Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 665 The grace of saving life, promise with your body~

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The other end of the phone was silent for at least ten seconds.

In the end, Ning Xi couldn't wait any longer, "Hello...Hello? Jiang Muye! Jiang Jinmao! Are you still there? Damn! What a broken signal! Drop me at a critical moment! Hey, hey, hey?"

Ning Xi was in a hurry, and was about to hang up and redial when Jiang Muye's voice came from the other end of the phone, "I... am..."

"Ah! You're still here! Hurry up! Teach me!" Ning Xi urged.

"Fuck me... teach you, uncle! I have never confessed to a man before, so how do I know how to confess to a man!" Jiang Muye said angrily.

"Who said you didn't? When I was in school, I heard that you confessed to a handsome junior in the lower grade, and he even agreed!" Ning Xi retorted forcefully.

"Ning Xiaoxi! I call you uncle! I was just joking!"

no no no no more...

He felt like he was going to be pissed off!

Jiang Muye took a deep breath and cursed, "You still come to me for confessing to a man? Just ask yourself! Who else has more experience than you!"

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows, "That's not what you said... Those scumbags in front of me are too easy, they don't need to confess this step at all, okay? Even Su Yan...he took the initiative! This is my first time! I really don't know how to do it!"

Jiang Muye couldn't refute these words. When she told him back then...she really didn't confess her love! Oh shit! After a date, he realized that he hadn't gained anything, only being abused! And has been abused to this day!

"Wait, I haven't asked you yet. Who is the man you mentioned just now? Whose boy are you planning to harm again?" Jiang Muye asked vigilantly.

"Your uncle."


Jiang Muye felt that he could no longer keep up with her rhythm...

"Why did you change your mind again?????"

"What's so strange about this, your uncle saved me this time, and I promise you with your body for saving my life!" Ning Xi said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Hearing these words, Jiang Muye couldn't describe his mood at all, and asked after a long silence, "Is it because of this?"

What if the person who went to save her back then...was him, not Lu Tingxiao? Will she also...

He actually gave up the opportunity just like that! Give it to Lu Tingxiao! ! !

Ning Xi: "Otherwise?"

This thought kept turning in Jiang Muye's mind. In the end, he couldn't help but ask, "What if I was the one who saved you at that time? You also want to give me your body?"

On the other end of the phone, Ning Xi replied without hesitation, "How is that possible! I'm not stupid!"

Jiang Muye: "........."

"Ning Xiaoxi! Go to hell! You fucking love to ask whoever you ask! Anyway, I don't know!"

"Hey, hey... why did you turn your face! Your uncle is here? Why are you so irritable?"

"Get out!"

"Please! Help me think about it! You are the only person around me who I can discuss with! How easy it is for me to be tempted!" Ning Xi said in a sad tone.

Jiang Muye gritted his teeth: "Do you dare to tell those ex-boyfriends?"

"Aren't you?"

"..." Jiang Muye didn't want to talk to her anymore, just wanted to send her away quickly, "Are you an idiot? My uncle already likes you, so what's the point? Just tell him what you want!"

"You are boring, how can it be the same! Of course I want to give my beloved a romantic and unforgettable experience! The step of confession is absolutely indispensable!"

"Bye!" Jiang Muye hung up the phone with a snap.

Your friend Golden Retriever has been seriously injured——


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