Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 179 Five Grass and Mud Horses Might Overcome a Country?

"how could be?"

Feng Feixue replied with a slight smile.

Erni Ma saw a play, and exclaimed:

"Isn't that enough?"

"I don't think Miss Feixue wants to see it either. Let's be made into mutton hot pot by Father Han Yun!"

"Girl Flying Snow, you want revenge, and we are sent by Father Han Yun to help you!"

"In your human terms, this is called hitting it off?"

"Ms. Flying Snow, don't worry about it. If we take action, revenge or anything is a trivial matter!"

"Girl Fei Xue doesn't want to see Father Han Yun worrying about you, right?"

"Even if you don't think about us, you still have to think about Father Han Yun!"

"After all, Father Han Yun cares about you so much!"

"If you continue to be so melancholy and depressed, can't eat, sleep well, and your body won't say anything about it, and then regenerate Heart's Demon, wouldn't it be worth the loss?"

"Papa Han Yun cares about you so much, do you have the heart to watch him worry about your affairs?"


Feng Feixue seemed a little at a loss when he heard the two mud horses talking in a serious manner!

"Two... two mud horses, Han Dage really cares about me so much!? But... but how is this possible?"

Before Feng Feixue could finish speaking, Er Nima hurriedly said:

"Nothing but but, do you think I'm lying to you?"

"How can I say that Erni Ma is also the supreme demon god who came out of the land of mad demon, why lie to you a little girl?"

"I swear to the Buddha, if I lie to you, I won't die with my second mud horse, Master Han Yun really cares about you,"

"But you also know that Master Han Yun is not good at communicating with girls directly, so he sent us over privately!"

When the other grass mud horses standing aside heard Er Ni Ma's words, Qi Qi gave Er Ni Ma a thumbs up!

When I was in the Land of Mad Demon before, how could I not find it! ?

The Scarlet Devil Dragon is so talkative, so able to lick it!

No, I have to learn more from Ernima in the future, and they have nothing to say when they want to lick Hanyun in the future!

Anyway, they are all demons, and they don't believe in the Buddha. If they swear to the Buddha, the Buddha can't control them either!

At this moment, Er f*ck did not realize that his former compatriots actually showed admiring eyes to him!

We must know that when we were in the Land of Mad Demon, the strength of the Scarlet Demon Dragon was the lowest among the five!

It's impossible to see their eyes worshiping own!

Unexpectedly, today, there will be such a scene,

Regrettably, Er Nima’s attention is on Feng Feixue.

It also led to miss this scene, I wonder if Erni Ma knew that he would have missed one hundred million!

What Han Yun thought of Feng Feixue in his heart, Erni Ma didn't care at all.

Anyway, as long as Feng Feixue is beautiful, in the memory of the cult leader, as long as he is a man, he wants to have a relationship with Feng Feixue. Since she is a stunning beauty, it’s okay to help Father Han Yun please her.

Besides, when he first came out of the land of the wild demon, he learned that they were besieged under the sect of the wild demon. Han Yun also specifically recited Feng Feixue's name. Still fresh in my memory!

I have to say that the two mud horses are serious and bragging, and they seem to be very sincere.

At this time, Feng Feixue’s originally white cheeks had long turned red.

Could it be that Han Dage really fell in love with himself?

He really looks very beautiful, countless men like him, but there is no shortage of stunning beauty around Han Dage!

Feng Feixue felt an inexplicable throb in her heart when she thought of Han Yun's light and breezy appearance.

Seeing Feng Feixue's look like a little girl, Er Ni Ma felt that she might have guessed it right!

Although Feng Feixue didn't show too much, her heart was warm.

For some reason, Han Yun appeared in his mind.

It would be great if Han Yun had said all this personally!

Er Ni Ma looked at Feng Feixue, struck the iron while it was hot and said:

"Miss Feixue, isn't it just revenge? Just leave this little thing to our gang of grass-and-mud horses!"

"We may not be able to do anything else, fighting such things, we are definitely good first-class players!"

Erni Ma’s eloquence conquered its fellow demons,

They saw that Feng Feixue seemed to be lost because of Han Yun, and secretly gave Er Ni Ma a thumbs up!

"Chi Tian, ​​you are too powerful. From now on, among us, who dares to disagree with you, I will be the first to beat him!"

"Chi Tian, ​​you are the name of Erni Ma, I can't even think about it in the future,"

"Our happiness in the future depends on you!"


If they praise the two mud horses, the two mud horses are very useful.

It can be seen that Erni Ma is very happy!

Afterwards, they quietly left the Ten Thousand Demon Sect with Feng Feixue,

With their strength, wanting to take Feng Feixue away from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect without being discovered by others, it is not a difficult thing!

At this moment,

The imperial palace of the Northern Wilderness Empire has become a mess!

The emperor was sitting on the dragon chair, and the ministers below talked a lot, and there were constant urgent reports. Without exception, it was bad news that made the emperor angry.

What the Northern Territory fell, what famous general treason, and who was assassinated!

For a time, the Northern Wilderness Empire seemed to have entered the end of the world.

The emperor sat there worried,

The Great General Zhenbei of the Northern Wilderness Empire was gone, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers also died tragically in the maddening sect.

This incident has hit the Northern Wilderness Empire too much!

If this continues, whether the land is reclaimed for compensation, or the bloody battle is in the end, the Northern Wilderness Empire feels that the sky is about to fall!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... The big thing is not good!"

An eunuch ran in from outside and shouted:

"Your Majesty, outside...outside..."

"Which city was lost again? The minister was assassinated? Or was the general treason?"

The emperor of the Northern Wilderness Empire asked with a gloomy look:

"No...No, it was a woman who broke into the palace with a bunch of evil spirits!"


The eunuch hurriedly replied, all the ministers were shocked!

The evil spirits who can hit the palace are definitely not that simple, this is really bad!

The ministers of civil and military affairs were nervous,

"BAA Baa baa…"


There was a roar outside, which was similar to the cry of a sheep, but it was a little different, with endless coercion, and it was creepy.

What made the ministers of civil and military affairs even more shocked was that those demons and the woman had already arrived at the Great Hall.

You know, outside the Great Hall is a large formation that can kill evil spirits. Normal evil spirits, even the Cultivation Base of the Heavenly Origin Realm, can hardly reach here.

Is there the existence of the overlord of the gods? ? ?

The ministers of civil and military affairs were shocked, and the demons and evil spirits came here, didn't it turn into a massacre?

The General Zhenbei is gone, who can resist?

The emperor of the Northern Wilderness Empire and several princes changed their faces.

"Hurry up...hurry up...all the Imperial Forest Army will be blocked by me!"

"What are you doing in a daze? The evil spirit and the woman are coming in quickly, you quickly shut the door for me!"

The emperor stood up directly from the dragon chair and hid behind the screen,

The moment the Yulin Army closed the gate, white shadows suddenly rushed in.

Everyone in the Great Hall was at a loss and hurriedly fled around.

But the next second, they all froze,

Is that... evil? ? ?

The scene before him stunned the ministers, and five little white sheep stood at the door, posing their own cool postures!

Look at the appearance of these lambs, but the height of the waist of a normal person, the appearance of a standard little fat lamb, and the cute eyes fully express the temperament of the grass mud horse!

The fierce eyes can't match the cuteness!

A minister said in confusion:


"Wait, this is not an ordinary sheep, I know this kind of sheep is called a grass mud horse!"

"Will the one that sells cute?"

"Is the one who can be handsome?"

"These five grass and mud horses, shouldn't they come to the Great Hall to perform juggling?"

"Impossible, how could they be juggling!"

"My lord, you have never seen the power of a grassy horse!"

"As the saying goes, one grass-mud horse can sprout one person, three grass-mud horses can sprout an army, five grass-mud horses can sprout a country, and a hundred grass-mud horses can sprout the world!!!"


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