Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 646 Damn it! Spicy eyes!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

During this period, Guo Qisheng and Jiang Muye made a few more phone calls, but Ning Xi's phone was always turned off.

The two finally got anxious and started asking the front desk if they had seen Ning Xi. After learning that they hadn't noticed, they asked to check the surveillance video.

The hotel's monitoring process is a bit complicated, and it was already night when they saw the video.

Surveillance showed that Ning Xi did go to bed as soon as she arrived at the hotel last night, and she didn't go out at all during the night, and she didn't go out until the next morning.

And since she went out in the morning, until now, she hasn't come back...

"What's the matter? Where did he go and he hasn't come back yet!" Jiang Muye frowned.

Judging by her outfit on the surveillance camera, she doesn't look like she's going out to play, does she? Besides, it was still early in the morning when she went out...

Guo Qisheng paced back and forth, with a worried expression on his face, "The security in some parts of Country X is not very good...Although Dibu City is still good, the surrounding places are not so peaceful. Ning Xi must have left Dibu City, right? Didn't she tell you yesterday where she will go today?"

Jiang Muye shook his head, "I didn't say anything, I dragged her to the bar and didn't go, and said I would come back to catch up on sleep!"

The two started looking for someone from noon, but until late at night, there was still no news from Ning Xi...


At the same time, in the imperial capital, a certain commercial reception.

Lu Tingxiao was dressed in a black suit, standing in front of the huge French window, looking a bit absent-minded.

Behind him, Mo Lingtian walked over, put one hand on his shoulder, with a look of disbelief, "Hey, hey, what are you thinking about, why do you always seem to be absent-minded lately? It's fine if you don't drink at the reception, you don't even bring your soul now?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Lingtian noticed Lu Tingxiao's phone whose screen was still on. The next second, he had an expression that was about to go blind, "Holy shit! Hot! Hot eyes! What the hell is this? Lu Tingxiao, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at his friend beside him, his expression was cold, as if he felt that his words had insulted his phone screen.

The standby screen of Lu Tingxiao's mobile phone was a photo sticker, inside it was a family portrait of Ning Xi, Little Treasure and him, a family of three.

In the photo, the three of them made a bun face pose with their hands on their cheeks, Xiaobao was cute and cute, Ning Xi smiled brightly, and Lu Tingxiao was out of place with an expressionless face, but his eyes couldn't hide the tenderness and doting...

The faces of the three of them were covered with a lot of messy little stickers, and each of them had a pair of pink cat ears on top of their heads. If it was just Xiaobao and Ning Xi, this photo would be quite cute, but with Lu Tingxiao paralyzed on it, the whole style of the painting would look extremely weird.

So, it's no wonder that Mo Lingtian had a hot expression, "Damn it! You actually filmed this kind of thing! I really convinced you! Those who didn't know thought you were possessed by something!"

Lu Tingxiao completely ignored his friend's complaints, opened Ning Xi's WeChat on his phone, and sent her a message: [Have you got off the plane yet? ]

If it wasn't late, Ning Xi's flight should have arrived at the airport at this time. Because of a social engagement, he couldn't pick it up in person.

After Lu Tingxiao finished sending the message, there was no response from the phone.

After a while, his cell phone rang suddenly. He thought it was Ning Xi, but he didn't expect the caller ID: Jiang Muye.

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