Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 954 Fascinated by Little Bun

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"It's not a question of being cute or not! Brother Xi, wake up and listen to me. Stepmothers are not easy to be. There are countless bloody examples in front of you. Brother Xi, let me tell you, I know a beautiful sister who was young, beautiful and chic before she got married. After marrying a man with a child as a stepmother, I have worked so hard that I can no longer recognize her. There is also a beautiful sister who told me that she did nothing wrong after she married. It will frame her and break the relationship between her and her husband, and there is also a little sister..."

Annie pulled Ning Xi and said earnestly, she didn't know where this little girl knew so many sisters who were stepmothers, and it was not easy to find so many bloody examples...

Ning Xi looked helpless, but she didn't interrupt her, she just listened to her quietly.

At this time, there was a click behind him, the bathroom door was pushed open, and then a series of footsteps wearing slippers sounded.

Ning Xi and the eloquent Annie turned their heads back at the same time.

Then I saw a little bun walking out of the shower after changing into plush cartoon pajamas with pink cheeks and fluttering...


In the next second, Anne's scream almost broke through the roof.

Then I saw the girl rushing towards Xiaobao like a rocket like a thunderbolt, and hugged the little guy tightly in her arms, "Oh my god, my god! It's so cute! How can it be so cute! Brother Xi, how can you have such a cute child in your family! Ah! It's so cute! I've never seen such a cute little thing! It's even cuter than a furry animal!"

Seeing Annie's excited expression on the verge of fainting, Ning Xi pinched her brows helplessly.

Almost forgot one thing, Anne's favorite things are little furry animals and all things cute.

For her, cuteness is justice.

No wonder she was so excited when she saw the soft and cute little bun.

"Brother Xi, brother Xi! What family is he from! Why is he here?" Annie asked eagerly.

"He is Lu Tingxiao's son." Ning Xi replied.

Annie: "..."

As soon as the words fell, Annie stood there completely stupid, with a GAME. OVER expression on her face.

Taking advantage of Annie's daze, the little bun quickly broke free from the strange little sister's arms and threw himself into Ning Xi's arms.

Ning Xi picked up the little bun and introduced him softly, "Don't be afraid, little treasure, this is Mama's good friend! Your little aunt Annie~"

The little bun blinked, nodded, and then showed a suspicious look.

Why does Aunt Anne look so sad? Is it because Xiaobao pushed him away just now?

Ning Xi looked at Xiao Baozi's self-reproaching expression, and chuckled, "Well, maybe it's because you were a little sad when you pushed her away just now, otherwise, Xiao Bao will go hug Aunt Annie again?"

The little bun immediately nodded obediently.

Ning Xi put the little bun down, "Go."

Xiao Baozi glanced at Ma Ma, and then under Ma Ma's encouraging gaze, he walked up to Aunt Annie who was stunned across the way, opened his short hands, and gently hugged her.

Well, for the sake of being Ma Ma's good friend, I'll let you hug me again, don't be sad.

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