Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 650 The Confused Scene

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

It was obvious that Lu Tingxiao was well versed in the psychology of negotiation. It would be much easier to first make a request that the other party could not agree to, and then propose what he really wanted.

At the moment, Minister Naka was a little helpless: "Five field tanks, plus two fighter jets, equipped with a regular army of 300 people fully armed, these forces are enough to wipe out Philadelphia, Mr. Lu, are you okay?"

"Yes." Lu Tingxiao said.

Seeing Minister Naka's sad expression, Lu Tingxiao said, "Minister Naka is not worried. If any losses are caused, I will bear the compensation. And, as I said before, I will try my best to resolve it in a peaceful way."

"With Mr. Lu's promise, I'm relieved. Please." Minister Naka ordered the hatch to be opened, and he and Lu Tingxiao got into the helicopter and drove towards the nearest military fortress.


Augustine was being supported by several strong men at this time, walking towards the direction outside Philadelphia.

There are only about 20 people left in the team of more than 100 people, and all their clothes have been pulled out.

That Feng Xiaoxiao and Tang Ye were somewhat apprehensive, they arrested seventy or eighty of his subordinates and confiscated all the weapons, and asked Augustine to bring enough money to redeem them, especially that Feng Xiaoxiao, who had their clothes stripped off!

Augustine's trousers were stained blood red, and his lower body was directly crippled by Tang Ye.

"Santan, Tang Ye...I want die a terrible death!" Augustine's face was ashen, and there was an astonishing violence in his eyes. If gaze could kill, Satan, Tang Ye and others would have died countless times, but unfortunately, gaze cannot kill.

"Boss, what should we do now... The Philadelphia police are a bunch of trash. Seeing Satan like a ghost, he ran faster than anyone else, and made us miserable!" A strong man holding Augustine asked cautiously.

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that it was none other than Augustine who caused them misfortune. If he hadn't insisted on touching Satan's woman, how could everyone have fallen to this point.

Especially for Augustine, whose lower body was crippled by Tang Ye, and in order to keep Augustine alive, Tang Ye and Feng Xiaoxiao asked the doctor they brought to perform an operation on Augustine, suture the wound and give him a strong painkiller!

This lower body is much more important than the ears...

"I'll make them pay a thousand times more tragic price! I'll make people like Satan and Tang Ye die badly, badly!!" Augustine almost growled.

Hearing the sound, more than 20 subordinates shook their heads. What kind of character is Satan, known as the King of the Night, not to mention Satan, even Tang Ye can easily crush Augustine to death. Augustine wants revenge, why? By mouth?

At this moment, Augustine has already made a plan in his heart, first inform the upper management of this matter, and the upper management will definitely not let it go! By the time……



At this moment, suddenly, bursts of roaring sounds sounded nearby, and the sky above also lit up.

I saw two fighter jets hovering over Philadelphia, with huge lights shining on every corner, as if they were searching for something.

"Where did the helicopter come from?"

"Helicopter...strange...? Damn, that's a military fighter plane!!!"

I don't know who yelled, and the more than 20 people present looked at it carefully, and their faces turned pale. It was indeed a fighter jet, and it was a military fighter jet of country X!

"What's the situation, why did the fighter jets used by country X appear in Philadelphia?!" A trace of cold sweat oozes from the forehead of a certain subordinate.

I thought to myself, could it be that the government of country X wants to eliminate the mafia in Philadelphia? !

However, it is absolutely impossible for their power to attract the attention of the government of country X. Besides, during this period of time, foreign war broke out in X, how could it be possible to use military power to waste a city in Philadelphia?

But... that is indeed a military fighter jet of country X, there is nothing wrong with it!

"Battle tank!"

After a few breaths, a number of giant tanks slowly appeared in the line of sight of Augustine and others. The huge artillery was equipped with a muzzle brake. When the gun came down, the scene...

There are two military fighter jets in the air, and five country X field tanks on the ground!

Augustine and the others were completely stunned. They just wanted to know what happened...

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