Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 921: A Completely Changed Person!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Jiang Muye's face was full of disdain, "Would you like to have me?"

"You?" Shen Mian suddenly showed a pained expression, "Don't you know that in the director circle, you are the No. 1 actor list that directors least want to work with? Be a bit self-aware, you bastard!"

"Damn! Why! Why don't you want to cooperate with me? My brother is so popular!" Jiang Muye was furious.

"If it weren't for your popularity, who would want to invite you! I won't say much about how difficult you are to serve. The key is your acting skills. It's like a roller coaster. It's ups and downs, unpredictable. It depends on the mood. Which director can stand you!"


Soon, the scene lighting camera is ready.

Shooting begins.

On the balcony covered with green plants, in the arc-shaped rattan hanging chair, Ji Feixue was sleeping peacefully.

The girl was wearing men's home clothes, with a book scattered in her hand, her soft short black hair was dancing with a warm halo in the sun, and her creamy and delicate skin could hardly see even a single pore under the camera, like the best suet jade.

The breeze blew, the pages of the book turned, and there was a slight rattling sound...

The world is stable and the years are quiet.

After everyone saw this scene, this sentence couldn't help appearing in their minds.

At this moment, with a "squeak", the balcony door was pushed open, and a tall figure walked in.

The moment Ke Mingyu appeared in the center of the screen, everyone present gasped involuntarily, including even Jiang Muye, who couldn't help but sit up slightly.

At this moment, Ke Mingyu was wearing a gray plaid suit with a white shirt and black tie inside, and was holding a pure white velvet blanket in his hand. His whole body was like the depths of a dense forest covered with white snow, revealing a sense of coolness and serenity...

He was obviously still the same person, but his whole temperament had undergone an earth-shaking change.

Just a moment ago he was a gloomy young man, but now he is "Moshang is like jade, and his son is unparalleled in the world".

This kind of astonishment has nothing to do with appearance, but temperament!

Anyone who knows a little bit knows that for an actor, temperament is the most difficult thing to control, which cannot be seen or touched.

Qi Fang was so startled that he stood up straight away, " could this be...why did this guy look like a completely different person when he was on the this really Ke Mingyu?"

Shen Hanchen continued to stare at the filming without taking his eyes off, Ji Yumeng also held his breath, and couldn't help muttering, "Is it my illusion? I feel that the way Ke Mingyu looks at seniors doesn't seem to be acting out..."

The filming of Ke Mingyu is still going on.

After Lin Yu walked to the balcony, he gently covered Ji Feixue's body with the blanket in his hand. When he looked at Ji Feixue, his temperament changed instantly, like the warm wind blowing in spring, the ice and snow melted, and thousands of flowers revived under his eyes...

After covering the blanket, Lin Yuben was about to get up and leave, but because he took one more look at Ji Feixue, he stopped the movement of leaving.

His hands were propped on the armrests on both sides, as if he had been bewitched by something huge, he couldn't control it, and he approached Ji Feixue little by little...

In those eyes that are gradually sinking, love, rationality, struggle... contain countless complex emotions, ups and downs, thrilling...

As he approached Ji Feixue, almost everyone at the scene was brought into Lin Yu's emotional world, and it was quiet.

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