Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 113 Where is the end of Youhe?

Nangong Yucui was silent for a while, then finally made a choice:

"Since the head of Han and Miss Xiaowu are so worthy of Yucui, then I'm more respectful than fate!"

"After I have handled some of the miscellaneous affairs of the Dream God Sect, I will rush to the Ten Thousand Demon Sect with the Luan Luan."

Han Yun nodded, and then said to Tu Xiaowu:

"I'm going a long trip tomorrow, you stay to protect Luan Luan and the others."

"I let Ziyun and Xiaofeng stay here too, and I will come back to find you after I finish my business!"

After hearing the words, Tu Xiaowu nodded unhappily.

The next morning, Han Yun left for Dream Island.

Hai Dafu in the jade card seemed a little unhappy.

"Master Han, you are a little bit too authentic!"

"That's Drunken Fairy Dance, you also let the old man take a look!"

"That beauty offered you a dance. It's good for you to lock my remnant soul into the jade medal for the first time."

"Well, I am also a senior in the world of cultivating immortals, why do you have to give me some Face."

After Han Yun heard the words, Xie Xie smiled and said:

"You are an old man, and you want to see other girls dancing. Are you ashamed?"

"I'm always ashamed for you, there is only a ray of remnant soul left, and I'm so carefree."

"If you really want to watch the little girl dance, how about I throw you into the brothel next day and let you dance with you day and night?"


After Hai Dafu listened, his whole body was not right.

"What are you talking about, who is going to the brothel to watch the dance..."

"The old man just wants to see the legendary Drunken Fairy Dance."

"Originally, the old man wanted to tell you where is the other ancient piece of the Spring and Autumn Dance in the Four Dances."

"Now, the old man decided not to speak."

"Hey, old rich, if you don't tell me, I will throw you into the sea and let you be with my seafood gang all day, how about?"


Han Yun saw that Hai Dafu was wronged, and asked curiously:

"Lao Fu, do you really know where that ancient piece of Spring and Autumn Dance is?"

"Yes, I have seen it once by chance before, but no one wants to cultivation that stuff. After all, in the world of cultivating immortals, hard fist is the truth. Who wants to practice life as a wedding dress for others, so the ancient spring and autumn dance , I didn't get it."

"Now let's get to the business first. After the business is finished, the old man will tell you where the ancient Spring and Autumn Dance story is. I just don't know if the Qin Family is still there? If it is still there, can you take it? It depends on your ability."

As the overlord of Ninth Stage, Han Yun flew extremely fast in the sky, and it took about two days.

He came to a very desolate small valley under the guidance of Hai Dafu.

Han Yun looked at the extremely desolate valley in front of him, and asked incredulously:

"Old rich, is this what forbidden land you are talking about?"

"This is not a forbidden area, but we have to go to the forbidden area through the teleportation array here."

Hai Dafu in the jade card looked at the surrounding environment.

"You keep walking forward, do you see a small stone cave over there?"

"Just go in from that cave!"

Han Yun then walked into the cave, which was very narrow and long, with no end in sight.

Han Yun walked for several sticks of incense for a long time, but did not walk to the end.

"Old rich, how long will it take to go?"

"Well, it's only five or six days, right?"


After Han Yun heard the words, he was stunned for a moment. If he remembered correctly, Hai Dafu should be the Cultivation Base of the Overlord of the Transcendent God Realm, and walk for five or six days with the Overlord of the Transcendent God Realm Cultivation Base? ? ?

f*ck, does this cave go straight to the center of the earth?

"Old rich, is there any shortcut to go directly to the bottom of the cave?"

After hearing this, Hai Dafu thought for a moment, and then said:

"Your little tortoise should be able to tear through space!?"

"You let it tear the space and try, but be careful not to break the space too far."

"Although this is not a forbidden area, I am afraid of some other trouble."

"Control the distance of the tearing space, and don't fall into the quiet river."

"Youhe? What the hell is that?"

"The old man is not very clear, anyway, it is a very mysterious place."

Han Yun stopped grinding, and directly called out Guixian.

"You Guixian, you tear the space and send me to the bottom of the cave."

After Guixian received the instruction, he whispered and then began to tear the Shattering Void.

After Han Yun walked into the space crack, he immediately reached the bottom of the cave.

The originally narrow stone cave channel widened immediately at the bottom of the cave.

In front of Han Yun, I saw a deep yellow river that did not know where it was flowing.

"Old rich, how do you go now?"

"Am I going to jump into the river and swim over?"

After hearing this, Hai Dafu said helplessly:

"Didn't I just tell you? You can never touch this Youhe."

"The old man Realm, who was the overlord of the gods, accidentally touched the river water and almost died!"

"Look at the wall on your left, there is a gong hanging over there!"

"You just need to ring the gong."

"Knock the gong???"

Han Yun looked to the left, there was indeed a broken gong hanging there.

This cave should have existed for a long time, and this broken gong probably has been hanging here for a long time.

Han Yun took a closer look and found that there was no trace of dust on the broken gong, which was also a miracle.

Han Yun took off the broken gong and tapped it randomly, making a low and melodious sound.

"Old rich, is this all right?"

"Well, it's okay, let's wait now!"

The melodious sound of gongs reverberated in the stone cave, as if it was going deep along the quiet river.

I don't know how long it took, a black boat slowly drove over from the depths of the Youhe, and stopped in front of Han Yun.

When Hai Dafu saw the boat appearing, he said:

"Get on the boat, it will take us to places where space is chaotic."

Without saying a word, Han Yun jumped onto the boat and sat down on the bow.

The mysterious boat seemed to feel that someone was getting on the boat, and it slowly moved towards the depths of the cave.

The deep yellow Youhe seemed to be flowing down, but Han Yun felt the black boat heading up.

Han Yun looked down curiously, suddenly a little surprised.

"Old rich, we actually fly to the sky???"

After hearing the words, Hai Dafu let out a sigh of emotion:

"The world is divided into southeast, northwest, up and down, left and right, but in the face of time and space, the position is meaningless."

"The old man came here for the first time, and was shocked by the sight in front of him."

"Head Han, wait patiently, what really surprised you is still to come!"

There was no light in the originally black cave.

At the end of the bottomless stone cave, even Han Yun, the overlord of the Transcendent God Realm, couldn't see the scenery in the distance.

But as time went by, Han Yun felt countless lights before his eyes.

When the black boat entered a certain space, the entire void instantly became brighter.

Galaxy? ? ?

The yellow river that was originally under the black boat has disappeared, replaced by a galaxy-like river.

The little shining light in the sky seemed like the sky full of stars shining.

The mysterious boat seems to be driving in the galaxy formed by countless stars.

"Head Han, ha ha, are you scared?"

"When the old man came here, he was really taken aback."

"Originally, I was still in the cave, but in the blink of an eye I was taken into this Nine Heavens Milky Way for no apparent reason."

"The power of time and space is really unpredictable!"

"The person who can create all these scenes is really terrible, is he still human?"

"He is simply a god!"


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