Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 149 Magic Treasures are used as grenades?

The countless disciples of Martial Sage Mountain blasted towards this Elder,

Seeing this scene, this Elder felt hated and angry in his heart!

These are all disciples of Martial Sage Mountain, how can he, Martial Sage Mountain Elder, make a full shot!

But this enchantress controlled them again with charm.

Just when this Elder was helpless for a while, several figures flew in the void.

"Lee Elder... Wang Elder..."

"Help me take down this demon girl!"

"Sect disciples are all controlled by her,"

"Jin Elder, don't panic, we are here, so you must surrender this enchantress!"

More than a dozen big masters of the Tianyuan realm all released their own big moves in an instant.

Tu Xiaowu follows the way of charm, and is not good at attacking, so she can only move around to avoid those killer moves.

Huang Ziyun and Luan Luan stood back to back, staring coldly at the more and more enemies in front of them.

"Sister Luan Luan, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

"Then do it!"


The two beauties used the Sword Technique, which is the best in the world,

In an instant, the situation between heaven and earth suddenly changed!

Huang Ziyun and Luan Luan used the Nine Heavens Sword Technique given to them by Han Yun.

Using the sword as a guide, stir the animation into the world,

Clouds are rapidly accumulating in the sky,

Endless purple lightning flashes in it,

Only heard a "boom",

Countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky,

In an instant, the earth was shattered to pieces,

Countless disciples of Martial Sage Mountain were blown into the air, while on the other side, Nangong Yucui wandered between the enemy groups holding a machete.

Nangong Yucui has been walking the path of dance and repair.

She, who doesn't like fighting by nature, also tried her best at this moment.

In the void, under the siege of dozens of Tianyuan realm leaders, Xiaowu Tu has gradually fallen into a disadvantage.

Seeing this scene, those elders from the Heavenly Origin Realm hurriedly shouted:

"We continue to work harder, this demon girl will soon be unable to hold it..."

"Hurry up and take her down and give her to His Royal Highness the Son for atonement!"

At this time, Tu Xiaowu suddenly retreated a few steps,

She took a few things out of her arms and threw them into the void in an instant,

Ten thousand Spirit Stones! Ben Lei Sword! Fire Thunderball!

Xiaowu Tu took out dozens of Magic Treasures,

These Magic Treasures are gifts from Han Yun,

Although Tu Xiaowu cultivates the charm rule with extremely weak offensive power, but behind her is the gold master's father!

If the attack power is not strong, then use Magic Treasures to get together!

Tu Xiaowu now does not use Magic Treasures to attack, but treats these Magic Treasures as grenades!

Every time you throw a Magic Treasures, Magic Treasures will explode instantly!

Although this is too extravagant, it doesn't matter, rich means willfulness!

The power generated by Magic Treasures when exploded is much greater than a direct attack.

It was only half of the incense sticking effort, and there were seven or eight Tianyuan realm experts who were seriously injured by Tu Xiaowu’s Magic Treasures and lost their combat effectiveness.


"The old man wants your life!"

There was a roar in the endless void!

A giant palm fell from the sky and smashed at him fiercely!

Tu Xiaowu saw this scene with a dignified expression on her face.

"This person who shot turned out to be a half-step god realm overlord!"

Tu Xiaowu threw a few Magic Treasures towards that giant palm, and detonated it instantly.

Although those Magic Treasures obscured that giant palm, it hadn’t hurt its roots.

"You dead demon girl, it hurts the old man to death!"

"Do you think this little injury can hurt the old man?"

Martial Sage Mountain University Elder saw that many Elder were injured in the hands of Tu Xiaowu, he finally couldn't help but shoot.

He once again launched a fierce attack on Tu Xiaowu,

But at this time, Tu Xiaowu threw out a Seventh-Rank Magic Treasures as a grenade.

When Martial Sage Elder saw this scene, he almost knelt in fright.

f*ck, Seven Magic Treasures are used as bombs?

What kind of background is this demon girl!

Fortunately, Martial Sage Mountain University Elder slipped fast, otherwise the self-destructive power of this seventh-grade Magic Treasures could kill him for several rounds.

Although Martial Sage Elder escaped a long way, he was still injured by the shock wave of Magic Treasures.

Elder spit out a mouthful of blood, shaken by the powerful shock wave.

"All retreat to me!"

"All retreat to me!!!"

In the blink of an eye, those Martial Sage mountain disciples ran far away.

At this time, Martial Sage, the Saint Son of Martial Sage, who was standing outside the city waiting for the results, saw Elder run out, and asked quickly:

"Big Elder, have those beauties caught?"

"You didn't hurt them?"

Elder stared at the son Di Wu, and suddenly vomited a big mouthful of blood.

f*ck, your Royal Highness and the enemy belong together! When is this, do you still care if those women are hurt?

The big Elder resisted the pain and said to the son Di Wu:

"His Royal Highness Saint Child!"

"Things have changed!"

"It is absolutely impossible for those women to come from Little Sect in the Northern Territory!"

"They... they have countless Magic Treasures in their hands!!!"

"Even... even the seventh Magic Treasures can be used as bombs!"

"Who are they?"

After Di Wu heard the words, he subconsciously stunned.

"Countless Magic Treasures?"

"There are Seven Magic Treasures?"

"Used as a bomb?"

"Impossible, didn't those women say that they were from a certain little school in the Northern Territory?"

"TM's, are they fooling Ben Shengzi?"

Elder shook his head, and said with a blank face:

"The old man is also not very clear. Almost all the holy sons of Sacred Land in Jiuyou Continent, Holy Maiden, are aware of,"

"But the Cultivation Technique they use is not the Cultivation Technique of Sacred Land,"

"The old man even suspects that they may come from a super hidden family!"

"But these are not important anymore. They killed so many disciples of Martial Sage Mountain, and the old man vowed to make them pay a heavy price!"

Shengzi Di Wu nodded and said angrily:

"Well, I will send a message to my father!"

"When Father Father arrives, see if they dare to be arrogant!"

At this moment, outside the gates of the palace, more than twenty transforming gods overlords are still bombarding the mountain guarding formation of the palace in turns.

At this time, Martial Sage Mountain Head Teacher Martial Sage Di Qing received a letter from his son,

His face suddenly became very ugly,

Qiu Shenyi quickly noticed his expression and asked:

"Martial Sage, has something happened to you?"

Martial Sage Di Qing gritted his teeth and said:

"There was an accident at my station at the foot of the Martial Sage Mountain!"

"A group of mysterious people clashed with our Martial Sage Mountain,"

"My disciples in Martial Sage Mountain have been killed countless, and my son was also injured by this group of mysterious people!"

"I want to leave here temporarily, and deal with this matter first,"

After hearing the words, Qiu Shen nodded:

"Well, if that's the case, then Martial Sage, you should do the important thing first!"

"There are so many of us bombarding this place, so there should be no problem!"

"Well, the old man will go back to the station to deal with Sect's affairs first, and then return here, I will ask you all!"

After Martial Sage, Di Qing left the temple without hesitation.

In a short while, he returned to the station at the foot of Martial Sage Mountain.


"You have to be the master for the child!"

"When my child was investigating the remnants of the shrine in the city, I ran into a few people. Not only did they not cooperate, but they also relied on their high Cultivation Base to insult us!"

"If it weren't for the timely rescue of a few Elders, the child might have died in their hands!"

"My father, you must catch them back and let the children teach them personally!"


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