Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 653 Me, me, me! I am his wife!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At this moment, the two forces are confronting each other, full of gunpowder, but at present, no one dares to act rashly.

"What's going on?" Because the line stopped suddenly, a man's voice came from a small silver car behind.

In the car, Ning Xi beside the man looked listless, her face was pale due to excessive blood loss, and she had no energy to pay attention to what was happening outside. After hearing the movement, she only raised her eyelids a little, and then closed her eyes again.

Tang Ye got out of an armored vehicle and walked to the small silver car, "It's from the military."

Inside the car, the silver-haired man's eyes were slightly cold when he heard the words, "Oh?"

Philadelphia has always been a land of no one's business, so the military will meddle in their own business this time?

And judging by this posture, all the armaments that can be mobilized have been mobilized...

"Interesting." The corner of the man's mouth curled slightly, and he pushed the door and got out of the car.

On a field tank opposite, the captain saw the silver-haired man getting off the car, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He had a bad feeling when he was watching the surveillance, but he didn't expect that this guy really came back...

Come back, come back, you closed the door to trouble you, everyone has nothing to do with each other, but this time he has provoked difficult people, making their military caught in the middle, making it difficult for both sides.

"Captain Valmont, it's a pleasure to meet you~ Why do you have time to drink tea with me today?" The man's tone was so arrogant that he actually regarded Philadelphia as his own home.

On the side, Feng Jin broke into a cold sweat because of the man's arrogant tone, hey, this man really never knows how to restrain himself, their situation is already very dangerous, and now they have messed with people from the military, if they don't make it right, they might not be able to get out of it today.

The captain's face was sharp when he heard the words, but he couldn't get angry, and said in a deep voice, "Hand over the person you just arrested, and everyone will save trouble!"

He also kept in mind the instructions from above and resolved it peacefully.

If it's just an Augustine, it's easy to handle, but the one I'm facing now... If the two sides fight, the impact will be too great!

The silver-haired man raised his brows slightly when he heard this, who did he arrest?

"I don't know who I caught?" The man asked in a very interested tone.

The captain only thought he was trying to quibble, and was about to speak to persuade him, when a person stepped out of a car behind him.

The man was still wearing the crisp black suit that just got off from the reception. His whole body seemed to be covered with ice, and his deep eyes were not warm. After he stood still, his thin lips parted slightly, and he said in a cold tone: "My wife."

The moment the man appeared, the silver-haired man's eyes changed abruptly, and his original indifference suddenly became sharp. He almost gritted his teeth and uttered three words: "Lu Tingxiao..."

Two men, separated by a distance of more than ten steps, one is evil and the other is cold.

There seemed to be invisible smoke and sparks burning in the air.

In the silver car not far away, Ning Xi woke up with a jolt.

what happened?

Just now...why did she seem to hear Lu Tingxiao's voice just now?

No, how could it be...

How could Lu Tingxiao appear in such a ghostly place?

Must be hallucinations...

The light in Ning Xi's eyes faded as soon as it rose, but after all, there was still hope, and she moved weakly towards the edge of the car window.

The next second, when she saw the scene outside the window, she froze there.

In front of the terrifying, black tanks and fighter jets, a tall and tall figure stood there like an iceberg, exuding a cold air, without a trace of tenderness, but it made her feel so warm that she wanted to cry...

Lu Tingxiao...

It turned was really him...

After a suffocating silence, the silver-haired man opposite Lu Tingxiao spoke first, "Oh, that's ridiculous, who is your wife?"

Before Lu Tingxiao could speak, a small head popped out of the silver car, and waved his hands while howling, "I, I, I... I am!!!"

Boss adults! Help! ! !

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