Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 914: Another girl hooked up!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Zhuang Rongguang gritted his teeth with a dark face. His combat strength is actually not low. He was killed by Feng Ling just now because he was defenseless and didn't use his skills.

Therefore, Zhuang Rongguang decisively raised his long sword and slashed at it.

Feng Ling really didn't move and didn't fight back.

After three sword strikes, Feng Ling only had 10% blood left.

"You brat, I'll make you arrogant! Delete the game!" Zhuang Rongguang decisively continued.

However, in the next second, Feng Ling suddenly disappeared in place, and at the same time, Zhuang Rongguang lost a quarter of his health.

"Damn! Apparatus!"

"It's okay, it's okay, the glory continues! His skills are cooling down, this trick can only be used once, and he has no magic clothes, the damage is halved! Hurry up and kill him! One knife in the middle is enough!"


With just a trace of blood on his skin, Feng Ling kept flying the kite. His cool operations dazzled people, and finally killed the full-level divine outfit Orange Glory of Light almost without any suspense.

The whole world is full of screens:

[World:] [Worship God! ]

[World:] [Worship God! ]

[World:] [Worship God! ]



[World:] [Feng Ling] [Delete the game, otherwise, I will see you once and kill you once! ]

[World:] [Great God, what kind of grievances are there between you? ]

[World:] [That's it! How on earth did Gang Master Guang offend you? Not counting robbing your relatives, but killing him so that he can delete his account...]

[World:] [Wind Ling] [I don’t like seeing him]


Internet cafe.

Zhuang Rongguang looked at the four words written by Feng Lingfa on the screen, and kicked the chair behind him.

"Hey, Rong Guang, where are you going? Stop playing?"

"You spent so much money on this number, you really don't want it?"

"Get out, don't bother me! No one will ask me to play games in the future!"

Being tortured, killed and robbed women PK in front of the whole server, he lost all his pants, and he still has face games?

At the same time, Ning Xi's cell phone rang, and it was Zhuang Keer calling.

Ning Xi interrupted Jiang Muye, who was chattering on the headset and complaining to him that the water side was provoking him in a private chat, and connected the phone, "Hello, Keer?"

Hearing Ning Xi's sudden gentle voice, Jiang Muye on the other side of the computer fell silent and pricked up his ears.

"Hey, Xiao Xi, Rong Guang has already got off the plane and gone home!"

"That's good, you should go back quickly, don't come out alone so late next time, it's not safe."

"Yeah, I got it! But... what did you do? I seem to have heard Rong Guang say that he will never play games again... Before he played games, he was crazy, but he would say that he would never play again..."

"Oh, it's nothing. I also have an account in this game, and I happen to know your brother. I just went to my account to chat with him in private. As a friend, I persuaded him to study hard and stop wasting his studies for playing games. Talk to him as a player and friend, and he may be more able to listen."

"So that's the case! Xiao Xi, thank you so much..."

Ning Xi's headset was still on, and Jiang Muye was completely speechless when he heard Ning Xi open his eyes and talk nonsense.

After Ning Xi finished making the phone call, Jiang Muye immediately snorted, "Which girl did you hook up with again?"

"What kind of hookup? It's my new good friend. Her brother plays games all day long and doesn't come home. I just did a little favor!"

After such a big fuss, snatching a marriage, and forcing people to delete their account, it turned out to be to coax a girl. Fortunately, he was still fighting with that brain-dead woman named Zai Shui in the game. In the end, she was busy because of another woman?

"..." Jiang Muye said that he received 10,000 critical hits.

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