Chapter 62 Edman’s alloy in hand (part 2 of 5).

When Wolverine and Death Girl, two mutants with almost the same ability, fell into the process of fighting, Robin, who was hiding on the side and quietly watching the battle, gradually lost interest, after all, the way the two people fought was too simple and rude, and there was no beauty, and there was no skill worth letting Robin learn, after all, Robin could not heal quickly.

Therefore, in order to be able to quickly get what he wanted and leave this place of right and wrong, he immediately launched an attack on the two people on the scene!

To be honest, his ability is absolutely restrained for the two people in front of him, so when he silently walked to the scene, neither of them had the ability to turn their heads to see who had sneaked up on them, and even because they were facing the ground, the two of them could only make a whining sound and could not express their dissatisfaction from their mouths!

Robin was also happy about this, and directly shifted his gaze to the furnace where the Edman alloy was stored, “Such a large metal furnace is not because of its ability to control the magnetic field, maybe it is a problem to take it away,” after all, it is estimated that this thing must weigh a few tons, right?

“Haha, this time I got rich, with such a big pool of things, although it doesn’t seem to be useful now, but in the future, it can definitely become a big help to improve my combat effectiveness!” And it would be better if you were getting some sound-absorbing steel in the future! After shouting excitedly in his heart, Robin connected all the lines of this thing to his electrical equipment, looking at the working indicator lights and the still boiling Edman metal. Robin was completely relieved at this moment

Immediately, he used his ability to pull the pool out of the ground, and then manipulated him to float and follow his movements, leaving here in the direction that Stryker had just left! It’s just that before he set off, he remembered a big problem, that is, the Wolverine and the Death Woman in front of him are still there! Although he can control the actions of the two here, if he leaves a little farther away, then there is no way! After all, Robin’s control range is not very large at present!

So when he leaves, the two will definitely pursue him, the initiator, and although they are not afraid of them at that time, will their traces be exposed?

“Oh, hey, it’s really a hundred secrets, how did you make such a big mistake and forget about this!” Because he was too excited before, Robin omitted this detail when he acted, and in desperation, he can only think about how to finish now!

But when he was looking at 4 weeks, he suddenly found that there were all kinds of wires all over the ground, obviously there were no obsessive-compulsive patients among the electricians on Trik’s side, so when the lines were connected, it was very chaotic and dazzling! When Robin was getting it just now, he was a little upset, God knows what the hell he picked up! But at this time, these things that are entangled like noodles give Robin the greatest inspiration!

“Yes, although I can’t control them all the time, I can tie them up, and by the time someone comes to rescue them, I guess I’ll have already slipped away!” So Robin immediately thought of doing it, and the wires rich in metal substances of the manipulator directly tied the hands and feet of the two people, and suspended the two in the air in a large gesture and hung them here! In this way, even if their claws are sharp, they will not work.

“Who the hell are you? Why is it here? Why tie me up! ”

“What the hell are you a bastard? Hurry up and put me down, or I’ll hack you to death!” ”

Ignoring the words of the two, Robin directly smiled and manipulated the large basin of Edman alloy again, and then quickly walked towards the gate, he now has to quickly leave the range of the dam, otherwise once this place is damaged and destroyed, it is actually a huge threat to him!

Soon he fled to the exit, on the way he also encountered the moment he just left, this big fat man’s physical strength seems not very good, stop-and-go and let Robin catch up, seeing this scene Robin immediately casually controlled an iron rod, knocked him unconscious, and threw him aside: “I hope you wake up later, Wolverine, they are not out of the bonds…” After taking a look at this villain who fell into a coma and made a lot of things in the movie, Robin left the place on his own and continued to walk!

Soon we reached the exit, where a helicopter was docked, apparently Stryker wanted to get out of here just now! This time it was completely cheap Robin, pointed the gun he picked up on the road before, pointed it at the head of the opposing pilot, and under the threat of life, he launched a plane for convenience and drove Robin out of here, as for what will happen to the next battle of the people inside the dam? That’s not what Robin has to think about next!

(End of this chapter).

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