Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 805 What's going on?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Chang Li and the little assistant on the side were obviously used to Ning Xueluo's low pressure and increasingly bad temper these days, and they all tried not to speak to reduce their sense of presence, so as not to be affected by Chi Yu.

"Xiao Ling, how is grandpa doing these past few days?" Ning Xueluo asked the maid at home.

"Miss, the master has been in good health these days, and he invited Mr. Xi and the others to go fishing this morning, and he came back in the evening, and he looks in good spirits..."

"How about the thing I asked you to check?"

"I've already checked. During the days when the master was in the hospital, apart from the family members and several shareholders of the company, no suspicious people went there."

"What about Ning Xi?"

"The little nurse said that she had been there a few times, but she just looked at the old man and chatted with him. She didn't do anything special."

"Okay, I get it!"

After finishing the phone call, Ning Xueluo hung up the phone, her expression even worse.

What exactly is going on?

The old man clearly saw that he was going to die the day before, why did he suddenly get better, and his spirit became better and better, and he even went to the company to hold a shareholder meeting yesterday.

Those shareholders who thought that the old man was about to die and were ready to turn to Ning Yaohua, saw that the old man was in good health, and they all gave up their thoughts and stood still.

After all, although Ning Yaohua is mainly managing the company now, the real power and shares are still in the hands of the old man!

Not only was the situation at home in a mess, but History had frequent problems since the Golden Top Award. After the fashion week, Zeling snatched more than a dozen big orders in a row. Although these orders were just a drop in the bucket for them, it would definitely not be a good sign if they continued to let Zeling continue to grow.

However, as a top priority, she still has to do the most important thing right now.

The huge network resources obtained through the entertainment industry are her top priority, and she must not lose this position.

"What's going on with Ning Xi recently? What kind of films have you received?" Ning Xueluo asked with a vigilant expression.

"She just made a second female lead, what a great resource she has. It is said that she fell in love with the heroine of a drama, but was cut off by Liang Biqin. Don't worry, as long as Su Yimo is around, she will not have a very easy time in the prosperous age." Chang Li said.

Ning Xueluo calmed down a little, "Recently, I've been helping me get more literary films with a positive image. As long as the director has won an award, the salary doesn't matter!"

When Chang Li heard it, she immediately understood what she meant. Although literary films were unpopular and had a low box office, they were easy to win prizes. In the past, Ning Xueluo definitely would have disdained to accept them.

However, Ning Xueluo's current popularity is enough, what is lacking is a heavyweight award.

It is not enough just to have a "World" with an unknown future...

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, there are too many little flowers in the same period, and they all try their best to take a step forward and turn to strength. The next Golden Palm Award will definitely be fiercely competitive...

"Understood, I will try my best to pick it up for you." Chang Li replied, but in fact she was suffering.

Because Ning Xueluo was too eager for quick success before, and acted in too many bad commercial movies and TV dramas with poor box office reputation. The popularity of the country is quite high, but the overall compulsion has been lowered. Those directors who really want to win awards, even if they are looking for unknown newcomers, are not willing to find Ning Xueluo and the like...

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