Me and my Husband Sleep in a Coffin

Chapter 39: Start land mode

At three o'clock in the morning, a white truck everywhere was parked in front of the police station in a small town, and then its rear compartment opened, as if something was kicked out vigorously, a whine of something flew into the police station to open Door.

Then the white truck drove away, leaving only a row of exhaust in the night...

Wang Xiaozao sat in the back seat of the truck and relied on the wind to fiddle with a Polaroid.

"The photos and the weapons he brought are tied to him, and there are his fingerprints on them."

"Tomb robbing, killing people, holding guns illegally...I think we can see him in the news tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

For a person like Zhenbei who likes to wear a hypocritical skin, what could be more punishment than debunking his skin in public, taking all the possibility of his escape, and then giving him a bullet of justice?

People like them are not afraid of death, but go to a place that is more terrifying than death, and they can never turn over.

Ronaldinho, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head to look at the smiling Xiaomi behind him, feeling numb behind him.

Although he was very strange why the millennium dumplings in the tomb palace knew modern methods, but since his master and he were rescued, Ronaldinho watched Wen Fengjin and Wang Xiaomei both counsel.

There are two big dumplings sitting behind him, and he is the only one who is in a good mood to hum while driving.

As for why they become such a strange four-person group, we have to talk about it two days ago.

That day they woke up in the underground palace and found that the abnormality of Zhenbei had been beaten into a pig's head and tied into a twist, Yan Chun became an ashes, and Ronaldinho and Lei looked dumbfounded as if the ordinary family dealt with the two after the room robbery. Zongzi directed the monster to clean the tomb.

Those huge and fierce monsters seemed to have become the Q version of Pokemon. They obediently moved the rocks, repaired the broken organs, and knew to clean the dust they stepped on the ground.

The scene is too ordinary and too daily.

So when watching Wen Feng frowning and staring at the footprints on the floor of Guang Kejian's palace, Lei and Ronaldinho had a strange feeling of guilt.

I'm sorry... I knew that the owner of the tomb had cleanliness, so we brought shoe covers.


Who will return the zombie to know that he will clear the ground after throwing away the tomb robbers! ! !

But this is not the point. The point is that the man named Wen Fengjin has changed into a clean dress, with silver hair and a red crown, and his eyes are all on the ground that they were trampled on. They didn't give them any extra eyes.

As if they were two vases.

It's still the kind of dust that is most unpleasant to the owner.

Sister Lei and Ronaldinho: "..." Suddenly felt that our dignity as a grave robber was insulted, huh, huh.

They looked at the big monsters that were seen everywhere, and they didn't want to take care of them at all. They all smelled like "Don't talk to the deity", and they pity in the corner of the palace.

We dare not ask anything, we dare not say anything.

When the two of them surprisingly inspected themselves completely and found that their injuries were all healed, another owner of the tomb palace appeared.

Wang Xiaoma's hair was still a little wet, wearing a neat crimson suit, and walked in front of them with a warm tea in surprise.

"It's great, you finally woke up! Thank you for helping me and my little Wenzi before. Hurry up and drink some hot water. Haha, we don't have any tea underneath. We had to make some peach blossoms. "

Looking at Wang Xiaomei's soft face, gentle smile, and those two cups of warm steaming water...

The master of the tomb gave us the tea to steal the tomb? ? ?

Still smiling at us? ? ?

Guer, are we on the wrong set? Actually, we came to visit relatives, right?

Master, you are awake. Our family has no relatives who can make tea with the multi-colored porcelain teacups of the Millennium official kiln! ! !

Sister Lei and Ronaldinho looked at the tea cups that could hold the museum exhibition in their hands, and for a time they didn't know how to put their mouths in silence.

What if my hands are shaking? What a swollen dream?

Wang Xiaoba didn't understand how they were silent. "Come and drink, you have been asleep for a long time, drink some hot water and eat something."

Looking at Wang Xiaoma's harmless, pure, jade-like eyes.

Sister Lei with a big heart first took a sip of hot water, then Ronaldinho followed the master in a silent sip.

The warm liquid traversed the dry mouth all the way to the stomach, warmed the entire body, and everyone followed to relax.

Apprentice, do you think this big dumpling is kind and kind?

Um, more like people than Zhenbei.

They were thinking that Zhen Bei, who was tied up, was still not dead. He whispered softly, as if to wake up.

Before Sister Lei and Ronaldinho had reacted, Wang Xiaoma, who was still smiling at the beginning, held the skirt with hindrance unchanged and walked to Zhenbei and whispered, "1~2!"

Then kick it on the other person's head!

Zhen Bei rolled her eyes and fainted...

Seeing this scene, Sister Lei and Ronaldinho almost came out...

After he finished, he twisted his head like his husband complained that the water pipe at home was always leaking. He stepped on Zhenbei's head and said to Wen Feng: "When the wind is dry, why did he wake up again? The healing power of this product is too strong. It's a bit annoying~"

Wen Fengjin commanded Mu Yi to repair the ground palace while turning back. The indifference on his face melted instantaneously, revealing a helpless smile.

"He should have traded blood with Hu Chun, but it will soon be invalidated... And, Xiao Xiao, don't lift your clothes, and dry your hair."

After he paused, he chose to put down his hand and let Muyi hand over a cloth towel to wrap Wang Xiaomei's long hair with the cloth towel and **** a little water on it.

"Oh~~~" Wang Xiaolan said lazily in a long tone, and then leaned back on him. Hehe laughed and rubbed his windy chin with his wet hair.

Wen Feng lifted up Wang Xiaoma's long hair, squinting a little itchy, but his eyes and smile were full of indulgence.



Sister Lei put down her teacup: I don’t want to eat this dog food.

Ronaldinho nodded vigorously after drinking his last sip.

After Wang Xiaozongzi and Wen Dagang were tired of it, Wang Xiaozai remembered to come to Lei Jie again.

"Oh, why did you help us at that time?" Wang Xiaola asked Sister Lei.

Sister Lei froze for a while, playing with her tea cup half-ringed, and considered for a while before saying, "Because I am a person who is not resourceful and likes to do things by feelings. "

Ronaldinho nodded his arms around his arms, and was slapped on the back of the head by Sister Lei who had never returned her head.

Ronaldinho: ...You see, my Master's intuition is as if the eyes were open!

"My instinct is accurate. I have saved my life several times, so I chose to save you without hesitation at that time. It is better to help you than Zhen Bei, who felt strange to me from the beginning."

Sister Lei smiled for a while, with a very mature heartiness and women's unique tenacity, she lifted a teacup and said, "Now it seems that I still feel right."

Wang Xiaola laughed.

He really likes such a person, strong and independent, as if he can always shrug his shoulders and continue to move forward.

"Let's make a deal."

Wang Xiaoba looked at Sister Lei and said.

He talked about the so-called transaction content. The simple thing is that they want to go to the ground, but like him and Wen Fengjin, they have a resident status and no resident status. In addition, they have been out of touch with the society for too long. It is estimated that even one place to live Not found.

But they have countless gold and silver treasures.

So he wanted Lei to give him and Wenfeng to solve the housing and identity problems, and in return they would also let Lei pick a thing in the underground palace in return.

By the way, help them sell the things in the tomb and exchange them for common currency on the ground.

After Wang Xiaoba said, Sister Lei lowered her head a bit hesitantly and looked at the two human beings coldly. He was not as gentle and considerate to Wang Xiaoba as the outsiders.

If they dare to refuse Xiaoba, let them stay forever.

Hear the big brother silently thinking.

"Right!" When they hesitated, Wang Xiaomei suddenly thought of a hammer, and the other three were stunned.

Then they watched Wang Xiaoma pedal and ran to the corner of the palace, picked up a long ‘stick’ and came over.

Maybe that thing is too long, because Wang Xiaoma walks with a light bouncing feeling, like an overly lively milk dog, he can keep his running dog face on the ground at any time .

The thing banged on the ground several times before being brought to them by Wang Xiaomao.

Watching Wang Xiao sigh with a sigh of relief and that soft smile, he swallowed the wind, but then he couldn't hold back, and stretched out his hand with his thumb and index finger to grab his cheek.


So cute.

When Wang Xiaoma looked at her with a puzzled head, she lowered her right hand and raised her hands, holding her tender cheeks.


In fact, I still want to pinch.

...Well, maybe more.

However, the interaction between the two was quickly interrupted, because the sister Lei, who was just like a strong woman, yelled and fell on the ground covered with dirt and bumps, and Wang Xiao blew over the thing, and his eyes should be released. Laser!

Wang Xiaoma looked out from behind Wen Feng, his cheeks were deformed and said vaguely:

"Pull one, I think the mud is very porridge enlightened, but the enlightenment can't give it to Meng Meng. Before this sword fight with Zhenbei, there was a scratched bird. Send the Meng Meng bird~Hey, don't be polite~"

"Xiaowenzi, don't pull my bird, I'm drooling, flowing, flowing out of the bird~ sucking! sucking!!!! flowing out the bird!!!"

Wang Xiaoma quickly sucked her spit, pushed away the wind-swept hands, her lips licked, and the two white faces left fingerprints of'cartoon red'.

All the news: ...

Wen Feng covered Wang Xiaomei's mouth with silence, and was silent in Wang Xiaomei's puzzled eyes.

...I can't restrain my hands.

This time no one disturbed the "life and death" and became more sticky, and the more I wished to hide his "treasure" and rub it.

[The author has something to say: Today is second.

Post the second chapter later.

Then catching insects]

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