Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 66 You promised to accompany me tonight

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi was going crazy right now, she lowered her voice and said, "I still have to ask you! Why do you know Lu Tingxiao?!"

Jiang Muye: "It's been said that he is my uncle!"

Ning Xi: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Jiang Muye: "You didn't even ask!"

Ning Xi: "..."

"How did you and my uncle know each other?" Jiang Muye looked back and forth between the two, the more he looked, the more he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"It's a long story..." Ning Xi stroked her forehead exhausted physically and mentally. These four words were addressed to Jiang Muye and also to Lu Tingxiao.

Jiang Muye had an expression full of questions that he wanted to ask, but he couldn't speak because of Lu Tingxiao's presence.

The girl who just finished bathing has a nice smell, two white and slender legs under the big empty T-shirt, and one hand is still trying to cover the hole in the clothes. Such a picture makes people's blood boil However, when he thought that she was in another man's house like this, Lu Tingxiao had the urge to destroy everything.

Even though his heart had been destroyed several times, but it was only in the few seconds that people could hardly notice, Lu Tingxiao's face was only a little cold, he glanced at Ning Xi and said, "Are you going to stay here or stay with me?" I'll go back together."

A simple sentence, but it seems to contain a thousand pressure.

Jiang Muye looked at Ning Xi with shock and disbelief when he heard the words.

What does this mean? ? ? The two not only know each other, but also live together?

Ning Xi looked at the cold Lu Tingxiao, then at Jiang Muye whose eyes were burning, and swallowed hard, "I...I'd better go back..."

The coldness around Lu Tingxiao immediately subsided by a point or two.

Jiang Muye ran away on the spot, and immediately grabbed Ning Xi's wrist, his beautiful light blue eyes were full of nervousness and cheated anger, "You promised to accompany me tonight!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Ning Xi wanted to send him to the sky with a punch, don't talk about being so ambiguous, okay boy? !

She looked up at Lu Tingxiao, and sure enough, that fellow's frightening expression was almost uncontrollable, as if only the last iron fence was missing, and the beast would rush out...

Ning Xi withdrew her hand, while patiently persuading, "Muye, I still have to film tomorrow. Didn't Brother Ming say that you have something to do tomorrow morning? I'll play with you when we are both free. Is the game good?"

Ning Xi deliberately emphasized the word "playing games".

After speaking, he quickly picked up his big black bag, blocked the hole in his waist, and escaped from this place of right and wrong without even having time to change his clothes.

Lu Tingxiao took a deep look at Jiang Muye, then calmly followed Ning Xi.

Looking at the backs of the two leaving one after the other, and Lu Tingxiao's eyes as if he was swearing something before he left, Jiang Muye's eyes were burning with fire...

damn it! No wonder the woman knew so quickly that the road was dead...

Ning Xi, how many things are you hiding from me!

At this moment Ning Xi was running back tremblingly, when her hand suddenly lightened, it turned out that it was Lu Tingxiao who helped to take the big bag from her hand.

Then, with a heavy weight on his shoulders, Lu Tingxiao took off his coat and put it on her shoulders.

"Thank you..." Ning Xi thanked embarrassingly.

Lu Tingxiao kept a cold face and did not respond.

It's okay if he responds, as long as there is a reaction, she will have a way to deal with it, and this is the most frightening thing...

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