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The melodious music sounded again, and the guests downstairs began to laugh and laugh...

Shen Hanchen walked down the stairs step by step with steady steps. His walking posture was specially trained, and he was paying more attention at the moment, and his performance was obviously better than last time.

After walking downstairs, Shen Hanchen took the wine glass from the waiter's hand, then turned slightly sideways with a natural expression, talking to Ning Xi beside him.

There are no lines in this passage, it only needs to show that the hero is talking to the heroine. As for what was said, it is up to the audience to guess.

And what the audience will guess depends on the actor's own performance...

This time, Ning Xi's eyebrows were raised, her eyes turned, and she glanced at Shen Hanchen with a smile that was not a smile. The light of the sky was captured in the smile on her lips, and the people next to her were dimmed in an instant...

There is no harm without comparison. Shen Hanchen's performance was good just now, but after Ning Xi's comparison, the hero who made them feel domineering and handsome just now always felt that his aura was too weak, and he even felt that he was too artificial, like a flower peacock with its tail open.

On the contrary, it was Ning Xi. She didn't want to attract anyone's attention at all, but she just kept everyone's eyes from her.

Not only that, but everyone has discovered that there is a kind of spark hidden in the heroine's wanton and flirtatious eyes, which is her deep-seated and unspeakable feelings for Si Xia...

This time, Ning Xi's performance was not only simply amazing, but also more layered, instantly bringing the audience into the play...

Two people, it's like a cloud and mud.

Needless to say, this time, it was still NG.

Even Shen Mian was a little surprised, her eyes were full of the expression of finding a treasure.

I thought that Ning Xi's performance just now was extremely amazing, but I didn't expect that she wasn't serious at all...

Shen Hanchen felt a strong palpitation, the great sense of oppression when facing an insurmountable mountain.

From the moment he chose this line of work, everyone told him that with his qualifications, he was born for the entertainment industry, and he would definitely be popular.

But at this moment, he knew what it meant to be born for the entertainment circle...

Looking at Shen Hanchen's appearance, Shen Mian was afraid that his mentality would be out of balance, so she walked over with the script and told him about the play again, "Hanchen, your performance has improved a lot just now, work harder to maintain this rhythm.

You have to know that Si Xia is the proud son of heaven. Not only does he have to be dazzling, but more importantly, he has the kind of arrogance that has been at the top of the powerful for a long time. If he is handsome, he is only a big star at best. Temperament and eyes are very important, you know?

You can pay attention to Ning Xi's performance, because the heroine has experienced a life-and-death experience, so there is a trace of detachment in her every gesture and even every look in her eyes, the grief of the death of a loved one, the unspeakable love for the people around her, the indifference of playing with the world, all are expressed in her eyes..."

"I see, thank you director." Shen Hanchen looked at the video in the camera, saw himself being rendered like a poor clown, and wanted to destroy the whole picture.

Shen Mian patted his shoulder, "I'll give you ten minutes to adjust."

After Shen Mian finished speaking, she walked towards Ning Xi who was surrounded by a group of girls.

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