Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 796 Can't Survive This Winter

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"What are you doing here?" Ning Yaohua put on a straight face when he saw Ning Xi, obviously he was afraid that she would do something bad at this critical moment.

"Sister, you're here. Come see grandpa. You don't usually come back. Grandpa misses you very much. You must be the person he wants to see the most!" Ning Xueluo said while crying.

What this says...

The implication is nothing more than that she usually does not see people, and she came here only when people were dying.

"What are you looking at? Why are you pretending to be filial at this time?" Zhuang Lingyu said angrily.

Ning Xi was so focused on the old man that she didn't bother to talk to these people, lying on the transparent glass of the ICU ward, she quietly looked at the old man in the ward.

She knew that Mama Wu was right, and it was her who worried Grandpa the most...

Ning Tianxin walked over, patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, and her face was full of guilt.

"How is grandpa?" Ning Xi asked.

Ning Tianxin looked sad, "It has stabilized for the time being, but the doctor said... Grandpa's health is not optimistic... I'm afraid... he won't be able to survive this winter..."

"Xiao Xi, don't be too sad, at this age, there will always be such a day..." On the side, Su Yan comforted, and handed over a tissue.

Hearing Su Yan's words, Ning Xi felt uncomfortable.

Grandpa isn't dead yet, so he said it as if grandpa was bound to die this time.

At this time, in the ward, Mr. Ning suddenly opened his eyes slowly, looked at Ning Xi outside the window, and seemed to be struggling to speak...

The little nurse took off the respirator, listened to the old man for a while, then opened the door and came out, asking, "The patient said he wanted to see a lady named Xiao Xi, who are you?"

For a moment, everyone looked at Ning Xi with complicated eyes.

"I am!" Ning Xi said hastily.

"Come in with me, but the patient is still very weak, so don't talk to him for too long." The nurse urged.

"ok, I know, thank you!"

Seeing Ning Xi go in like this, Ning Xueluo was full of jealousy, this old man, she flattered him so much, he probably didn't even have a hair on Ning Xi in his heart...

Of course, all that appeared on her face was dejection and loss.

Seeing this, Su Yan comforted, "Xiao Xi is not at home all year round, so the old man will inevitably miss her more."

Ning Xueluo nodded reluctantly, "I understand..."

Ning Yaohua couldn't care about Ning Xueluo at the moment, he was full of thoughts about what the old man called Ning Xi in, but unfortunately the sound insulation in the ward was so good that he couldn't hear anything outside.

In the ward, Ning Xi quickly grabbed the old man's hand, "Grandpa..."

The old man looked at her tremblingly, "Come on..."

Seeing the old man's weak and haggard face, Ning Xi's heart twitched, "Grandpa, I'm sorry..."

"Silly boy, please say what I'm sorry." The old man stroked her hair and took a few breaths. He was afraid that he would be exhausted, so he said directly to her, "Xiao Xi, grandpa has always hoped to wait until the day you take over the company. In this way, while grandpa is still there, he can clear the obstacles for you and secure your position, but now... grandpa may not have time...

Grandpa knows that you have your own career and life now... You are angry and don't want to come back... That's all... Grandpa won't force you...

In the will, Grandpa left you 10% of the shares, which is enough for you to live comfortably for the rest of your life... I dare not give you too much... because... a man is innocent, but a pregnant woman is guilty... it will bring you trouble..."

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