Me and countless me

Chapter 214: A Story of a Fairy’s Journey

“It’s okay to say that, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide which way to go.”

Yang Jian chuckled lightly. He didn't really care about this matter. He just looked at Chang'an in the distance and couldn't help but shake his head.

"It should be noted that magical powers are not as good as those of the gods. Sometimes, it is not our personal thoughts that change the general trend. Just like the heavens, the gods who thought some of the measures of King Zhou of Shang were better before are now still thinking that the Zhou Dynasty is the best. , isn’t it also a lot?”

Yang Jian's words made Nezha roll his eyes, because what Yang Jian said was nonsense.

For some gods, the Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty were just two or three years ago. After living in Tianwaitian for a long time, they naturally knew nothing about the outside world.

There are still many gods dressed in the Xia Dynasty or even further dynasties, with a rope on their head and simple linen clothes and straw sandals on their bodies.

And he opened his mouth and said:

‘I think Dayu’s policies are very good. ’.

‘You people just haven’t experienced hardship. ’,.

‘The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors will definitely be angry to death after seeing you. ’.

‘Why do people nowadays think that I don’t want to teach you anymore? Didn’t I just make him kneel for three days? Mortals nowadays are so impatient...'.

"When I was chatting and laughing with Huangdi..." and the like.

Moreover, these gods like to use magic powers on these simple clothes, and they are not easy to replace.

This was naturally okay in the era when they were born, but it is different now.

So, Yang Jian spoke helplessly.

"Yes, gods also have to keep pace with the times."

His tone was also full of helplessness.

One day in the sky and one year on the earth. In order to avoid the mixing of immortals and mortals, the conflict between immortals will lead to huge disasters in the human world. It is also because the Great Heavenly Lord needs to manage more than just human beings.

Everything in the world and the movement of the stars need to be managed by the Great God.

Heaven itself is a huge stabilizing institution that helps stabilize the world. This is also a helpless thing.

However, those with great supernatural powers can travel in the spirit, so this matter is nothing.

But for some little gods, or those who go to the outer world for cultivation, they will unknowingly lose touch with the human world. These gods who are used to being aloof, even eat different things from people today. Some of them have never experienced hardship since they were young, and they even asked, "Why don't they become immortals if they live such a miserable life?" ’ things come out.

It can be said that the gods are in love and the three realms are restless.

"But sometimes, I also think about whether it would be better for us gods to interfere less in the affairs of the world. Unfortunately, there are many monsters and ghosts in this world after all."

While speaking, Nezha threw out the Qiankun Circle in his hand, directly hitting a group of monsters composed of vengeful souls a few kilometers away, and sent this ghost with only the desire to kill to the underworld to avoid a lot of people. procedures and reporting process.

Several Taoist priests who thought they were going to die were relieved and immediately began to pray and be grateful.

Nezha didn't care about the gratitude of the monks, but continued to hug his arms.

"I don't know how many more innocent ghosts and monsters will appear when weapons are restarted in this world."

There was melancholy in his tone.

When mortals went to war before, the whole world was almost destroyed because of the war between gods and gods, so the gods did not intervene. This directly led to the Qin and Han dynasties being filled with innocent ghosts and demons born as a result.

Not to mention anything else, the 400,000 wronged souls of Zhao State have not yet been resolved. The monarchs and princes during the Warring States Rebellion are also troublesome ghosts. The underworld is seriously short of manpower, so it is necessary to ask for their help from time to time.

In addition, at that time, people in various departments in Heaven were not very familiar with the business and were not very concerned about their responsibilities, so there were a lot of bad debts in both the underworld and Heaven.

Therefore, it is normal for the Great Heavenly Lord to take action this time, but the gods did not expect it to be on such a large scale.

"Well, yes, we are going to fight again... This time it will be dark again."

Yang Jian glanced at the sky. With his cultivation and situation, he knew the situation of the Han Dynasty very well. At Guanjiangkou with his help and supervision, his tribute was not enough.

He doesn't care about the tributes, and he doesn't care whether anyone gives tributes, but someone gives him tributes, burns incense for him, makes wishes and tells him his grievances, which means that although life is a bit harder, people can still survive.

But now I can hardly survive without his protection. Isn't this world and this court going to cause a big fuss?

Rubbing his temples, Yang Jian felt very tired.

If you live a long life as a god, you will naturally see more, so you will feel more and more tired.

"I don't know when hell will be purified, and all living beings will be free from suffering and disasters."

But Nezha shrugged.

"Isn't this what the trial reincarnation system is for? These people are really just looking for trouble."

Nezha's tone was quite dissatisfied, as if he had a spontaneous resentment towards Buddhism. Obviously, their family is basically pro-Buddhist by default in heaven, but at this moment, Nezha has no respect for Buddhism at all.

He even kicked a pagoda built by a child, causing the child to cry, forcing Nezha to use his limited money to buy some candy to comfort the child.

This was seen by the land god and the city god who came to them to report and record.

The city god and the land god were stunned, and after a while of silence, seeing that the child was still crying, the local land god silently picked up a scroll and began to record.

"On xx/xx/xx, the great god Nezha of the Three Altars and Sea Assembly who came to the world kicked the pagoda built by the child..."

Nezha was furious at the time.

"Hey! Don't record this too!"

If the Great Heavenly Venerable saw this, he would definitely be teased!

Nezha hurriedly held the child to explain, and the local city god and land god looked unbelievable, but the land god's pen did not stop.

So, this word rang in Yang Jian's ears.

"Well, great god, you also know that this is the new instruction of the Great Heavenly Venerable, and we are also doing things according to the rules."

"Hey! Old man, don't think I don't know that your boss was shot in the head by me with a gold brick!"

"Well, we are really doing things according to the rules. If you have any questions, you can go to my superiors with a formal letter, but if you want us to bend the law for personal gain... after all, this is the order of the Great Heavenly Venerable..."


Yang Jian looked at this scene and was a little silent. Like Nezha, he also had a subtle sense of Buddhism. Many gods in the heavenly court were like this. After all, many of them were former fellow disciples, and they were quite shameful in the past.

So even if the Buddha came up with a reincarnation system that was very beneficial to everyone and integrated it into it, so that mortals could escape the suffering of birth, aging, sickness and death, the operation and various operations of this system were full of obstacles, and many heavenly rules and regulations had to be changed.

Moreover, up to now, the disputes among the sects have not been completely resolved, which directly led to the invasion of Buddhism by them even though they were the native practitioners. Now everyone is very embarrassed.

The reincarnation system is very good, but the bad thing is that this thing is not made by people from the three religions, which is very...

So with the current system of the heavenly court, it will take at least one or two hundred years to be completely settled, and then it will be fully established, which will take more than five hundred years. And there must be a lot of problems in operation. Without a strong hand, no relationship with the four sects, and a person with great merit and great practice, it cannot be done.

Otherwise, just because there is a system for becoming a celestial being in the six reincarnations, the positions in this place will be fought over by people almost to the point of fighting.

And even if there is such a person willing to clean up this mess, the pile of bad debts in the underworld will be a big problem first.

After all, the underworld in the past was a place for the dead to live, not for reincarnation. Even if you don't go to the underworld, if someone worships you at home, you can still become a guardian deity.

Even now, many people can do this, which is also allowed by the rules of heaven, and how to integrate these systems into the reincarnation system is a problem.

Moreover, many people don't know that the previous Nuo opera and some of the methods of communicating with them have been iterated. After all, their ancestors went into seclusion, and who knows when they can come out, so these things must retain their original functions.

Just thinking about it, Yang Jian felt that his head was big, but these things had to be managed well, and then his uncle...

Looking at the sky, Yang Jian said nothing, because his uncle was completely letting the three realms develop on their own. If there was nothing big, he was just maintaining the stability of the three realms.

This is not bad, but Yang Jian seriously suspected that his uncle simply didn't want to toss around, and waited for people with enough virtue and ability in the lower world to solve this problem and really make the three realms work.

However, the power of the underworld is quite heavy. In your hands, it is basically equivalent to half of the emperor. It is not that Yang Jian doubts his uncle. Of course, it is not because of the previous grudges, nor because of the subtle relationship between him and his uncle. After all, he knows that his uncle has done a good job, but he was just a mortal at the beginning...

Yang Jian was lost in thought, and Nezha, who finally dealt with the city god and the land god, pulled his clothes and pointed to one side.

"Look, the brothers and sisters of the Taoist Li Ke have also come down the mountain."

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, looked in the direction pointed by Nezha, and then saw that several of the disciples he saw on Lingtai Fangcun Mountain came here together and entered the mansion of this girl named Liu Xiu.

And they were immediately reused and sent to Deng Chen.

"Hmm... Interesting... Should we go meet that Taoist Li Ke?"

Tapping his palm with a folding fan, Yang Jian asked Nezha, who shrugged.

"Whatever, I still have more than 90 years of vacation. During this period, as long as no one rebels against the heaven, I don't have to go to work."

Spreading out his hands, Nezha acted indifferent. He had almost done all the collusion in the past few years. The rest was just boring and dull forms, which could be done by his subordinates.

The Great Heavenly Venerable didn't really care about this matter, otherwise why would he be so happy to pretend.

As they walked away, the starlight in the eyes of the stars who were talking to each other before gradually dimmed. Although they were still stars descending to the earth and had abilities beyond ordinary people, their previous knowledge and accumulation had all disappeared, and they were no longer beyond the reach of mortals.

Only when other gods and monsters came, their memories would be restored again, and their moods would fluctuate greatly, or when their destiny ended, they would also be restored.


"The gods are emotional, and the three realms are not at peace... I don't know what my uncle is going to do?"

Looking at the stars who came to the earth drinking and talking happily, communicating with their wives and children in this life, and even having sex. Yang Jian shook his head, not knowing how to count.

The gods who came to the earth are all mortals, and the children they gave birth to are just better in talent, but they are actually their children.

Do you say whether to care or not?

If you care, you will violate the rules of heaven, and if you don't care, you will feel uncomfortable. Going to pick up your own children to practice directly is even more against the rules of heaven.

But the gods were also transformed from humans. How many gods can bear to see their children suffer?

Yang Jian shook his head and couldn't help thinking of this new attendance system.

This attendance system is nothing to the gods. He also read the memorial of Taoist Li Ke. There are many unrealistic places in it, and it is even completely whimsical, as if it is not a memorial at all, as if this person does not think that his memorial can be seen by the Great Heavenly Venerable.

The Great Heavenly Venerable did not care about some of his ideas at all, but cared about something else.

A concept, a concept of completely turning the three realms into one, into a sophisticated machine.

This concept is what the Great Heavenly Venerable cares about most, not those obvious problems that need to be solved slowly with time. Moreover, this Taoist Li Ke also proposed a practical plan

How could the Great Heavenly Venerable not have the lower world cultivators who understand these things?

This concept and idea are the most important.

But now Nezha has no such thoughts at all, but moved his arms and put his gold bricks back behind his waist.

"I don't know if that Taoist Li Ke has any new musical instruments and food. I wanted to try it before."

His face was full of bad luck. Yang Jian didn't say anything and went to Li Ke's place with Nezha.

Then, they saw an ultimate social animal.

Li Ke.

What was Li Ke doing at this time?

He was in charge of the operation of the entire court.

Because he did a good job, he would be promoted soon. In addition, he wanted to do something, and without him, those court departments would enter a chaotic and unknowable black box state. I don't know how many people would die, so he...

gradually took over the power.

It's speechless that our community has aging lines and corruption in the property management, so we don't pay for new lines. Every time it rains heavily, there is a probability of power outage. Damn it. Because the property management is responsible, I don't know what's going on inside. But I only know that if I want to change, I have to pay the property management.

But in my neighborhood, they had a 12-day dispute over the 10 yuan per household water pipe replacement fee, which resulted in no water for 12 days. They also asked me to go downstairs and find a way to turn off the power in my house. I was really convinced.

The power went out again, and I was speechless.

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