Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 943 It's almost scared to death by you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After finally filming the fight scene with Shen Hanchen, Ning Xi returned to her seat.

Just as she sat down, Ke Mingyu suddenly walked towards her.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Ke Mingyu looking for her, Ning Xi looked a little strange. This guy never came or actively communicated with anyone on the set.

In order to avoid being influenced by him again, she has been deliberately not paying attention to him today.

"Look for seniors to play against each other." Ke Mingyu said.

"Oh, okay..." For an extremely normal reason, Ning Xi didn't think about it, and picked up the script, "Let me see, our role today is..."

While Ning Xi was talking, there was a sudden chilly, slippery sensation on her wrist, which made her skin alert.

Turning her head subconsciously, she unexpectedly saw a small snake of various colors crawling onto her body at some point...

Before Ning Xi had time to react, Xiaotao caught a glimpse from the corner of her eye and let out a scream that nearly shattered her eardrums, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh—snake! How could there be a snake! Brother Xi, don't move! Don't move!"

"Ah! It's really a snake! It's so disgusting! It can't be poisonous!"

"What to do, what to do! Brother Xi, I'll find someone to help you!" Ji Yumeng was so anxious that the other girls almost fainted from fright.


Just as Ning Xi was about to speak, her wrist suddenly became empty. The next second, the snake was already in Ke Mingyu's hands.

Ke Mingyu pinched the snake's seven inches with his fingers, and he was about to pinch the snake to death with his bare hands.

Ning Xi who was next to her suddenly yelled, "Don't! Don't pinch it!"

Ke Mingyu looked over in puzzlement.

Ning Xi glared at him complainingly, then stretched out her hand, "Let go, give it to me!"

give her?

"Hurry up! You scared it to death, didn't you see it?" Ning Xi's tone became even more dissatisfied.

didn't see...

Seeing Ning Xi's complaining face, and seeing clearly that it was a non-venomous snake, Ke Mingyu obediently handed the snake over.

Ning Xi took the little green snake and stroked its smooth skin as if to comfort her, "This is a non-poisonous snake, it won't hurt people, and it's a vegetarian! It's so cute, how could you do such a poisonous thing!"

Ke Mingyu: "..." I originally wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, but why was I scolded by my wife...

Qi Fang and Shen Hanchen: "..." They screamed and cried as agreed, why didn't they follow the script...

"Xi...Brother Xi, stop playing! Be careful it bites you!" Xiao Tao was so frightened that her body was shaking.

"Don't worry, this kind of snake is good. If you bite it, it won't bite you! Would you like to touch it? I guess we woke up the hibernation, the little guy is still a little confused..."

"No no no no! No need!" Xiao Tao shook her head like a rattle.

In order to show her difference, and to make the male god look at her differently, Ji Yumeng boldly stepped forward, "I'll do it!"

At the beginning of Ji Yumeng, the other girls next to him saw that the snake was so docile in Ning Xi's hands, and they searched to make sure it was really a non-venomous snake, and they all joined together. A group of girls chattered lively and listened to Ning Xi's popular science how to distinguish between poisonous snakes and non-venomous snakes...

Qi Fang bit the pillow in his arms, tears streaming down his face, "This guy is neither a woman nor a man, just a monster! Oh! I'm so mad... But what happened to that kid Ke Mingyu! Why did you help that guy just now? Shouldn't we be in the united front? How could he turn his elbows away?"

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