Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 986: On Dog Abuse! I only obey my brother Xiao!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

This time, there was also a young couple who met at a bachelor party last time and got married in a flash. The girl started to complain as soon as she reached the foot of the mountain, "My God! It's so high! Do I really have to hike up? I feel like I'm going to die of exhaustion halfway through the climb!"

"It's okay, I can't climb my husband's back!"

"My husband is the best~"


Listening to the conversation between the young couple, Lu Tingxiao subconsciously glanced at the person beside him, "Sleepy?"

Ning Xi curled her lips angrily, "It's not all your fault!"

Last night, Xiao Baozi was upset, causing her to coax her all night, and she had to get up early again this morning, without sleeping for a few hours.

Lu Tingxiao understood Ning Xi's words, but it didn't sound the same to other people's ears. Immediately, everyone's brains were wide open and they began to make up their minds.

Sure enough, it was a fight at the head of the bed and a fight at the end of the bed! Is this the rhythm of the night?

Seeing the girl yawning again and again, Lu Tingxiao walked up to her, then squatted down slightly, "Come here."

"Why?" Ning Xi was puzzled.

Lu Tingxiao: "Come up, continue to sleep."

"Really?" Ning Xi's eyes lit up immediately, and seeing the broad back made her even more sleepy, so she jumped on it as if she was afraid that he would regret it.

Lu Tingxiao adjusted his posture slightly, then started walking up with Ning Xi on his back.

The people on the side and the young couple who got married in a flash: "..."

"Hey! We're all married, but we still lost to them! Is there any reason!"

He planned for his wife to carry it when she was tired from climbing, but Lu Tingxiao had already carried it before he even started to climb!

"On dog abuse! I only obey my brother Xiao!"

"Hahahaha~ If you had told me before, I would not have believed that Lu Tingxiao would have such a side, but now he is almost numb!"


Before they knew it, everyone had already climbed half of the distance, and Ning Xi fell asleep on Lu Tingxiao's back.

Lu Tingxiao's footsteps were still steady with a person on his back, and there was nothing unusual on his face after crawling for so long.

The few people who were panting behind couldn't help sighing - Boss Lu's physical strength is really good...

Everyone chatted while climbing the mountain, and the atmosphere was quite pleasant, but the few girls who had a good relationship with Guan Ziyao, including Lu Xinyan, couldn't help but look down on them.

Panting, Lu Xinyan chased after Lu Tingxiao, and couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Brother, there is still a long way to go! How long is she going to sleep? Do you want to kill you!"

On the back, Ning Xi frowned slightly because of the noisy voice. Seeing this, Lu Tingxiao's expression suddenly turned cold when he saw Lu Xinyan, "Quiet."

Lu Xinyan was instantly pissed off!

Behind him, Guan Ziyao watched helplessly as Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi were still in love with each other, without the slightest estrangement, and the suspicion in her heart became more and more intense...

In the evening, a group of people finally reached the top of the mountain one after another.

After everyone had a short rest, they started busy setting up the tent. At this moment, Guan Ziyao couldn't bear it anymore and walked up to Lu Tingxiao, "Tingxiao, can I talk to you?"

Lu Tingxiao glanced at Ning Xi who was tinkering with the tent.

Ning Xi was concentrating on setting up the tent, so she waved her hand casually, signaling them to go talk directly.

Tsk, it's not easy for Guan Ziyao to hold back for so long...

Guan Ziyao saw Ning Xi's appearance of not caring and not seeing herself as a threat at all, and her heart was stabbed again. Lu Tingxiao knew about her adultery. Where did this woman get her confidence?

When the two of them got a little further away, Guan Ziyao looked at the man in front of her and asked eagerly, "Tingxiao, have you seen all the messages and photos I sent you last night?"

"En." Although Lu Tingxiao was talking to Guan Ziyao, his eyes fell on the girl who was setting up a tent not far away.

"You saw Ning Xi with that man?" Guan Ziyao confirmed with him again.

"I see." Lu Tingxiao's expression remained calm.

I saw... would this be the reaction?

Guan Ziyao took a deep breath, and asked one last time, "You...don't you have any ideas?"

Lu Tingxiao: "The filming was pretty good, thank you."

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