Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 600 A life where you can't flirt with girls

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi wanted to ask clearly, but at this moment a young monk ran over and reminded that the Xuanjing Dharma session was about to start.

Xuan Jing didn't seem to have any intention of explaining, so she said goodbye to her and Xi Shiqing and left.

Ning Xi could only turn to Xi Shiqing with a confused face, "Mr. Xi, you know the master better, what do you think he meant by drawing me a flower?"

Xi Shiqing picked up the piece of paper and looked at it carefully for a while, but he also had no clue, "I can't guess what the abbot is thinking."

After Xi Shiqing finished speaking, she looked at her in surprise, "There are many people who ask the master similar questions every day, and each time the master can at most say that everything is predestined. I didn't expect that this time he would personally approve the bet for you."

The corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched slightly, and she whispered, "I'm quite honored to hear you say that, but this flower is too mysterious... Forget it, let's think about it when we go back!"

When leaving the hall, Xi Shiqing turned around and stared at the Buddha statue in the middle of the hall for a long time.

Ning Xi put his shoulders on him and turned him around to prevent him from looking at him again, "Hey, don't look at it, what's so good about being a monk? You can't drink and eat meat and marry a wife all day long! I'll invite you to drink and cook you a whole meat feast to take you out. Hey, I'll take care of you. You don't want to become a monk anymore! Tell me, what's the difference between a life where you can't flirt with girls and a salted fish..."

Ning Xi was racking her brains to talk about the benefits of not going out, Xi Shiqing finally stopped looking at the Buddha statue, but looked at her. There was nothing in her clear eyes except her reflection...

After tossing and tossing for half a day, Ning Xi finally lived up to her trust and brought Xi Shiqing back.

At that time, Mama Xi was weeping silently in the pavilion, and she had given up any hope for her son to change his mind.

Xi's father also looked sad.

Although Mr. Xi didn't speak, he was under the greatest pressure. After all, his grandson liked Buddhism, and there was also his subtle influence.

"Why so long..." Mr. Ning poked his head and watched anxiously for a long time.

Old Master Xi sighed, "Lao Ning, tell Xiao Xi to come back, let's find a way."

"What solution can you think of in such a short period of time?" Mama Xi glanced at the time, "There is still half an hour before Qingqing is going to have her hair cut!"

After speaking, the tears fell even more fiercely, "If my Qingqing really becomes a monk, I will follow Luofa to become a nun!"

Papa Xi was anxious when he heard this, and panicked, "You... what nonsense are you talking about! It's just nonsense!"

"Where did I mess around? My son has become a monk, so what else do I have to commemorate!"

"Then you don't care about Shixuan or me?"


The family was gloomy when they suddenly saw a person walking from the end of the corridor.

It was Ning Xi who came back.

Mama Xi was about to comfort Ning Xi and tell her not to worry, but the next second she saw a familiar figure walking out from behind Ning Xi.

It turned out to be her precious son!

Ning's mother was stunned for a moment, then her face was filled with surprise, and she said in a trembling voice, "Qingqing..."

"Shiqing..." Mama Xi, Grandpa Xi and Mr. Ning were both surprised and delighted to see Xi Shiqing.

However, it was unavoidable that he was still uneasy. Could it be that he came to see them for the last time before he lost his hair?

Until, Xi Shiqing walked up to them and called out one by one: "Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandpa Ning..."

It's no longer this benefactor, that benefactor!

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