Me and my Husband Sleep in a Coffin

Chapter 62: I wait for you to come back

It's still the old-fashioned shop.

In a word, he used plastic gloves to deal with the skeletons in the compartment on the second floor. The smell of the potion was mixed with rotten meat. The girl next to him stood on the washstand with the sleeves to wash the tools.

Forever, with a smile, there are more wounds on the right face that have not healed. The scary from the corner of the eye to the chin should be a special medicine. Although it is not bandaged, it can be seen that the healing is fast.

However, such a big wound is also disfigured. It is very nice and beautiful. It belongs to the gentle type of man. It is a pity if he has a scar.

Bai Yu looked at his face in surprise, he didn't know that the wound was caused by the wind, and he didn't see a word appear after Wang Xiaoma was carried out that day.

Bai Yu couldn't help looking at the wound and said, "Your face..."

"Ah, this." When he saw him coming down with a smile, he took off his gloves and didn't care much. "It's just a commemoration left by an inappropriate temptation. The small wound will soon heal. ."

"..." Is this a small wound? !

But as a craftsman, Bai Yusi did not doubt that a word would allow his wounds to heal without leaving any traces. He handed the small box over, "This is what Mr. Wen asked me to send, he said it was paid."

"Well." He took the box and opened it, then looked at it with a surprised expression. "This is really... a generous reward."

He closed the box and said to the girl behind him, "Xiao An, take this box to the cabinet below and make two cups of tea. I want to entertain this guest."

The expressionless girl nodded, wiped her hands and ran over to take the box and walked down to the cabinet where she squatted down. She opened the bottom cabinet to reveal a safe and planned to put the small box down.

Then a row of precious materials are placed at random, but the small box given by Mr. Wen is put in the safe below. Bai Yu can't help but speculate about what he paid for.

Hearing a word to entertain him, Bai Yu quickly waved his hand: "No more, no more, I just run a leg."

"Haha, are you afraid of me? Rest assured I won't do anything to you." There was a kind of detached time of maturity and gentle precipitation, and there were small subtle wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, but added a lot of approachability, "I will wait It’s also boring here. You came to take a break with me. I don’t know how well I know you.”

He put his hand on Bai Yu's shoulder and took him politely to the living room downstairs. Bai Yu couldn't refuse this kind of gentle person. He had to sit down with a bit of sternness.

In a word, he was seated in a horse jacket and pushed the fruit tray closer to him.

"What is Xiaoyou's name? Seeing you were interested in my materials last time, are you also a craftsman?"

Bai Yu smirked, "My name is Bai Yu, the craftsman is not good... I learned it myself, my grandfather is, but he later disappeared."

"Missing?" The expression frowned slightly, "The craftsman's circle is small, and the famous ones are almost all known. It is better to tell me if I have seen your grandfather."


Bai Yu just wanted to say something excitedly, opened his mouth but suffocated back.

He didn't know one word well, and Wang Xiaoba and Wen Wen didn't want to be close to each other. What if the other party wasn't a good person?

What should I do if I want to quote his words and then do something? !

Bai Yu hadn't waited for the brain to fill up, and the words on the opposite side suddenly burst into laughter, and she said to Bai Yu with joy, "Your child is so funny, and everything you want is written on your face."

"Are you worried about what I will do to you? Hahaha, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." A joke and a serious answer: "My hands are covered with blood, but that's all Monsters, I never kill people, never before or even later."

The white jade face was hot, and he was awkward to look into his eyes.

"...You, hate aliens?"

"Hate? Hmmm... right." The smile closed, "Those aliens are not humans. They can't integrate into our lives. Sooner or later they will hurt the human race. And they are powerful. If they don't want to obey the rules of humans, they will How many people have given their lives for this."

"But there are good interracial..." Bai Yu retorted in a low voice, because he remembered the umbrella and dumplings that Xiaoba sent him, and even the gangster looked fierce and saved his life.

"There are good people and bad people in this world, so there must be good and bad in other races."

He smiled and nodded, "You also make sense, but we can't tell who is good and who is bad. Their existence is like a bomb to the human world. If I bury a mine in your house , Tell you that it won’t explode, so you can really live in with no fear?"

Bai Yu: "I..."

A word close to Baiyu leaned forward and stared at him tightly, saying, "White jade, interracial is dangerous, you have to remember this deeply."

"Maybe those aliens don't realize this by themselves, maybe they are not intentional, but once they get crazy, that kind of power is enough to destroy many happy families."

"Existence outside the rules means unnecessary existence."

"Non-Me people will have different hearts, no exceptions."

Bai Yu: "..."

Bai Yu: I want to refute but don't know how to refute.

In a word, he clearly knew that it was not correct, and he couldn't think of any metaphor or other ways to explain it. Bai Yu rubbed his brain even more uncomfortably.

In a word, he saw his uncomfortableness, sighed and straightened his body, his eyes and expression eased.

"Sorry, I said more." Apologized softly.

"...It's fine." Bai Yu shook his head.

"This kind of topic is too serious... let's talk about something else." A laugh, "You said your surname is Bai, then only Baicheng is the best match among the craftsmen I know. Is it your grandfather?"

Bai Yu, who was going to slip away, glared wide!

"Yes! Have you seen him? Haven't you seen my father Baihe?"

"Really grandson of teacher Baicheng."

He shook his head slightly. "I do know Mr. Baicheng, and I still studied with him for a while. Your grandfather is a very good person, very talented in refining, and has studied here all his life. I He was taught a lot, even half of his disciples..."

"Really?" Bai Yu was ecstatic, but what he said next was like a pot of cold water pouring him out...

"He is missing," said one sentence. "I haven't seen him since twenty years ago. As for your father, I have never heard from Mr. Bai Cheng."

"I've been looking for him all these years, but sometimes in our business we have to go to very remote places to collect materials, or fight with many aliens. Someone told me that the place where he last appeared has found a strong alien......... "


Maybe it's gone.

Bai Yu's forehead was full of cold sweat. Although he had made this preparation for so many years, he still felt a bit of a cruel heart after hearing it.

His loved ones are gone.

He was the only one left.

A pair of young hands stretched over and pressed Bai Yu's hand on his knee.

Bai Yu looked up and found out that it was a word.

"Don't worry, I just said it's possible. You can rest assured that I won't stop looking for Baicheng's teacher." The smile of one word is very soothing, like the elders comforting the juniors, giving people a sense of security.

Bai Yu's expression relaxed, and he nodded tightly.

Later they talked a lot.

In a word, the knowledge from talking to refiner is excellent, and it is easy to capture a person's favor after throwing away the prejudices of those aliens.

The same is true of Bai Yu.

When he responded, they had talked about the evening with excitement, and remembered that it was not early when they were hungry.

"I'm sorry to bother you for so long." Bai Yu's blushing face stood up and apologized again and again.

He also stood up and looked at him with his eyes crooked and shook his head full of tolerance: "It doesn't matter, I also found out. By the way, Bai Yu, since you want to enter this line now, the teacher in Baicheng is not here, it is better to learn from me as my disciple Right."

"Ah?" Bai Yu stunned and opened his mouth. "This, this is not good."

The craftsmen all want to teach their skills to their own blood, and even say that men don't pass on women, even if they look at his grandfather's face, can't they promise him to be an apprentice? !

"Huh? Don't you want to be my disciple?" Frowning frowns looked a little sad, "How can I say that I have a reputation in the circle, so you are not willing to?"

"No! I just think..." Bai Yu quickly explained and then expressed the doubts in his heart.

After hearing a word, he smiled indifferently, "You also saw that I am actually much older than my appearance, but I don't have a wife and family around me, and it is estimated that it is difficult to have an heir."

"And you just don't have a family, and you are the grandson of Yucheng teacher who taught me... isn't it the best of both worlds?"

Bai Yu was very emotional. He who said "the famous ones in the circle" might be humble. After all, those precious materials, plus the means he saw that day, could not be said to be "leaders."

But he was hesitant again.

In a word... should I believe it?

At this moment, his brain suddenly remembered what he had heard: If he proposed anything, remember to promise him.

Lying trough, it's so amazing to hear the big brother, how does he know that he wants to take me as a disciple?

Bai Yu was shocked for a long time in his heart. This head put his hand on his shoulder. For a higher reason, he bent over and smiled at Bai Yu. The strands of hair that fell from his braid on his forehead fell on his forehead.

"Promise me, Bai Yu."

Bai Yu gritted his teeth, focusing on his head.

The smile was more real in a moment. His eyes narrowed fine lines, and the whole person warmed up when the corners of his lips were hooked up, like the empty oil lamp was lit, and the whole person was brighter.

"I am very happy." A word said: "I am really happy."

Bai Yu was stunned by his smile, and suddenly became a little shy, and waited for them to talk again before taking him to the door.

Bai Yu, who wanted to turn around and leave, suddenly felt a warm palm above his head pressed down, rubbing his short hair.

He looked up and looked back. In a word, he put his hands back: "I'll wait for you, Bai Yu."


Bai Yu, who went far away, looked back at the shop in the downtown area, with a smile that he didn't find.

The next moment, he turned briskly and left.

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