Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 602 Exclusive to Aunt Xiaoxi

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Forget it, since his sister-in-law appeared, he hasn't had this thing.

Just as Lu Jingli was complaining silently, Lu Tingxiao's coercion was overwhelming.

And, miraculously, it only targeted Lu Jingli, avoiding Xiaobao who was immersed in painting.

Facing his brother Wanli's frozen gaze, Lu Jingli's scalp tingled and his calf trembled more and more cheerfully... Fuck it! no more! I can't stand it anymore! ! ! ! ! !

"My sister-in-law didn't actually do anything, she just threw Xi Shiqing down and teased her a bit. Xi Shiqing naturally couldn't hold it back, her face was blushing and dripping with blood, and then my sister-in-law really took the opportunity to use aggressive methods to say that he was not worthy of being a monk due to his unclean faculties, defiled Buddhism..." Lu Jingli spoke quickly and leniently.

If Lu Mowang really knew magic, the window glass of the car would be shattered by now, and there would be no grass growing in a hundred miles.

Lu Jingli was so frightened that his heart almost stopped, he silently hugged Xiaobao who was the only one outside the circle of the storm to seek shelter.

Xiaobao was concentrating on drawing just now, and didn't hear what Lu Jingli said. Seeing his second uncle suddenly hugging him, his face was wrinkled, and he buried his head and wrote a line on the clipboard: [Auntie Xiaoxi only]

It means... this baby is exclusive to Aunt Xiao Xi, you are not allowed to hug it casually.

Lu Jingli stared at the line of words, speechless and weeping for a thousand lines...

Ow! Why is the whole world hurting me!

On Ning Xi's side, because Lu Tingxiao and the others were still waiting, she politely declined the invitation to dinner at Xi's house, but because the hospitality was hard to turn down, she promised to go there next time if she had time.

"I'm back! It's all done! Let's go!"

As soon as Ning Xi opened the car door, Lu Jingli, who was threatened by his own brother and disliked by Xiaobao, immediately rushed forward, screaming, "Sister-in-law, they bullied me!"

"Hehe, sister-in-law...? It seems that if you don't beat you up, you will never have a long memory!" Ning Xi moved her knuckles eeriely.

Lu Jingli was shocked immediately, his face was full of despair, "In this ruthless world, I'll just go to become a monk..."

Ning Xi ignored him, and took out the flower that Master Xuanjing had drawn for her before and looked at it.

Lu Jingli was immediately attracted by the thing in Ning Xi's hands, and said with a vigilant face, "Sister-in-law... Brother Xi, what is this? A flower! Could it be that Tang Shiqing gave it to you?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? These are the words approved by Master Xuanjing!"

"Huh? It's clearly a flower!" Lu Jingli said that his eyes were very good.

Ning Xi looked at the flower over and over several times but didn't see anything and asked, "Hey, a master is a master, I don't know what that means at all!"

After speaking, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly poked his head to the front of the driver's seat, "Master Boss, you are so knowledgeable, you must know, can you help me see?"

The girl's head popped up to his ear, and the warm breath lingered within close proximity. The chill around Lu Tingxiao subsided slightly. He took a look at the paper Ning Xi handed over, and after a while, he frowned slightly, "Why did the abbot approve the writing for you?"

Ning Xi scratched her head and said, "I just asked casually, saying that I've been restless lately, can I ask him to give me some hints or something, and then he drew me a flower, without saying anything, er, I can't just praise my beauty, right?"

It was indeed too difficult to guess the meaning of this flower, and Lu Tingxiao couldn't think of what it meant for a while.

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