Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 956 A Completely Different Lu Tingxiao

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Annie immediately became angry when she heard that, "He..."

"This man's private life is too chaotic! He doesn't even know who his son's mother is..." Considering that Xiaobao is here, Annie deliberately lowered her voice and muttered to herself.

Ning Xi knew what she wanted to say, so she didn't care, "It's not what you think. In this matter, he is actually a victim too."

However, Annie listened very disapprovingly, thinking that Ning Xi must have been deceived by the other party...

It's a pity, how could such a cute little baby have such a terrible father?

It was really hard for her to imagine what kind of miserable life Little Baby and Brother Xi would live under Lu Tingxiao's brutal rule.

Ning Xi looked at Annie's worried little expression, and helplessly sighed, what was this girl thinking about?

She wondered if that guy had instilled some messy things in her, otherwise, why would Anne always have a worried expression that she was being abused?

The two were talking and chatting when the door of the study room opened behind them, and Lu Tingxiao was walking out of the study room.

Ning Xi turned her head when she heard the voice, "Lu Tingxiao, are you done with the matter? Did you bother you?"

who? who! Lu Tingxiao? !

Annie immediately looked in the direction of the study, and saw a tall and tall man wearing the same blue pajamas as Ning Xi, standing at the door of the study.

The man wore a pair of glasses on his face and held a coffee cup in his hand. He looked very relaxed, gentle and homely, but the way he stood at the door immediately seemed to be shooting a fashion blockbuster. Most importantly, the man did not have the slightest bit of cruelty and hostility in the legend.

It's like the most ordinary husband who comes home after get off work. He's not a monster, or just an ordinary man, except he's a little too handsome.

"Who is this?" Lu Tingxiao looked at Annie who was on the sofa.

Ning Xi walked over, took Lu Tingxiao's arm, pulled him over and introduced, "This is Annie, a good friend I met when I was in country M. Annie, this is my boyfriend, Lu Tingxiao."

"Hello." Lu Tingxiao nodded slightly. Although his attitude was not very enthusiastic, it was still very polite.

"You... Hello..." In Annie's impression, Lu Tingxiao had always been a cruel and heartless tyrant, even a monster, so for a while, he couldn't put the "human" and "Lu Tingxiao" together.

Lu Tingxiao glanced at his sleepy-eyed son, walked over and hugged the little guy up, "Xiaobao seems to be sleepy, I'll take him to sleep, you two talk."

Knowing that the two sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, they must have a lot to say, so Lu Tingxiao thoughtfully gave them their personal space.

The little bun seemed a little unhappy, resting his head on Lu Tingxiao's shoulder, he stretched out his little hand towards Ning Xi, not wanting to go to sleep.

Lu Tingxiao rubbed his son's head with his broad palm, "It's very late, don't be self-willed, your mother and Aunt Annie haven't seen each other for a long time, we need to talk for a while."

The little bun could only nod his head, yawned gracefully, and then lay on Papa's shoulder.

Your mother and Aunt Anne... such a natural sentence.

And the gentle and loving attitude towards his son.

Annie was almost stunned, she was not at all the same as the Lu Tingxiao she knew!

What is going wrong?

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