Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 595: A Completely Changed Person

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Mr. Xi originally wanted to scold "how can this be a messy hobby", but when he thought of his grandson's current situation, he could only keep silent.

Although he believes in Buddhism, it doesn't mean that he can accept his grandson to be a monk...

From the conversation between Xi's father, Xi's mother, and Grandpa Xi, Ning Xi knew why Xi Shiqing was such a nice person.

These elders are very gentle and considerate people. They comforted her first when they came here. Even now, they have not had a word of doubt or accusation. They are all looking for reasons from themselves.

Because of this, Ning Xi felt even more guilty.

The son who was brought up so hard by others turned out to become a monk because he became a monk. This is really sinful!

Originally, she was still a little uncertain, but after listening to their conversation just now, since they couldn't find any other reason after searching, it could only be because of the incident last night. At that time, Xi Shiqing's demeanor... was indeed not right...

"Well, I've been here anyway, although I'm not sure, but let me try my best?" Ning Xi suggested.

Mama Xi immediately expressed gratitude when she heard the words, "That's great! Xiao Xi, thank you so much!"

Xi's father's expression also eased a little, "You don't need to be stressed, this matter has nothing to do with you, just give it a try!"

Although the two comforted Ning Xi, they were obviously very nervous. After all, Ning Xi was their only hope at this moment.

Ning Xi took a deep breath and walked towards the location of the meditation room that Mama Xi had told her about.

Behind him, Ning Zhiyuan sighed deeply, "I hope Xiao Xi can persuade Shi Qing..."

In fact, he hardly had any hope, because the child seemed very determined this time, even if Xiao Xi was really involved, he probably wouldn't be able to persuade him to turn back.

Ning Xi finally found the meditation room where Xi Shiqing was staying.

Walking along a bluestone step to the end, I saw a small courtyard with a quiet environment. Several plum blossoms bloomed in the courtyard, emitting a quiet fragrance, which is refreshing and makes people relax instantly.

The door of the meditation room was open, only a straw curtain swayed gently in the breeze and made a rattling sound. Apart from that, the air was quiet without any sound. Compared with the outside, it was like two worlds.

Ning Xi climbed up the steps, walked slowly to the door, hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her hand and opened the curtain.

After opening the curtain, the first thing that came into view was a window. Outside the window was a large bamboo forest. Inside the window was a screen filled with scriptures. Behind the screen, Xi Shiqing was sitting quietly on a futon, holding a volume of scriptures in his hand.

Even though he was still wearing a layman's suit at the moment, his demeanor was that of a monk.

Seeing Xi Shiqing like that made Ning Xi startled.

It was only for one night, how could he suddenly be a different person?

Although his temperament was very dusty before, at least he was still very smokey, but now, he is completely disillusioned!

Ning Xi suddenly had a headache. Xi Shiqing's situation was more difficult than she imagined!

No, I can't back down, Nima, I have to be responsible for the sins I have committed, not to mention that Xi's father, Xi, mother and old man outside are still waiting for her news.

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