Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 825 Feeling in Love

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The lyrics of this song are so ambiguous that Ning Xi couldn't let go at first, but in the end, probably because of the effect of alcohol, coupled with Lu Tingxiao's familiar and reassuring atmosphere, she relaxed unconsciously.

What is even more shocking is that the cooperation between these two people is too tacit!

The two actually didn't have any interaction, they just sang, and they didn't even make eye contact. However, whether it was when the two sang, or the feeling and aura between them, it was simply... as if they were really a couple in love!

That natural tacit understanding, that sweetness and lingering, is so strong that it can't be melted away.

Lu Tingxiao is obviously such a proud and lonely person, but at this moment, it seems that he has descended from the sky to the world of mortals in an instant...

Lu Tingxiao \u0026amp; Ning Xi: "Come and hug me, kiss me from the tip of my toes, your soul will fall inch by inch towards the flood..."

Lu Tingxiao: "Love is eating away at me"

Ning Xi: "Like the earth and the sky."

Lu Tingxiao: "Regardless of the consequences"

Ning Xi: "This is caused by greed..."


Finally, a song was sung.

Only then did everyone finally recover from this charming singing.

Lu Jingli was the first to applaud, "Master finally heard you sing back!"

Even though he already knew that his brother's voice was so sexy when he sang, but this time he was still amazed...

Jiang Muye had just recovered from the shock. It was the first time he had heard Lu Tingxiao sing, and he never thought that with his personality, he would actually be willing to sing a love song with Ning Xi in front of everyone...

Everyone immediately applauded together, and praised and complimented, "My God! Mr. Lu! You sing really well! You still say no, how humble!"

"It's all-powerful! I feel like I'd better go home and farm, not in the entertainment industry!"

"Ning Xi also sings well. I didn't expect that beauty Ning is not only good at acting, she can also sing so well!"

"The two cooperate so well! I feel like I'm in love!"

"I feel that Mr. Lu has a special preference for our beauty Ning tonight~"


Listening to the compliments around her, word by word, Ning Xueluo felt as if she was being slapped hard on the face one by one.

Lu Tingxiao not only knew how to sing, but also sang so well.

He rejected her, but turned around and sang a love song with Ning Xi.

It was tantamount to putting her face on the ground and trampling on it!

Seeing his woman being slapped in the face in such a public way, Su Yan's face was naturally not very good, but there was nothing he could do about it. He just didn't want to sing with you, so could he force him?

Moreover, right now his mind was not on Ning Xueluo, his mind was full of the scene of Ning Xi singing with Lu Tingxiao just now.

Isn't the feeling between these two too unusual?

It's almost like a pair of lovers in love...

Chang Li on the side coughed in embarrassment and comforted her, "Xueluo, don't be sad, Shengshi Entertainment is a branch of the Lu Group, and Ning Xi is a member of Shengshi Entertainment, it is inevitable that Lu Tingxiao will protect her side in public..."

Ning Xueluo gave her a hard look. If she hadn't asked her to sing with the K of Spades first, would she be so ashamed now?

Incompetent bungler!

Ning Xueluo was on the verge of dying of anger at this moment, and she wanted to maintain her demeanor on the surface, but when she turned her head, she saw Su Yan staring blankly at Ning Xi's direction. Suddenly, the jealousy in her heart burned again, and she was so angry that she was about to explode...

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