Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints

Chapter 172 The death of the boulder beetle, self-explosion impact

After Wu Xiaoxiao's heresy ruling marked the boulder beetle, everyone's output instantly increased by 20%.

Besides that, she has other supporting miracles.

"Sword Power - Thorn Piercing the Rock!"

Wei Beihuang yelled loudly, and slammed towards the boulder beetle with a huge blow, and the straight sword's slender blade pierced the center of the boulder beetle's body.

The rock-piercing thorn has a relatively long cooling time, and it has an obvious forward-swaying movement. You must first put down the shield, hold the sword with both hands and scream at the sky before launching an attack.

When playing heads-up against a player opponent, there is little chance of a hit unless the opponent is pinned down.

But when the team fights BOSS, this skill is very useful.

As long as the cooling time is up, Wei Beihuang will use it.

"Knife dance form!"

Zhang Jiawei's figure suddenly became psychedelic, and the small shield in her left hand was replaced by a scimitar shining with silver light. The figure turned as if dancing, and the scimitar swirled and slashed at the boulder beetle in an instant.


A large piece of stone dust fell from the boulder beetle.

Zhang Jiawei looks even more beautiful in it.

She is worthy of being a machete girl.

"Skin peeling thorn!"

Mu Ying, the assassin, also knew to seize the time that the nanny gave BUFF to output.

Taking advantage of her own agility, the assassin jumped onto the boulder beetle's back, and vigorously used the rapier to stab the boulder beetle's stone skin.

"Ba ba ba..."

Large stones fell like rain.

Peeling Thorn can reduce the enemy's defense. This is also a skill specifically for PVE monsters, but it is useless when PVP is used to fight players.

Players don't have such a large piece of skin for you to peel.

A series of blows from these three powerful output players caused the boulder beetle to suffer unceasingly.

But the boulder beetle didn't divert even a little bit of hatred, because Zhao Ba's output alone was higher than that of the other three, and he firmly attracted the boulder beetle's eyes, and he couldn't leave one step away.

The boulder beetle was seriously injured, and its blood volume dropped rapidly.

Everyone felt that the dawn was approaching, and the boulder beetle was about to die.

"It's the first time to fight such a high-level boss, and it's so easy. Brother Ba, you are too good. I want to treat you to candy, the kind of candy that is so sweet!"

As soon as Zhang Jiawei found an opportunity, she would molest Zhao Ba.

Since Zhao Ba was hit by the boulder beetle for the first time, he hadn't been hit again. Even if he couldn't escape the boulder beetle's attack, his shield could still block the attack, thus reducing the damage.

He's not a full-flesh tank yet, he's just a half-flesh warrior, which is scary.

"I'm going to say that!" Zhao Ba said with a smile: "In the final stage, the boss may come up with a big move to suppress the bottom of the box, so be careful!"

When the blood volume drops to a certain level, the boss may go berserk and enter the second stage, and all attributes will increase, just like the struggle of a caged beast in the final stage of life.

In addition, it is also possible to magnify the move when the blood volume is the least, and escape.


At this moment, the boulder beetle raised its head to the sky and let out an angry cry.

He didn't expect that his natural rock elf would die in the hands of a few adventurers. He was unwilling to do so, and would drag a back for him even if he died!

Its black body suddenly grew larger, and a fiery temperature filled the air.

A discerning person will know what the BOOS is going to do at a glance.

"This guy is going to blow himself up, you stand behind me!"

Zhao Ba frowned, knowing that something was wrong.

This BOSS didn't die well, what a headache.

"Brother Ba, I'm so scared. Is this the price for making your girlfriend angry? Your girlfriend is so scary! It can actually make the boss explode!"

Zhang Jiawei said.

Wu Xiaoxiao asked curiously, "Does Brother Ba have a girlfriend?"

Wei Beihuang also picked up his shield for a second defense, and said at the same time: "Should we be more serious at this time?"

"Ah, let the storm come more violently!" Mu Ying was even more intimidated at this time, but standing behind the shields of the two warriors, she was fearless.


The boulder beetle let out a long howl, and its self-destruction that had been stored for a long time was finally completed, and the terrifying boulder exploded from its body, flying in all directions.

Zhao Ba holds the shield in both hands, which can greatly increase the resistance of the shield and allow the shield to reduce more damage.

However, the form of holding a shield with two hands is not conducive to combat, and Zhao Ba rarely uses it.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless terrifying boulders were shot at Zhao Ba's Hydra shield like shells, and they kept making terrifying impacts, which made Zhao Ba's hands ache.

However, he was already very strong, and he was holding a shield with both hands. The impact of those boulders only slightly reduced his blood volume, but did not break the shield.

When the enemy's attack falls on the shield, and the player's strength is not enough to hold the shield, the broken shield state will appear.

There are two types of broken shield states. One is that the defense cannot be maintained, and the shield is blown away, exposing weak points.

One is not only unable to maintain a defensive state, not only the shield is blown away, but the whole person is also blown away.

As the gravel was blocked, Zhao Ba survived the self-explosion attack without any risk.

Fortunately, there were few of them, as long as they stood behind him, they could escape. If there were too many people, there might be casualties.

[Game Tip: Your team completes the branch mission of the main mission two, kills the boulder beetle, the branch summoning crystal appears, and destroys the branch summoning crystal, which can reduce the difficulty of the main mission one. 】

At the place where the boulder beetle died and exploded, there was a large transparent summoning crystal emitting red light.

"Brother Ba, don't be in such a hurry, do you like this candy? It's a specialty of Jushu Town, give it a try..."

Zhang Jiawei got a lollipop from somewhere, but Zhao Ba was determined not to, walked all the way to the summoning crystal, and slashed at the center of the summoning crystal with the blood-drinking sword.


The summoning crystal shattered into countless pieces, and blood-red energy radiated out.

[Game Tip: The income of the Boulder Beetle BOSS is being settled, please confirm whether the income should be distributed equally, distributed according to contribution, or distributed uniformly? 】

Equal distribution of income will allow each player to get items and experience of almost the same value, which is suitable for the team of expert leveling.

Contribution allocation will be calculated by the system, and items will be allocated according to different contribution levels, which is suitable for teams with similar levels and strengths.

The unified distribution will announce the items, and the players will discuss and get what they need, which is suitable for large teams to use when fighting monsters.

Zhao Ba would not choose to distribute income according to his contribution. His contribution alone was so large that he might be able to snatch everything.

He doesn't need to do that for some rare equipment, he has no shortage of rare equipment now.

He also didn't choose to waste time on a unified allocation.

The experience given by the boulder beetle is not enough for him to upgrade. The experience of upgrading from LV.39 to LV.40 is astronomical. Unless he encounters a particularly large BOOS, or completes the task of monster siege, it will be difficult to upgrade.

[Game Tip: Evenly distributed income has been selected! 】

[Game Tip: You get Power Stone*53]

[Game Tip: You get the Stone Beetle Giant Shield (rare quality)]

[Game Tip: Your team gets the title "Spirit of the Stone" (rare quality)]

Sure enough, Zhao Ba's experience bar increased only a little bit visible to the naked eye, and a rare giant shield was also exploded this time.

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