Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 138 Chaos shattered and finally entered the longevity realm?

Before Han Yun finished speaking, Xiaofeng hurriedly said:

"The disciple wants to go in with the Master!"

Xiaofeng suddenly thought of something at this moment, her voice was full of tenderness:

"Master, although Xiaofeng was scared just now, but being held by the Master by my hand, I can feel that Master has been by Xiaofeng's side, and Xiaofeng is actually not that scared anymore."

"If the Master wants to go in again, Xiaofeng is willing to follow the Master..."

Han Yun nodded after hearing what Xiaofeng said.

You must know that this place is a place of degeneration and destruction. Putting a beautiful apprentice outside alone is not necessarily safe and reliable.

"Xiaofeng, you squeeze my hand tightly, and you can't let it go anyway. Let's enter the place where the chaos begins, and we will walk inside together."

"If there is any danger, I will bring you back as soon as possible,"

"Master, Xiaofeng... Xiaofeng knows!"

Xiaofeng was holding her small hand tightly by Han Yun, feeling the hot temperature from Han Yun's palm,

There was a hint of blush on her pure white face.

Xiaofeng saw Han Yun stepping on the sea again, she also followed closely.

The next moment, the two figures once again appeared in the dark world,

Although Xiaofeng could not see Han Yun's figure, nor could he hear Han Yun's voice,

But the wide and warm palm that holds his little hand tells himself all the time,

The Master is by her side, not far away!

Han Yun took Xiaofeng’s little hand and walked in this boundless world of darkness,

Because there is no sound here, I can’t even hear my own breathing,

Just like this, I keep walking and walking, and I don’t know how long I have been walking.

Han Yun suddenly felt that there was a little light ahead, and in the next second, the first light of this world was born!

I don't know how this endless darkness disappeared.

The sky full of stars suddenly appeared in front of Han Yun,

It seems that this endless chaotic world seems to have been deduced by evolution,

First the light was born, and then the endless dust particles were born,

The dust particles seem to have been subjected to some kind of gravitational force, and gradually gathered into round balls.

When the first light of the chaotic world shines on these round balls,

This is how the boundless sea of ​​stars was born!

Bright, spectacular, and beautiful!

Xiaofeng saw that she was in the boundless sea of ​​stars, her beautiful pupils flashed an indescribable shock.

"Master, this sea of ​​stars is so beautiful..."

Xiaofeng seems to want to take a few steps forward, step on the endless sea of ​​stars, and feel the ultimate beauty here.

But she was afraid of any danger here, so she didn't dare to leave Han Yun's side.

Han Yun smiled at Xiaofeng, nodded and said:

"Haha, okay, there should be no danger here, just play if you want, I'm going to start business..."

After the endless sea of ​​stars in this chaotic world evolved, Han Yun finally heard the prompt sound from the super synthesis system:

"Ding Dong, detected a lot of chaotic rule power around the host,"

"Does the host start to refine the chaos rule fragments?"

Han Yun did not hesitate at all, without saying anything, immediately started the chaos rule fragment refinement.

In the next second, countless system prompts sounded in Han Yun's ears:

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully extracting a chaotic rule fragment,"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully extracting three chaotic rule fragments,"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully extracting..."

When Xiaofeng saw Han Yun sitting on the spot and starting cultivation, she didn't have the mood to continue admiring the endless sea of ​​stars, but sat obediently next to Han Yun, quietly guarding him.

One day has passed!

Three days have passed!

Ten days have passed!

One month has passed!

I don’t know how long it took...

Han Yun has successfully extracted more than 100 billion chaotic rule fragments,

The surrounding sea of ​​stars seemed to have lost the support of the power of chaos, and began to shatter a little bit.

One Star disappeared, and gradually, all Stars disappeared,

The entire chaotic world has become pitch black again,

After more than 100 billion chaotic rule fragments were extracted, the land of chaos completely disappeared.

Hanyun started the final synthesis stage,

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully synthesizing 135 billion chaotic rule fragments,"

"You have gained the original power: the rules of chaos!"

The synthesized power of chaos rules turned into a dazzling mysterious light and entered Han Yun’s body.

At this time, Han Yun's body burst out with the power of chaos like a sea,

Originally, Han Yun’s Realm got stuck in the Fourth Stage of the God Bridge Realm,

But at this moment, Han Yun's Cultivation Base Realm sloshed upward like a rocket...

The fifth floor of the Shenqiao Realm,

The sixth floor of the Shenqiao Realm,

The seventh floor of the Shenqiao Realm,

The eighth floor of the Shenqiao Realm,

The ninth floor of the Divine Bridge Realm,

In the blink of an eye, Han Yun’s Cultivation Base was promoted to the Ninth Stage Realm,

The Realm of the Great Perfection in the Divine Bridge Realm is also called the Immortal Realm or the Immortal Realm by the Cultivation Realm, which means Immortal of Longevity!

Strictly speaking, the longevity realm has surpassed the god bridge realm, and it can be regarded as half step into the sky-reaching realm.

According to Hai Dafu, on the Nine Nether Profound Spirit Continent, apart from the creatures from the Qijue Forbidden Land, no one has ever been able to step into the longevity realm.

If the overlord of the gods, the supreme of the bridge, can be considered to be able to use the power of the rules proficiently,

The cultivator of the longevity realm has truly achieved the practice of transforming into a body.

Longevity Cultivators, also known as Emperor Cultivators,

Now if anyone observes Han Yun’s body, he will definitely be surprised. Han Yun’s bones and flesh at this moment are exuding the power of chaotic rules.

Although Han Yun didn't know whether this longevity realm was still divided into levels, he could clearly feel that even if he stepped into the longevity realm, his Cultivation Base was still growing at this moment.

Xiaofeng has been guarding Han Yun's side. When she sees sweat coming out of Han Yun's forehead, she will wipe Han Yun with her own white handkerchief from time to time.

At the moment when the place where the chaos started completely disappeared,

The creatures in Life in the Fallen and Disappeared Land all felt the abnormal movement from the Far East,

On the endless desolate land of the Fallen and Dilapidated Land, stands a huge city towering into the clouds,

This city is called Shattered City,

In the palace in the center of Shattered City, the graceful figure of the moon god Fairy stands alone in the middle of the Great Hall,

At the very front of the Great Hall, there are six huge thrones,

On these six huge thrones, there are only five mysterious figures sitting,

"Haha, Your Highness Holy Maiden, long time no see..."

"The emperor never dreamed that he would be able to wait until the day when Holy Maiden returns,"

An old voice came from one of the mysterious figures,

At this moment, the moon god Fairy raised his head and looked at the mysterious figure.

"Wood Sage Emperor!"

"And you, the holy emperor Shizun of the fallen and ruined land,"

"Didn't you expect it a long time ago, I will come back here?"

"Please let my mother out!"

"Otherwise, you never want to know the way to the outside world!"

"I don't think you are willing to, you will be trapped in this fallen and ruined place for the rest of your life, right??"


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