Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 629 Who is it?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Qu Guanyang's momentum was too severe, and the crowd replied weakly, "Costume design..."

"Yes, it's the Fashion Design Award! The most important thing about this award is not the model, the material, or the clothing skills, but the design and creativity!

The Golden Summit Award selects the best designer, not the best model, the most expensive material, and the best popularity!

If it is those, then anyone can do design! What else do you designers do? As a display? "

Qu Guanyang is worthy of being a poisonous tongue, he is so unceremonious when he sprays people, he can't even lift his head.

After finishing speaking, his gaze fell sharply in Dai Wei's direction, "The Golden Summit Award has been held for 23 times so far. The competition schedule is open and transparent, free from interference from any individual or organization. It has been in the past and will continue to be in the future. We will resolutely resist any behavior that tries to manipulate the comparison results, and everyone is welcome to supervise!"

These words were obviously accusing Dai Wei of trying to manipulate the result of the game by relying on his connections and power.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that a rookie designer who has never even heard the name of the studio has the ability to bribe the six judges, but Dai Wei's behavior this time is more like forcing the referee to change the result of the competition.

All of a sudden, the game spectators and photographers on the field came back to their memories, and looked at Dai Wei with a somewhat sarcastic expression...

"Qu Guanyang is right. Those designers who made trouble just now were trying to find fault on purpose! Even laymen like us were amazed, how can we say that their design is not good?"

"Actually, I thought Dai Wei was a little too domineering before. What's wrong with being Hua Guofeng? Even if he became popular recently, he wasn't the first to do it. Just like what Teacher Qu said, anyone can do it! Now it's as if he invented it. Anyone who does it is plagiarizing him, and he will be shouted and killed!"

"The grand prize that he got was snatched away like this. Can he not be in a hurry? The water behind is deep! Do you know how many resources and benefits such an award can bring?"

"That's right, the current domestic awards are too fake, and only the Golden Summit Award is more authoritative!"


After Qu Guanyang opened his mouth, the other referees, who had just been a little flustered by the riots on the scene, also calmed down. The five spoke separately and explained in detail the reasons why they scored ten points. In the end, they all came to a unanimous conclusion——

"So, we think that this year's Golden Summit Award, the designer X of Zeling Studio, deserves it!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a round of intense applause at the scene.

The actresses and celebrities who were invited to watch the game all had bloody expressions on their faces. The fashion circle always likes the new and dislikes the old, and updates are fast. Now that there are new designs, and they are so individual, they naturally captured their hearts in an instant.

The people who were still surrounding Ning Xueluo to ask for a quota just now had been staring at this mysterious designer like a wolf.

The host cleared his throat and said again, "Next, we invite our designer X to come on stage to accept the award!"

Beside him, the beautiful emcee was holding the trophy with a smile on his face, looking forward to it, would he be a handsome guy?

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the audience, curious to see who the dark horse was this time.

Especially Dai Wei, the smoldering eyes in his eyes could hardly be suppressed.

who is it……

Who is it...

There is such a character in the circle, he must not know about it!

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