Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 662 Husband...

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The old minister's mansion.

Lu Tingxiao sat on the side of the bed and held Ning Xi's hand. A group of doctors were busy drawing blood through a tube on Ning Xi's body and giving her a full body check, in case she had other injuries or had been injected with some kind of medicine.

Lu Tingxiao's brows were furrowed all the time, and his nerves never relaxed for a moment.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment. The test results will not come out within two hours at the earliest."

"She had a bad fever."

"Because the wound is infected, this is a normal phenomenon. Fortunately, Mrs. Lu has done some treatment herself, otherwise if the bullet remains in the body for too long, this leg may not be able to survive."

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao's face was gloomy.

The treasure he put in the palm of his hand and guarded carefully, but only came out for a trip, and it became like this in just one day, how could he not feel distressed!

Two hours later, the test results finally came out.

"Mr. Lu, the results are out. Mrs. Lu's body is normal. Except for the gunshot wound on her leg, there is no other problem."

Hearing the result, not only Lu Tingxiao, but also the old minister at the side finally breathed a sigh of relief. He immediately told everyone to take care of them and arranged the best room for them.

Because he thought Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi were husband and wife, he naturally arranged a room.


Ning Xi's vitality was badly hurt this time, and she didn't wake up after sleeping all day and all night, but fortunately, the fever has subsided.

In order to please Lu Tingxiao, the old minister specially arranged a dinner in the front hall, and invited many senior officials and business tycoons from his country.

During the dinner, there were compliments and concerns for Lu Tingxiao.

"Fortunately, Mrs. Lu is fine this time, otherwise we would really be to blame!"

"Yes, yes! Mrs. Lu is an auspicious person, and she has her own destiny!"


Lu Tingxiao never explained that Ning Xi was his wife.

In this matter, there is still a big difference between a wife and a lover. It is obviously too unreasonable for any woman to send out military forces from Country X. That's why he directly said that Ning Xi was his wife.

It is also impossible for these people to really check whether he is married or not.

Although Lu Tingxiao was already familiar with these scenes, but at the moment it was obviously not distracting.

The heart is on the person who has not yet woken up.

I don't know if she will be scared when she wakes up and finds herself in a strange place, or if she suddenly feels uncomfortable...

While the dinner table was still having fun, Lu Tingxiao tilted his head with one hand, and held a wine glass in the other, tapping the surface of the glass rhythmically with his knuckles.

This gesture is obviously beginning to be impatient.

Looking at the time, he was ready to say goodbye.

Just when he was about to get up, a person suddenly ran in from the banquet hall...

Strictly speaking, one person jumped in.

I saw Ning Xi standing there on one foot, wearing a loose and warm white velvet pajamas, her long hair was messily scattered on her shoulders, her forehead was covered with bead-sized beads of sweat, and her face was full of horror, as if she was going through something terrible...

It wasn't until she looked across the long dining table and saw the man holding a wine glass at the end that she finally settled down a bit.

She had a dream. She had a terrible nightmare. She dreamed that Lu Tingxiao died under gunfire trying to save her...


After seeing Lu Tingxiao sitting there in good order, Ning Xi finally felt at ease, but at the same time, she finally had other people in her eyes.

This table is well-dressed... the royal family and nobles who are not ordinary at first glance...

Ning Xi's bewildered mind suddenly became clear, and the word "BOSS" that he almost blurted out suddenly changed to: "Husband..."

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