Me and my Husband Sleep in a Coffin

Chapter 77: Here is my brother?

Another crazy.

Wang Xiaoma sighed and watched Bai Yu from shocking and unbelief in front of him, to muttering to guess the last mad roar.

His puppet, who had no self-awareness in his eyes and could not speak, became the best vent.

Tears ran down her cheeks, Bai Yu clutched the photo and pocket watch on her chest and knelt down next to the chair where Wang Xiaozai was sitting. It seemed difficult to breathe.

Wang Xiaoba looked at his uncomfortable appearance and sighed in silence for him: his husband turned into his grandfather, and his rival was his grandmother, who couldn't stand anyone on this matter.

Bai Yu cried for a while, holding Wang Xiaoma's claws and tearing his heart apart: "Why! Why! No! How is it possible--ahhhhh!"

Wang Xiaoma: "..."

Claws, claws hurt!

Bai Yu's crying screams wailed and gave a roar of his soul: "He turned out to be my grandfather, he turned out to be my grandfather! Why didn't he tell me? Why didn't he tell me!"

Wang Xiaomao: miserable, too miserable.

Bai Yu: "I regard him as my favorite person, but he regards me as a grandson!"

Wang Xiaomao:...

Wang Xiaomao: Our puppets are professionally trained, no matter how funny we are, we won’t laugh unless--——

"I should call his grandpa..."

The real grandson Bai Yu cried even more sad.


Bai Yu was stunned and raised his head suddenly. Wang Xiaoma still had a dull face in his pupils, and didn't know what to look at and sat there.

Is it that I heard it wrong?

Bai Yu frowned and continued to swallow sadly, but didn't see that he just bowed his head, Wang Xiaoma's face was twisted instantly, and his face was cramped.

"He took me as a disciple and taught me the craftsmanship of the craftsman, and also provided me with clothing, food, housing, and transportation. I warmly cared for milk every day, even washed my clothes, took me to the amusement park and took me to the movies... "

"He has become more distant from me recently, and what he said..."

No wonder... no wonder!

I knew it in a word, but he kept hiding himself...

Bai Yu was crying so hard that his whole body was shaking. He wondered why he said that he was good to himself. It turned out that he had misunderstood him. He didn't mean that to him at all. He always loved him as a junior, but only after he discovered his intentions Alienate yourself...

Inexplicable shame and anger and pain mocked him.

It seemed that someone was laughing at Bai Yu's ears in a small voice: ‘It’s ridiculous that I fell in love with my elders. ’

The unprecedented voice was like a magic sound at Baiyu's ears, and there was a lot of hate in his heart, but he was confused again.

Who do you hate?

Hate a word? He just loved him as a grandson, and never thought he meant it.

Hate them? What does this matter have to do with them?

No one is wrong, no one is wrong... So what went wrong? Bai Yu's expression was confused, and there were tears on his face. He knelt on the ground.

"I don't hesitate to help him by poisoning him, betrayed a good friend, and finally ended up like this? I just want a family...I just want to spend my whole life with someone I like, and have a complete family..."

Bai Yu laughed suddenly, the laughter grew louder, his eyes were red and swollen, and his face was dull, as if he were crazy.

Wang Xiaoba couldn't smile even when he looked like this, and shook his head in his heart.

It's said that people make mistakes and make themselves self-defeating. Those TV shows and novels that I watched before will have a plot like "The people you like turn out to be relatives."

At that time, he laughed that he dared to shoot anything and dared to write anything. This plot is more nonsense, and the result?

Demonstrated one lively in front of his own eyes.

In the eyes of the outsider Wang Xiaozao, this is really a blame.

What do you say you are hiding? It’s okay if you didn’t say it before. If you accept someone else as an apprentice, just say chant, you must say it!

This is all right, the grandson bends.

Wang Xiaoma sighed: What are you talking about?

Bai Yu sat for a long time crying and laughing like this.

After a few hours, he stumbled to his feet. His expression was empty. He was probably numb. He limped out and walked without looking at Wang Xiaobo.

After he left, Wang Xiaoma blinked and breathed a sigh of relief, and finally no longer needed to pretend, looking at the position of the stairwell and worried about him.

To be honest, he was really disappointed and angry with Bai Yu in his heart, but he didn't hate him to the point of dying. Looking at Bai Yu's appearance, Wang Xiaomei felt a little sympathetic and didn't say anything. He was afraid that he would not be able to do anything stupid for a while.

After all, Bai Yu looked so stupid and dumbfounded, but it was actually quite brain-damaged.

One day passed.

The next day Bai Yu's upper eyelids were red and swollen like two blisters, and there was a gap left in the round eyes. The bottom of the eye was black and blue. At first glance, he cried overnight.

But the expression on his face was shady, and there was no longer the cute look of the silly, white teeth smiling, just like a personal change.

After he came up, he manipulated the puppets to let Wang Xiaoba solve the physiological problems, and then turned around and left silently.

Such white jade makes people feel panic. He wants to wait for a word to come back. White jade won't fight him?

Another day and a half later, I came back with a word.

On the second floor of the wooden building, there was a booming sound. Bai Yu stepped up to control him without saying a word, and went down the stairs. After going downstairs, Wang Xiaobai found that his clothes were dirty and sat on a wooden chair on the first floor. Drinking tea, there is a large white cloth bag next to it.

His body has a kind of unspeakable unpleasant smell, such as **** and muddy smells and rust and other messy tastes mixed together, even mixed with a bitter fragrance.


Wang Xiaomei glanced quickly at the living room and outside the open door, and there was no shortage of cars.

There was no one else, and the last of the more than twenty grave robbers didn't come back. Only one word came back...

Wang Xiaoma felt cold in his heart.

What surprised him even more was that Bai Yu was still standing next to him. Although he was not so close, he did not show any fights or arguments.

Did Bai Yu even tell him that he had discovered the truth? why?

Wang Xiaoma couldn't figure it out.

"Did nothing happen in the past few days when I was away?"

Although his tone was gentle but very tired, he turned his head and asked Bai Yu gently.

"not at all."

Bai Yu shook his head.

Nodded with a word, "I was tired after a little injury. You asked Xiao An to shut them in a room and wait for me to deal with the wound before I was ready to greet the guests."

Bai Yu said, "Okay", put down the teacup and stood up to walk upstairs. Bai Yu went out of the door with a cold face and called Xiao An. He controlled Wang Xiaoyao himself. Xiao An carried the big white cloth bag and the two found In the nearby room, just put the bag and Wang Xiaoma away, and left.

The wooden door was "squeaky" and the people outside were locked.

Wang Xiaoba supported his ears and blinked as soon as the footsteps could not be heard. His dull eyes seemed to accommodate the starry sky for a moment, bright and refreshing.

He whispered into the big cloth bag on the ground: "Hey, how are you? Are you still alive?"

The cloth bag moved slightly, and a dry, purple-bristled hand extended from the deliberate loosening of the bag.

Sure enough... the little emperor of Ankai family was also taken away.

Wang Xiao raised his lips and whispered, "Come on, brother~"

The purple-haired ghost's hands stiffened and waved a few more times. The cloth bag began to shake. The elasticity of the bag's mouth was limited. It could only accommodate one hand and the bag didn't know what to do. The little purple hair inside scratched with nails for a long time and it was fine.


The purple hair inside roared anxiously and nervously, and Wang Xiaoba feared that he would provoke people to hurry and appease him.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Ankai and Wenfeng will definitely come to us. That person won't hurt us for the time being, you can bear with me!"

Zi Mao's struggling movements became smaller.


It growled again in a low voice, and began to make strange noises, as if talking to Wang Xiaomao.

Wang Xiaola sighed, "Brother, don't look at me as if I'm a dumpling, but I really can't understand the language of zombies. Anyway, don't worry, we will definitely go out."


Zi Mao's voice was lost, and the bag didn't move anymore, and it looked pitiful.

Wang Xiaoba didn't pretend to see no one. He moved his body hard and sat next to Zi Mao, patting him on the shoulder to comfort him.

Looking at the small wooden door with a ray of light outside, he felt sad.

"Iron door, iron window ~ iron chain ~ Bang Bang Bang, Xiao Wen Zi, where are you..."



After the thick letter was received by a Yankee that day, he glanced at the wind and threw it away. There were nothing more than clues leading him to Qishan.

I had expected all the news to run to Ankai's tomb without saying anything.

So it was expected that when he could arrive in at least four days, he would reach his destination in three days.

Wen Feng didn't go to Wang Xiaoba for the first time, but went to Ankai's underground tomb.

In the mossy tomb, there are traces of chaotic weapons and some equipment left by tomb robbers.

Although the tomb palace was not as splendid and splendid as it might have been, it was fortunately the tomb of the general and the emperor. The area inside was not small and the design was complicated enough.

The golden thread and black boots crossed the corpses and blood depressions on the ground, and the red ink robe cast a calm curve.

When he saw that leaning beside the coffin, with a long gun in his hand, sitting on his knees, and the dead zombie soldiers and tomb robbers around him, Wen Feng made his pink lips smile.

He stopped and said lightly to Ankai, who closed his head and closed his eyes: "Are you dead?"

The blood-stained armor was scarred, Ankai raised his head, and the young general's smile was still bright.

"No." He said, "It's a breath."

The golden armor collided, Ankai stood up with a spear, stretched his waist, his eyes cold and cold as he smiled.

"My little emperor was captured."

Wen Fengjin "huh", "My brother too."

The two men without daughter-in-law looked at each other and both laughed.

"Plan as usual?"


"That's good... this time I must kill him forever, otherwise we would lose our wife and break the soldiers?"

An Kai's voice was low, holding his spear and leaning on the coffin to look at the people around him.

Seeing that Fengfeng didn't talk, she raised her eyebrows.

"Are you in a hurry? So calm."

"I am naturally anxious."

Wen Fengjin also leaned on the coffin, his expression cooled down, his narrow and long eyes hidden inside, and the blood-red eyebrows became brighter and brighter.

He said, "Brother Brother has left me for almost four days..."

"Huh, calm down, don't get mad at me, there is a hole in my stomach that doesn't grow well."

An Kai touched his chin and asked, "When will we go?"

He smelled his head.

"Just tomorrow."

"it is good!"

[The author has something to say: I had a birthday yesterday, and today two more articles found that the article was locked, alas.


Tears are my experience~】

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