Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 936 Waiting for you to surf together~

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi finished the phone call as quickly as possible, then looked at Tang Ye devoutly, "Eldest this okay?"

Tang Ye picked up the red wine on the table and took a sip. Scarlet blood printed on his thin lips, and his eyes behind the white lenses were full of bloodthirsty breath like a beast.

Hey...Second senior brother...I'm sorry...

It's really the elder brother who is so fucking scary!

I don't know what the purpose of the senior brother's return to China this time is, but the purpose of catching the second senior brother is more important than the S-level mission.

After all, the second senior brother's move last time was indeed too cheap!

At this moment, Ning Xi didn't dare to talk to Tang Ye at all, because she knew Tang Ye's state was in extreme danger without even looking.

She leaned her neck and drank the large glass of beer on the table. Out of the corner of her eye, Ning Xi saw that Tang Ye didn't seem to notice her. The remnants of her conscience made her quietly take out her phone, thinking whether to send Tang Lang a dangerous signal...

As a result, as soon as he moved his finger here, Tang Ye seemed to have eyes in all directions, and his eyes shot over like a murder weapon.

Ning Xi shuddered, and hastily smiled obsequiously, "I... I'll send a text message to my second brother and tell him which booth we are in... in case he can't find it..."

Tang Ye stretched out his hand, motioning for her to hand over the phone to him.

Ning Xi immediately handed over the phone as if making a confession.

Then I saw that Tang Ye was sending Tang Lang a message on her mobile phone.

What did the big brother send?

Ning Xi leaned over curiously for a glance, and saw Tang Ye's vampire-like white finger that was almost bloodless, typing a line of words leisurely: [Seat C, Table 13, second senior brother, hurry up, I'm waiting for you to roam together~]

After sending, he threw the phone back to Ning Xi with no expression on his face.

Ning Xi: "..."

Seeing the elder brother imitate his own tone after sending that text message, she got goosebumps all over the floor.

How much does he want to abuse the second senior brother! ! !

As time passed by, Ning Xi felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, and his days felt like years, "Hey, um... since senior brother is going to deal with private matters with second senior brother, can I leave? I promise not to disclose the information! You know, I don't have the guts!"

"No." Tang Ye said without thinking.

"Why...why? It's useless for me to stay here?" Ning Xi wept.

"Kill the chicken to scare the monkey." Tang Ye said four words lightly with that cold face like a humanoid weapon.

"Uh..." Ning Xi stayed there, tears streaming down her face.

No need to ask, the second brother is the chicken, and she is the monkey.

Ning Xi was in despair when her phone lit up, and it was Tang Lang calling.

"Hello, little junior sister, where is table 13 in block C?" Tang Lang's cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone.

"'re here? Why so fast?" Ning Xi asked in surprise, while looking towards the door.

"Didn't you say there are many beautiful girls~ Of course it will be soon~~~" Tang Lang returned happily.

At that time, Ning Xi had already seen Tang Lang walking in from the door. This guy was obviously dressed up specially. He was dressed in a black slim leather jacket with the front of the skirt open, revealing a large area of ​​honey-colored skin. The skull and tail rings on his fingers had a silvery glint, and his naturally curly hair was caught behind his head, revealing his smooth and full forehead.

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