Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 924 You Are Really Seducing Me

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Jiang Muye at the side listened to Shen Mian's words, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, looking at Ning Xi's expression, he was speechless.

In the corner, Qi Fang took out a bag of melon seeds out of nowhere, and watched a good show while eating melon seeds.

Ji Yumeng looked worried, a little worried for Ning Xi, but also very puzzled, how could Ning Xi be NG again in such a simple scene? This is not right...

Listening to Shen Mian's reminder, Ning Xi wiped her face, calmed down and said, "Director, I know, do it again, this time I can definitely do it!"

"Okay, let's do it again..." Shen Mian motioned for everyone to start again.

Under the sunlight, Ning Xi slowly opened her eyes.

"Are you awake?" Seeing that she was awake, the man raised his eyes and asked.

one second……

two seconds...

three seconds...

Ning Xi was stunned again, but fortunately, she reacted in time this time, and was about to continue speaking when the man saw her staring blankly at him, and suddenly the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and there was a slight smile in his deep eyes...

This is just great.

Because of this smile, Ning Xi was completely stunned again!

The third NG...

Ning Xi expressed that she was very tired...

Shen Mian coughed lightly, "Ning Xi, are you in a bad mood today? Let me give you ten minutes to rest!"

After speaking, he signaled the staff to take a rest first, and then left Ning Xi alone and let her adjust her state quietly.

Qi Fang sighed and shook his head, and said to Ji Yumeng beside him, "This is your senior idol, you see, this is her true level, and she recovered her true colors in just one day! Such a simple scene was NG three times in a row, and she couldn't even memorize the most basic lines! I thought she was capable, but it turned out she was just pretending!"

"Senior is just not in a good state today, why are you gloating, you should worry about yourself! You will have a kiss scene with Shen Hanchen later!" Ji Yumeng said unhappily.

As soon as the words fell, Qi Fang's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and Shen Hanchen's face was obviously very bad...

That's right, they did have a kiss scene today...

At this moment, Ning Xi was lying on the chair lovelessly.

Jiang Muye stood on the side condescendingly, with a look of contempt on his face, "Isn't it just that you act a little bit, look at your talent! Is your concentration so bad?"

Ning Xi was a little irritable, "You know what, standing up and talking without pain in the back, does that look a little bit like that? I really thought he was possessed by Lu Tingxiao! Especially when he smiled at me just now, did you notice? He was trying to seduce me into committing a crime!"

"When did he laugh? Are you hallucinating?" Jiang Muye was speechless.

Ning Xi said that she was very tired and didn't want to talk. She should be the only one who saw it from that angle just now...

"Is there really such a resemblance?" After all, Jiang Muye was from the perspective of a bystander, so he had no way of knowing how Ning Xi felt. However, judging by Ning Xi's reaction, he probably looked alike.

"It's not about his appearance, but about his feeling. Hey, I can't describe it to you... Do you think that Ke Mingyu was disguised by Lu Tingxiao?"

Jiang Muye's head was full of black lines, "Have you read too many martial arts novels? What kind of disguise can change people to that extent? Do you think there is such a thing as a human skin mask?"

Ning Xi murmured, "Who said there is no..."

Jiang Muye thought for a while, "Yes, but even the special effects team in Hollywood, M country, which has the highest level of disguise in the world, can't achieve this kind of effect, right? I took a closer look, and if it is really a disguise, there is absolutely no flaw..."

Ning Xi rubbed her chin, "Tsk, what are Hollywood special effects teams..."

The two chatted for a while, Ning Xi couldn't sit still, and suddenly stood up, "No!"

"Why are you going?"

"Explore the situation!" Ning Xi said, walking straight in Ke Mingyu's direction.

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