, seeing Xiaobao's happy face, she began to rejoice at her decision to keep Lu Tingxiao.

In her heart, Xiao Baozi will always come first, as long as Xiao Baozi is happy, everything else is just floating clouds~

After breakfast, it was still early, so Lu Tingxiao sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. The little bun stuck to Lu Tingxiao's side, and he took a book that Ning Xi couldn't understand, and used the clipboard to communicate with Lu Tingxiao.

Under the sun, one big and one small are like a warm oil painting, inexplicably giving people a feeling of tranquility and stability in this world.

Until, Ning Xi's cell phone rang suddenly.

Ning Xi looked down, her heart skipped a beat, it was her grandpa calling...

Lu Tingxiao saw that her expression was wrong, and asked aloud, "What's the matter? Who's calling?"

"My grandpa!" Ning Xi frowned. Didn't we make an agreement last night? Has grandpa changed his mind again?

Ning Xi scratched her head, and answered the phone with some worry, "Hello, grandpa..."

"Xiao Xi! Let me ask you, is there something you are hiding from me?" On the other end of the phone, the old man asked without saying a word, and his tone was extremely serious.

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment, "Ah? No! Grandpa, what are you referring to?"

"About Xi Shiqing!"

Hearing this name, Ning Xi immediately had a bad feeling. Could it be that Xi Shiqing said something in front of Grandpa? He didn't tell his family as they agreed?

No way? Xi Shiqing is not that kind of person!

"Grandpa, what's wrong with Mr. Xi? I really don't know what you're talking about!"

On the other side of the phone, the old man's tone was very excited, "You don't know? Then tell me, why is he going to become a monk today after meeting you yesterday!"

Fuck! ! ! ! !

What did grandpa just say?

Ning Xi was completely stunned by the old man's words, "Grandpa, you... cough cough, what did you say? Become a monk????"

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