Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 648 Not a simple businessman

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"My wife is in those hands."

Hearing Lu Tingxiao's words, the minister on the other end of the phone was shocked, "What?! These people are so daring!"

Lu Tingxiao is one of the important investors of Country X. He has inextricably linked with the government of Country X. Now his wife has been kidnapped on the border of Country X. If something happens, the consequences...

However, the situation in Philadelphia is complicated, and it affects the whole body. The most important thing is that there is only half a year before the re-election. He just wants to finish his official position for this half year in peace and stability, and he doesn't want to fight for any merit. How could such a thing happen.

Lu Tingxiao was naturally worried tomorrow, "Don't worry, Minister, I will try my best to solve the problem peacefully."

Try... that means the possibility of a solution by force is not ruled out?

The minister was in a cold sweat.

However, this person must also be saved!

Country X's border.

The night was illuminated and a great rumbling sounded.

Above the void, a helicopter slowly descended.

The hatch opened, and Lu Tingxiao in a black suit stepped out of the helicopter, followed by only Cheng Feng. Because the incident happened suddenly, he got on the plane as soon as he received the call, without anyone with him.

In this remote place, an old man with white hair has been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Lu Tingxiao's appearance, the old man smiled, stepped forward and shook hands with Lu Tingxiao, and said, "Mr. Lu, I didn't expect this to happen. Let me apologize first."

Lu Tingxiao was still polite: "Minister Naka, I'm very sorry for disturbing you late at night."

Normally, he would never trouble the minister easily, because it is not a good thing to get too deeply involved with the government.

But now, Ning Xi's life and death are uncertain, and the matter is urgent, so he can't control it too much.

Minister Naka sighed: "Recently, Philadelphia has been controlled by the Italian Mafia. Although our department intends to suppress it, the current situation in Country X is relatively tense, and there is no time to rectify it in the future. I never expected that Mr. Lu's wife would suddenly appear in Philadelphia, and even something like this happened..."

Lu Tingxiao is a business giant in China, controlling the lifeline of the economy. He is also an important investor in Country X and has a great relationship with the government. The government of Country X also values ​​Lu Tingxiao very much.

This wasn't just country X. It was rumored that Lu Tingxiao had invested heavily in several countries, and his strength was extremely strong, but he was not just a simple businessman.

Otherwise, he, a dignified minister, would not have to pick him up in such a tense middle of the night.

If something happened to Lu Tingxiao's beloved wife in Philadelphia, he wouldn't be able to hold back as a minister. If it caused Lu Tingxiao to resent Country X, withdraw his investment, or even cause other disputes... This matter is really difficult to handle.

Cheng Feng quietly followed behind Lu Tingxiao, and continued to search for Ning Xi's whereabouts without stopping.

Although country X is a small and barren country, it cannot be compared with medium-sized countries, let alone large countries, but it also has a large regular army, especially the recent outbreak of war between country X and other small countries, so that many powerful businessmen from various countries have also seen the strength of country X.

It's just that, although the military strength of Country X is not small, the economic aspect is a headache. Especially after the outbreak of the war, it needs money to support it. Country X's economic construction is insufficient, so it pays special attention to commercial giants like Lu Tingxiao.

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