Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 243: Tongtian Road, Void Gate?

Patriarch Li took out an ancient book from his body, and then carefully presented it.

When Sima Yan saw this book, he was surprised.

"It's actually a Cultivation Technique that has long been lost, many of which are very powerful!"

"This is an ancient book that my ancestors of the Li family obtained from the ruins in the early years. It records many ancient events, as well as very precious legal decisions in the ancient times."

"Senior is very grateful for my Li family in addition to a major disaster, and I am gifting this ancient book. I wonder if senior is satisfied?"

The Patriarch of the Li family can be said to be well versed in the way of licking dogs, these words are really not what ordinary people can say.

As for what the Li family heirloom treasures!

What an international joke!

If this senior turns his face and destroys their Li family, what use is there to keep a family heirloom?

It's better to please this senior now!

Sima Yan walked into the room reluctantly in a moment of amazement, and dedicated this ancient book to Han Yun.

To be honest, Han Yun doesn’t have much interest in these ancient books and the like.

After all, this era is also very old for Hanyun.

But when Han Yun came into contact with this ancient book, he was taken aback.

There are taboos in this ancient book,

And the person who set this taboo, Cultivation Base is not weak!

Otherwise, the Patriarch Li and Sima Yan would not fail to find out.

Unfortunately, this taboo is not worth mentioning in front of Han Yun.

Han Yun held this ancient book in his hand, and the powerful Divine Sense suddenly rushed to this ancient book.

There was a burst of white ripples on the ancient book, and then with a click, the white ripples dissipated.

A mysterious consciousness passed into Han Yun's mind:

"Tongtian Road, Void Gate!"

"Hold Heavenly Dao, and rule all beings!"

"Thousands of races have fallen, and the realm of gods has appeared!"

"Jiuyou Realm, through Yellow Springs!"

It turns out that there is a sense of being left behind in this ancient book, which is hidden with the taboo set.

This mysterious consciousness left only these sixteen words!

These sixteen words look absolutely extraordinary,

Han Yun's expression changed, and it recorded what happened behind the eternal emperor.

Although it is just a consciousness, Han Yun should understand more than this.

Han Yun quickly found a strange pattern on the last page of the ancient book, which looked like a broken map.

It should be a map!

At this moment, Han Yun asked:

"Where did you get this ancient book?"

"Enlighten senior, this ancient book was obtained by Junior's ancestors in an ancient tomb. Unfortunately, that ancient tomb is already empty!"

Patriarch Li replied in a panic, since Han Yun asked this question, it was enough to prove that senior was very satisfied with own gift.

This made the Li’s Patriarch very happy. In this way, giving senior gifts by himself is considered the right gift.

After Han Yun heard the words, he secretly sighed that it was a pity.

The content recorded in the ancient books is of great value. There should be more than this one, there are other ancient books, and when put together, they will become a complete map.

Although I don’t know where the map is, it must be extraordinary.

Seeing Han Yun, Sima Yan nodded slightly, walked out of the room, and said to the Li Family Patriarch outside:

"Well, you did a good job. In that case, you won't be held accountable for your offense!"

Sima Yan glanced at Han Yun, and when he saw that Han Yun had no objection, he nodded and said:

"I will spare you this time, and if there is another time, let alone senior,"

"My Danhuang Yingtao faction won't let you off easily!"

"Definitely...definitely... If Junior has another time, Junior will never let go of own!"

"Thank you senior for cleaning up the door for my Li family, thank you senior for eradicating evildoers from my Li family, thank you senior for helping me..."

This Li Family Patriarch is also a ruthless person. After kowtow to Han Yun, he slowly retreats.

Sima Yan also felt that the Patriarch of the Li family was really a powerful person.

It's really flexible and stretchable. Even his own son can be sold in a blink of an eye. The future is limitless!

Of course, the premise is to stop offending senior seniors!

As the head of the Li family retreated, the others present were shocked.

What the hell is this?

Are all the people who live in this inn so good?

They also betrayed this senior just now, wouldn't it be...

The rest of the inn’s hearts trembled, and they were extremely frightened, for fear of the Han Yun senior’s revenge.

But they are not the Li Family Patriarch, and they don't have any treasures in their hands. How can they please this senior?

So, they all huddled in the corner, not daring to come forward,

They were relieved when they saw that Han Yun had not troubled them.

Until dawn, after Han Yun and Zhu Xiaowei left, Sima Yan walked to the entrance of the inn, snorted coldly, and shouted:

"You are not suitable to stay here, do it well in the future!"

After saying this, he left without looking back.

After hearing the words, the innkeeper and Xiaoer slumped on the ground, feeling extremely depressed.

Within half a day, this inn was closed!

Under the lead of Sima Yan, Han Yun and Baby Dragon left the ancient city of King Dan directly and set off towards King Dan’s Yingtao faction.

Zhu Xiaowei did not follow Han Yun, but stayed in the ancient city of King Dan.

For her, Alchemy is the most important thing.

And Han Yun gave her a jade card. Once something happens, you can crush the jade card to summon him, and he will be there as soon as possible.

With the jade card in hand, Zhu Xiaowei will feel more at ease.

King Dan Yingtao faction is located in a valley, and there is a town like King Dan Ancient City in each of the four directions, southeast, northwest, and northwest.

It is quite difficult for ordinary people to come here.

Dan Huang Yingtao School,

"Not good... not good..."

In the Great Hall of the Dan Huang Yingtao School, Head Teacher was discussing matters with the Elders, and suddenly saw an Elder hurried in from outside, shouting loudly,

The Elder was too late to salute, and hurriedly shouted:

"Well, Master Head Teacher, then Dan Huang Spiritual Qi is starting to riot again!"

"Too great, Elder can't hold it anymore!"

After hearing the words, everyone's face changed drastically!

They all looked at the head teacher with a horrified look,

The big Elder on the side hurriedly said:

"Head Teacher, we can't wait any longer!"

"We must act immediately. Although this will cost us Dan Huang Yingtao faction a great deal, compared to the few Sects who are eyeing us for help, the old man thinks this is more appropriate!"

"Yes, Sima Elder handles everything outside, and it is unlikely that others will know the internal affairs of my Dan Huang Yingtao faction,"

"Otherwise, it would be quite dangerous to be too angry with Elder,"

The second Elder on one side also persuaded,

Head Teacher looked at the Elders present, and finally sighed.

I would rather let the Dan Emperor Yingtao faction lose a hundred years, and never let the hungry wolves who plot the Dan Emperor Yingtao faction know this opportunity.

Soon, Head Teacher showed a firm gaze and said:

"Well, that old man will bother you Elder!"

"We must live up to the trust of Master Head Teacher!"

All Elder replied respectfully,

Then they began to separate their outfits, uniting many disciples in Sect to start a big formation, and one after another, they released Spirit Power.

At this time, a huge formation appeared above the Dan Huang Yingtao faction, and there was an extremely powerful force in the big formation.

As this force was guided by the Head Teacher in the middle of the Great Hall, it was transmitted to the white-haired old man on the altar of the Danhuang Yingtao Sect...

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