Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 613 My brother went berserk

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Tang Ye left, the one-month agreement weighed on her like a mountain.

It's like a terminally ill patient who is sentenced by the doctor to have only one month to live. Every day is the countdown to life.

Tang Ye wants to see her, and that person wants to see her in person, these are simply two concepts.

There are too many unknowns in this line.

And this appointment, she had to go.

From the day Tang Ye left, Ning Xi took Xiaobao to play and eat everywhere, and at the same time put all her energy on her Zeling Studio and the promotion of "The World", and even took time to visit her grandfather a few times.

The post-production of "The World" has been completed, and she began to fly to various cities every day to promote it.

As we all know, publicity is a hundred times more tiring than filming.

The two protagonists, Ning Xueluo and Zhao Sizhou, are very busy people, and there are many other things. During the promotion, they only went to a few major cities, while Ning Xi followed the crew and flew all over the cities without leaving one.

As for the new play, she has not prepared it for the time being, and she is afraid that if the time comes, she will never come back...

Now she can't wait to divide all her time in half, and her sleep time is reduced to four or five hours a day.

In this month, she has too many things to do...

When Lu Jingli's phone call came, Ning Xi had just finished a city promotion and flew back to the imperial capital.

"Xiao Xixi, why can't you get through on the phone?" Lu Jingli asked anxiously.

"What happened on the plane just now? I'll give you ten seconds!" Ning Xi's tone was extremely cold.

"Damn it, Xiao Xixi, have you been possessed by my brother?" Lu Jingli was stunned.

Ning Xi: "You still have seven seconds!"

Lu Jingli: "..."

Ning Xi: "Five seconds."

"Brother Xi, help me! I know you've been very busy recently, but if it wasn't urgent, I wouldn't have called you!" Lu Jingli said in one breath.

"What's going on?" Ning Xi asked.

"My brother has gone berserk!" Lu Jingli howled on the other end of the phone.

"Why did the good guy go berserk?" Ning Xi frowned slightly.

"It's not good. In fact, his runaway state has lasted for more than half a month, since the day you went to Fahua Temple to persuade Xi Shiqing!" Lu Jingli said.

"Fahua Temple?" Ning Xi was so busy recently that when Lu Jingli suddenly mentioned Fahua Temple, she was a little dazed and didn't realize it, feeling that it was a very, very far away thing.

"Yes! I'm sorry, brother Xi, I... um... I'm hiding something from you..." Lu Jingli hesitated.

"What's the matter? Speed ​​up! I still have to go to the studio to discuss things with Gong Shangze. Tomorrow is the Golden Top Awards competition!" Ning Xi urged.

"My brother already knows what you did to Xi Shiqing in the temple that day!" Lu Jingli said quickly.

Ning Xi: "..."

A moment later, Ning Xi roared angrily from the other end of the phone, "Why would your brother know!!!!!!!"

"Uh, this..."

"Did you say that? You sneaked off to gossip again, didn't you?" Ning Xi wanted to strangle this guy to death.

Lu Jingli said anxiously, "I went to find out the situation, but my brother guessed that you used a beauty trap, so naturally I could only tell the truth! As a result... the result was a tragedy! My brother has been in hell mode since that day and until now! Not only that, but there is one more thing..."

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