Chapter 31

When Robin left the S.H.I.E.L.D. hospital and returned home, the smell of disinfectant made her feel too uncomfortable! “I must train a strong body in the future, and don’t go to the hospital in the future, it’s too difficult!”

With this belief, Robin needs strength even more! Therefore, in order to improve his strength through the power of science, Robin turned out a large number of invitations from the school from his home! Although he has no achievements in any academic field, and compared with those real geniuses, he has no superior intelligence, but it cannot stand his young age!

As a 10-year-old child, it is already rare for him to reach this level, so he was successfully named a child prodigy, so he was chased by many schools! Among them, there are some very well-known schools in the world, but Robin before did not pay too much attention to these!

You must know that his life in middle school is not pleasant, after all, no matter how mature, he is also a 10-year-old child, although there are many beautiful women in school, but none of them can see him, so if he is allowed to enter college life directly, then how can the girls in those famous schools look at him? ”

Robin in the previous life was 10 points envious of his beast roommates, changing girlfriends one by one is the same as changing clothes, and often goes out happy without going back to the dormitory in the middle of the night, but unfortunately Robin at that time had neither money nor good looks, and had no special skills, so in the four years of college, in addition to playing games, he did not do other entertainment projects!

It is precisely because of this that after crossing into the Marvel world, he has such a strong grudge, but unfortunately it backfired, in order to contact more girls in the future, he must improve his strength, and it is precisely because of this that going to college now has become a very necessary thing!

And when he began to flip through the invitations sent to her by the major famous schools, one of them, signed as the invitation letter of Columbia University, really attracted his attention, not to say how attractive this school is, after all, Robin has never known much about the university situation in the United States in his two lives, and almost all of his cognition is 0. It’s just that the name of the person who signed it is very familiar to him! That’s Reed Richards!

Maybe when saying this name, most people will feel very strange, after all, a foreigner’s name, what is there to remember? But if you say his nickname, then you will suddenly realize, it is Mr. Fantastic! This leader in the Marvel universe, another superhero organization: Fantastic Four!

He has graduated from California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Columbia University, Imperial State University and other world-class universities, and received doctorates in engineering, mathematics, physics and other fields. Because the inventions produced are very powerful, and some can even compete with the gods, they are known as the smartest people on earth. Due to the change of body structure after being irradiated by cosmic rays during a space mission, he gained the ability to change any shape of his body with will, becoming the superhero Mr. Fantastic and the leader of the Fantastic Four!

In Robin’s impression, this movie actually had a reboot and was remade in 2015, but now, in 2000, Mr. Fantastic at this time was able to issue invitations to students in college, so it is definitely not the work 15 years later!

As for why Mr. Fantastic picked Robin, it is probably because both of them are prodigies, of course, Robin’s prodigy is quite moisture!

After seeing his name, although he had already determined the information of this person in his heart, he still turned on the computer for the sake of safety, logged in to the other party’s website to inquire, and after seeing the familiar face, he immediately decided to come down: “Then here, if you mix with Mr. Fantastic, this is 10 points promising!” “After all, as an extremely intelligent existence in the Marvel world, and very proficient in the knowledge of the School of Physics, if you have the opportunity to learn from him, it is still very helpful for Robin’s growth!” Besides, learning with Mr. Fantastic in it will definitely not be bad, right?

Of course, there is another important reason is that if you can learn from him, then you will definitely see it in the future, Jessica Alba, oh no, it should be called the invisible woman Susan, this is also a goddess-level existence, but unfortunately, even after seeing it, Robin does not dare to do anything out of the ordinary! After all, these two are a couple in the future!

If it were someone else, even if Robin knew that the two would get married in the future, but now he was fancy, he might snatch it, but only this pair can’t, no way, who let these two have such a great son! “I bet if I dare to do anything out of the ordinary, that kid will probably cross over from the future and hack me to death right away!”

(End of this chapter).

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