Chapter 55 All Assassinated (part 5 of 5).

Today’s fifth change, ask for flowers and ask for a monthly pass, what a da!

As soon as everything was dealt with, Robin returned to his daily life, which was just a journey from school to home, but he added a new section in the middle, that is, training with the Blade Warrior! It seems that this guy seems to have gained a lot of benefits there, his spirit is much higher than before, and his physical fitness is also stronger than before!

Perhaps because of this, he was in a much better mood when he faced Robin, “Boy, although I don’t know how your ability came from, but if you want to learn something from me, you must be mentally prepared, it’s definitely not so easy!” ”

For the words of the blade warrior, Robin did not know whether he could do anything, he had already prepared anything in his heart, so he was not afraid of what the other party said: “Don’t start quickly, don’t grind like a!” ”

From this day on, the two of them plunged into practice! The Blade Warrior shared all his combat experience little by little, whether it was real hand-to-hand combat skills or the use of hot and cold weapons such as swords and guns, all of which were taught to Robin!

At the same time, it is also in this process that the blade warrior transmits out of the skill little by little, and the horror in his heart becomes more and more! “How can there be such a monster!” No wonder, the other party will be so shocked, it is really Robin’s learning ability, too powerful, only need the blade warrior to explain once, or rehearse once, then it can be recorded by him! After passing a few drills, I was able to successfully perform it!

Even if the opponent’s strength and speed are indeed too weak in the eyes of the blade warrior, but considering that the other party is only 12 years old and has special superpowers, this is already very remarkable: “If your physical fitness is strong enough, it is estimated that you will be able to catch up with me now, right?” After facing Robin’s strong talent, even a pretentious person like the Blade Warrior couldn’t help but sigh from the bottom of her heart, and at the same time, she was more relaxed in teaching this matter! Who made this person who studied a genius?

In this way, the time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it had reached his half-year deadline, and he didn’t say anything like goodbye, when Robin came to the warehouse at night, the blade warrior disappeared directly, and did not appear in front of Robin again, like him, a pure man who loves to pretend to be 13, although he is full of pressure, it is impossible to come to any sensational farewell scene.

Seeing this scene, Robin is also happy and relaxed, saying goodbye to this kind of thing is what he is least good at, and the other party automatically disappears, which is also a good thing for him! “It’s good to go, but this time is indeed 10 points thank you!” Helped me boost so much power. Taking one last look at the already familiar warehouse, Robin also silently opened the door and quietly disappeared into the night!

Still in the corner of this warehouse, in the shadows, a dark figure just smiled silently, and then also left here “Smelly boy…”

As soon as he finished training, Robin immediately plunged into the real practice, and the target he began to look for was naturally the vampires who were active in the shadows, and since their king was gone, all the forces have fallen into a situation of fighting for each other! At the same time, the mutant vampire cultivated by the vampire king was also hunting them, so the scene was very chaotic!

Now add Robin, a freshly baked vampire hunter, and suddenly the entire underground world of New York becomes lively! Of course, these guys can only become the object of Robin’s practice, and they can’t provide him with any threat, so even if there are more of them, that’s it! But his unintentional goal is to make the whole of New York City safer!

Today, as usual, Robin ended the day’s study and work, returned home, turned on the TV, and tuned to the news channel, which is what he must do every day, because in an era when the network is not yet developed, only in this way can you quickly understand the information of the outside world, but today, it seems to be a special day, because a message was broadcast on the TV news, which surprised him by 10 points!

“Today the president was attacked by a mutant, and Parliament is working on whether to restart the mutant registration bill…”

“I didn’t expect that after just going through a period of time, there will be a new story, and these mutants have finally begun to lively, but they are getting closer and closer to their doom, and frequent activities will eventually attract the attention of ordinary people…”

(End of this chapter).

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