Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 941 Soft, fragrant and numb~

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After Ning Xi took a shower and changed into her pajamas, she lightly slept next to Xiao Bao.

I don't know since when...

Lu Tingxiao and Xiaobao seemed to be the source of her sense of security, and the proof that she was still alive.

Just seeing them gives her courage, drive, enthusiasm and a sense of stability.

Lu Tingxiao walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, tucked the quilt for both mother and son, then looked down at the girl, "Did something happen?"

Ning Xi sat up a little, leaned into Lu Tingxiao's arms, thought about it, and finally explained without hiding it from him, "Actually, I went to see someone tonight... I don't know if you still remember, my senior brother... It was the man wearing glasses who took me away in Philadelphia last time."

"Remember." Lu Tingxiao nodded slightly, the dark light in his eyes flashed away.

"Well, it's him. He suddenly asked me to meet at the bar tonight... But don't worry, he didn't make things difficult for me. It's just that the second senior brother used a tricky trick to defeat him last time. He fought with the second senior brother, and then he probably said something about the second senior brother leaving the school. In short, the senior senior brother didn't mean anything malicious to us, and even secretly helped and reminded us..." Ning Xi explained.

"Then what?"

"Then, I heard from the second senior brother that they seem to have been transferred to the country, including... including that person..." Ning Xi hesitated, and her face changed slightly.

Hearing the last three words, Lu Tingxiao subconsciously tightened his arms, and even lowered the air pressure around him instantly. After a long while, he said dryly, "So, what do you think?"

Inexplicably, Ning Xi felt a little chilly. She secretly glanced at Lu Tingxiao's gloomy face, not understanding why he was suddenly in a bad mood, "Ah? What do I think? To that person, or to this matter? Anyway, I find it quite annoying! I don't want to have anything to do with them or their affairs. I just want to live my life peacefully, act in my drama, earn my money, be with my loved ones, and my precious people! Good!"

Accompanied by Ning Xi's words, Lu Tingxiao's cold face gradually softened.

After all, it was the person she liked so much, after all, she had rejected him so many times for that person, what he was most worried about... was undoubtedly that his return would shake her heart...

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can force you to do what you don't want to do."

"Hmm! So I'm here to hug my thigh~~~"


In the early morning, the sun shines in through the window lattice, making the room warm.

On the small bed opposite the window, Xiaobao in the quilt woke up in a daze, his small body arched, and it was strange to feel the warmth around him, and it was soft and fragrant...


The little guy yawned delicately, then opened his eyes, and turned his head subconsciously. As a result, when he turned his head, he saw Aunt Xiao Xi lying beside him!


The little bun suddenly opened his eyes wide round, as if children saw a room full of candies and toys.

He doesn't like candy or toys, he likes Aunt Xiao Xi.

Xiao Baozi immediately got up from the bed, stared at Ma Ma who was sleeping soundly beside him without blinking, then he cautiously stretched out a soft finger, poked Ma Ma's face once, and then poked again.


very warm.


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