Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 995 Show me another fall!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi breathed a sigh of relief and explained briefly, "When I couldn't control my body, I tried my best to roll myself down. The bushes cushioned me and the cut surface of the cliff was not completely vertical, but had an arc of about 70 degrees, so I tried my best to slide down the cliff wall, but fortunately, I finally stepped on a protruding stone after sliding for a while.

It's a pity that the store is stuck in the cracks, and you can't hear the call, and the phone fell again, so I had to climb up by myself! I'm so exhausted, I really shouldn't be lazy and let Lu Tingxiao carry me on my back yesterday, the retribution came too fast..."

After hearing Ning Xi's words, everyone was even more speechless.

What the hell, when she fell off the cliff, she still managed to adjust the angle and posture of falling off the cliff?

It's even more perverted, okay?

Sure enough, he is not a normal person!

"Can't you just wait for us to rescue you? What if you fail to climb well and really fall?" Mo Lingtian asked anxiously.

Hearing this, Ning Xi didn't speak, but just glanced in Lu Xinyan's direction vaguely.

What if Lu Xinyan chose to hide from everyone after she fell?

It's not that she has a dark mind, but she has to consider such a possibility. After all, Lu Xinyan and her have always been at odds. At that time, if Lu Xinyan didn't tell, she didn't even know how she died.

In addition, she didn't know when the rock under her feet would fail, so she took the time to climb up by herself.

She would not put her life in other people's hands.

Lu Xinyan was so embarrassed by Ning Xi's eyes, her lips trembled, she couldn't say a word.

At that moment, because of panic and fear of the consequences, she really thought about not telling anyone, or saying that Ning Xi fell by herself...

"Okay, okay! Ask all you want to ask, you know what you should know, don't surround yourself here anymore, if Lu Tingxiao finds out, I'll die! I have to go back and change my clothes and destroy the corpse. Goodbye everyone..." Ning Xi scrambled to her feet.

Seeing that she didn't say a word about saving Lu Xinyan, and even tried to hide it from Lu Tingxiao, everyone looked at each other in amazement...

"Hey, wait, Miss Ning, don't move around! I don't know if you are injured, you should go to the hospital for an examination!"

"That's it! Just in case, definitely check!"

"Besides, it's not good to hide such a big matter from Brother Xiao, right?"


Just when everyone stopped Ning Xi and you tried to persuade her, a man's cold voice came from behind, "What are you doing?"

Hearing this sound, Ning Xi's whole body trembled, and she was so anxious that she almost took off a piece of clothing from someone and put it on.

Reluctantly, Lu Tingxiao's eyes were like hawks, he had accurately spotted Ning Xi who was hiding from the crowd, and walked straight towards her, "What's going on?"

Ning Xi scratched her head, trying to stay calm, "I... fell..."

"You can fall like this after a fall? Show me another fall!" Lu Tingxiao's eyes scanned Ning Xi's dirty body like an X-ray, as well as the collapsed cliff not far behind her, including Lu Xinyan's guilty expression, which became increasingly ugly.

Fall again?

"This... this is not very good..."

The Great Demon King is so cruel!

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