Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 934: Mysterious Message

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Boss, do you need me to arrange Xiong Zhijin's team? Or Shi Xiao?" Cheng Feng asked cautiously.

"No need."


Cheng Feng tried tremblingly for a long time, but in the end, the big boss only gave these two words and hung up the phone.

Is it because there are not many dangerous scenes in this drama?

No... With the character of the BOSS, even if there is only one dangerous scene, he will not take it lightly...

"Assistant Cheng, what's going on?"

"What does the boss say? Do you want me to go or Xiong Zhi?"

Seeing that Cheng Feng finished making the phone call, Xiong Zhi and Shi Xiao, who had been waiting beside him for a long time, rushed over to ask.

Cheng Feng glanced at the two of them, "There's no need to go, the boss has no intention of letting you go."

Hearing this, Xiong Zhi and Shi Xiao glanced at each other, and their expressions changed immediately.

"Assistant Cheng, are you sure?"


Cheng Feng was really speechless, "You two...Shi Xiao, when you were appointed by the BOSS early in the morning, you were the one who rejected you. Xiong Zhi, you left your post without notice and brought Miss Ning Xi into a dangerous situation... Do you think that with the BOSS personality, you might be used for a second time? You two just give up, don't think about it anymore, the BOSS probably sent other people to protect it!"

"How could it be! I have inquired specifically! No brothers were sent there at all!" Shi Xiao excitedly said.

"Could it be someone from Anbu? Have we been completely abandoned by the boss..." Xiong Zhi was a big man with a look of disappointment on his face.

Cheng Feng shook his head, "I have pointed out the way for you a long time ago and if you don't go by yourself, who can be blamed now? But don't worry, the matter is not that serious. The boss just didn't entrust you with too important tasks."

"It's not serious!!!" Shi Xiao shouted with red eyes.

At this moment, he was so regretful that his intestines were almost green!

In the past, he was the most valued subordinate of the BOSS. He was even entrusted with the task of protecting the boss's wife, but he was brutally ruined by his own arrogance...

Pearl River Royal View.

After returning home, Ning Xi was about to go to bed when her phone rang suddenly.

Picking up the phone casually and taking a look, the next second, his expression suddenly changed!

The sender is Tang Ye!

After returning from Dib, there was no news from there, so that she almost forgot about those things...

What does it mean that big brother sent her a message at this time?

Ning Xi felt that something was wrong.

The last time I sent a message was an S-level mission to propose marriage, it almost scared her half to death...

However, this kind of thing cannot be solved by escaping.

Ning Xi struggled for a long time with a solemn expression, and finally clicked on the message.

I saw a few words quietly lying on the phone: [No. 8 bar, see you in half an hour]

There is only one location, which is ridiculously simple. It is still Tang Ye's usual style, and there is no room for people to refuse.

Eldest brother asked her to meet at a bar at night?

Ning Xi stood up and paced back and forth in the room. After a while, she sent a message back: [What's the matter? ]

——[Speed ​​to]

Tang Ye only replied two words.

Nima! Can't you tell her what's going on first so that she can be mentally prepared not to be scared to death like last time?

Ning Xi angrily sent another message: [Tell me what happened first! ]

As a result, this time the phone interface directly displayed: Your message was not sent successfully.

"Damn!" She almost forgot that Tang Ye only granted her one permission, that is, she could only send him one text message a day.

Damn, I'm going to be so mad!

Ning Xi scratched her hair irritably, quickly tidied up and was about to go out. Before leaving, she went back and took the gun that Lu Tingxiao gave her earlier.

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