Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 929 So fucking exciting!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

This penetrating feeling is too familiar...

So much so that a flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Muye's mind, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced in Ke Mingyu's direction.

Then, I saw Ke Mingyu make a shocking move...

The man raised his hand and pinched the center of his brow...

It was his uncle's habitual little action when he suppressed his emotions. The same action, different people will definitely feel completely different, but Ke Mingyu is exactly the same as Lu Tingxiao, and! Now Ke Mingyu is not acting! ! !

Fuck! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Could it be that Ke Mingyu really belonged to his uncle Yirong?

Ning Xiaoxi's intuition is so sharp?

Jiang Muye was full of doubts, and was about to tell Ning Xi quickly, but at this moment, the other party seemed to notice his gaze, and the ordinary eyes suddenly became cold and wanton, and the eyes locked on him frighteningly.

That's a warning!

Jiang Muye's back stiffened immediately, and he was frozen in place on the spot. His instinct for survival made him immediately raise his hand to zip his mouth!

uncle! uncle! I did not see anything! I won't say anything! ! !

Time passed by every minute and every second... After a while, the man was probably sure that he would not talk too much, and the terrifying warning in his eyes receded like a tide, and he closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Jiang Muye was so frightened that his back was soaked in cold sweat...

Say yo!

Really follow Ning Xiaoxi, any miraculous things may happen!

It's so exciting!

At the same time, at the shooting scene, Ning Xi was happily chatting with Zhuang Keer, while the others were watching Ning Xi and Zhuang Keer's direction and whispering gossip... No one knew that Jiang Muye had just experienced a thrilling life after a catastrophe! ! !

"Damn it! Miss Zhuang actually came to look for that kid! You saw it! You said what about your senior! He's less moral than all of us combined! I'm so mad! Why does Miss Zhuang have such a good relationship with that guy? She must have been deceived by that guy's glib tongue!"

She is clearly a noble and glamorous Yujie, but it is simply unscientific for her to be such a soft girl in front of Ning Xi!

Ji Yumeng stared at those two, then kicked Qi Fang, "Shut up! Senior is a woman, okay?"

Qi Fang let out a heck, "Oh, oh, you still know it's a woman? It's a woman, why are you so angry and so jealous?"

"Shut up!" It was Ji Yumeng who answered him with another meal of Nine Yin White Bone Claws!

In the crew, Ning Xi was the gentlest girl to her, and had the closest relationship with her. She always felt that she was the most special. Now a noble woman who killed her by N streets suddenly appeared and was so close to Ning Xi. Could she be happy?

After Zhuang Ke'er arrived, Ning Xi immediately put other things aside and pulled her to sit down on a chair beside her.

"I'm sorry Xiao Xi, I was planning to come earlier, but I have to watch my brother..." Zhuang Ke'er looked helpless.

"How is your brother?" Ning Xi asked.

"I fell asleep as soon as I came back last night, and I have been staying at home today. It seems that I am not in a good mood, but it is much more peaceful." Zhuang Ke'er replied.

Because of the incident last time, grandpa was almost in danger of having a heart attack, her father lost control once again, and her mother was busy with work and was away all year round. Now she can only push everything away and look at her younger brother, and ask the servants to inform her of everything in the future, especially not to call grandpa, otherwise if something happens again, the consequences will be disastrous. She still has lingering fears when she thinks of what happened last time.

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