Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 765 Unexpected Harvest

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At the same time, Zeling Studio.

On the sofa, Ning Xi looked at the studio's monthly financial statement with a serious expression on her face.

Most of the 3 million funds have been spent, and the studio is still in a negative profit state.

Gong Shangze blamed himself all over his face, "I'm sorry boss, marketing... I'm really not very good at it..."

Although they won a heavyweight award with high gold content, the previous market has almost been completely captured by Histoty, not to mention that they are still secretly blocking their list.

Ning Xi naturally knew this too.

After all, for a clothing studio, not only design is enough, but development, design, production, and sales are all indispensable.

"Based on the situation of our studio, although the self-operated model of a specialty store has fewer intermediate links and high profits, it is too expensive and requires too much human resources, so it is obviously not suitable for us." Ning Xi mused.

Gong Shangze nodded, "Yes, the most suitable model for us now is the franchise and distribution model, and the most important prerequisite for this model is that our brand must have a convincing reputation!"

Otherwise, who would choose their brand to distribute and represent?

Previously, they had taken the most critical step to prove their strength.

What we have to do now is to show our strength and attract agents.

"So, what we need most now is a sufficiently important figure to advertise our brand... Hey, it's a pity that my reputation is too low now, otherwise I will save a lot of advertising costs~ Shang Ze, do you have a suitable candidate?" Ning Xi asked with a sigh, holding her chin.

For example, how did ancient clothing become popular? A favorite concubine in the palace, or even the empress, what kind of clothes the empress dowager wears, amazes the surroundings at a certain state banquet, and then quickly becomes popular, from dignitaries to folks...

This is the celebrity effect.

Gong Shangze hesitantly said a name: "Qin Shengyue."

"Qin Shengyue..." Ning Xi murmured, and immediately knew who Gong Shangze was talking about.

One of the most influential celebrities in Imperial City, she has multiple identities such as model, well-known blogger, publisher and clothing retailer. She has her own column in the most authoritative fashion magazine "FA" in country M. Her name is well known in the fashion circle, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a fashion vane.

If you can get her favor and let her wear Zeling's clothes in this fashion week...the effect will definitely be better than any celebrity actress.

The most important thing is that Zeling is a high-end brand, and the starting point must be strong enough at the beginning. If the brand just started, the audience is all those little stars or even Internet celebrities, then it will be difficult to improve the grade in the future.

This step is very important.

"It's just that we can think of it, and others can naturally think of it. There must be a lot of people looking for her this time. I tried to contact her before, and I went to her company in person, but I couldn't even meet her face to face..." Gong Shangze looked helpless.

"Don't worry, just concentrate on your design, and I'll think of a way. If it really doesn't work, if Qin Shengyue's path doesn't work, then I'll think of another way~"

After leaving Zeling's studio, Ning Xi drove the car and planned to go to the company to find someone.

There were indeed a lot of people waiting to see Qin Shengyue. Ning Xi waited from evening until late at night, and the people waiting around all left impatiently one after another. In the end, she was the only one left, and she still didn't see Qin Shengyue.

Originally, she was just trying her luck without giving up, and it was expected that she would not see anyone, so Ning Xi was going to go straight home.

In the parking lot, after getting into the car, she was just about to start the engine, but unexpectedly, she had an unexpected harvest...

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