In the face of that extremely powerful Longwei, not only the people below, but also the spirit of the pill emperor on the side were frightened.

Oh my god!

This beast usually sees this little girl as greedy, and at most he is proficient in the power of one life rule, and can help people bring people back to life.

This beast had been obedient to her before, not because Han Yun's father cared about her very much.

f*ck, I didn’t expect that this little girl would have such a terrifying dragon power after he regained the body of a real dragon!

The spirit of the emperor pill looked at the baby dragon and swallowed hard.

If you fight with baby dragon, even if it is possible to win in strength,

But her aura also crushed herself to death, she couldn't exert her true strength at all, and she would definitely be the one who would suffer by that time.

Sure enough, there is no weak chicken beside Han Yun's father.

Fortunately, I used to listen to this little girl very much,

The spirit of the Pill Emperor will not dare to provoke the baby dragon in the future, not only because of Han Yun’s father, but also because of the strength of the baby dragon.

In the future, the power of the emperor must be courteous to the dragon baby by three points.

The reason why the baby dragon appears here is entirely because when attacking a family power,

The spirit of the emperor pill cleanly killed the emperor master of the longevity realm. Zheng Yulian learned from her that Nangong Batian was uniting with other family forces.

Its purpose is to form an alliance force that can fight against the spirit of the emperor emperor.

Facing such a powerful alliance, Zheng Yulian was a little worried.

There must be many eternal emperors in the alliance,

Although the spirit of the pill emperor is powerful, every emperor of the longevity realm will not be defeated by more than three moves under it.

But what she worries about is, what if there are a lot of emperors in the longevity realm?

In this ancient age, there are still many low-level emperors in the longevity realm.

Therefore, Zheng Yulian hurriedly found Baby Dragon and asked Baby Dragon to invite the Han Yun senior behind her.

As soon as Baby Dragon heard that he was going to inform Han Yun that his food was not good anymore,

She pulled her face down, yelling that she would just leave the rest to her.

Although Baby Dragon is unwilling to make a move, in order to prevent Han Yun Big Brother from discovering, she has to incarnate as a real dragon.

In this way, the two of them came here together, aggressively and with great momentum,

The following group of people looked at the white dragon and the spirit of the pill emperor in the sky, and became angry for a while.

Especially that leader, Nangong Batian, roared loudly:

"You deceive people too deceive people too much... labor and capital are really intolerable!"

"Everyone fellow daoist, please follow me to do it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nangong Batian suddenly swept the world with an extremely powerful aura.

With violent power in his hands, he showed the rules of the earth, and suddenly slammed out with a fist.

This punch is extremely powerful, as if the earth is shaking and the mountain is shaking,

As soon as Nangong Batian made a move, all the emperor emperors on the side also used the power of the rules to make a move together.

Their joint attack produced an extremely powerful force, very terrifying,

When the terrifying power of the alliance forces was about to come, the dragon babies in the void and the spirit of the pill emperor also shot at the same moment.

The spirit of the emperor pill breathes out fierce flames, and the rules of the scorching fire are extremely hot, as if to melt everything in the world,

The sea of ​​flames is like burning the sky and boiling the earth, coming down overwhelmingly,

The baby dragon spit out a vast white beam of light from his mouth,

The vast white beam of light and the burning flames fell, colliding with the powerful attack of the alliance forces.

Just listen to the loud noise of "rumbling",

The whole world is trembling, and the powerful waves of air spread instantly,

All the cultivators around who did not reach the eternal emperor, all turned to ashes, and died!

Zheng Yulian and the others are rushing over from a distance. Fortunately, they have not entered this Death area, otherwise there will be death or no life.

Faced with such a powerful destructive power, they were shocked.

This f*ck is too terrible!

This kind of intensity battle, even if their Palace Master is here, can it be resisted?

In their memory, it seems that only the magic shadow can do this, right?

A huge pit appeared in the center of the battlefield, which was more than ten feet deep, and the eternal emperors in the huge pit were all seriously injured.

In the void, the dragon baby and the spirit of the pill emperor also showed a decadent appearance. Although there was no obvious injury on the body, the Spirit Power consumption was quite large!

In the end, the two of them won!

It is incredible!

The two of them actually defeated more than twenty eternal emperors, including Nangong Batian, which is close to the mid-rank eternal emperor.

Too tough!

One of the elders in the immortal realm stood up. He was scarred and shouted resolutely at the dragon baby and the spirit of the pill emperor:

"My Terran cultivator will never surrender easily!"

"Skills can be killed but not humiliated!"

"Fellow daoist, the old man will go one step ahead and die with these Demonic Beasts!"

At this moment, he burst out with incomparably bright brilliance, the powerful rule power and his own Spirit Power were all released, like a bright meteor,

That terrifying force suddenly bombarded away, and other people could not stop it at all.

This scene is very tragic!

Just listen to the "boom"!

The baby dragon instantly spit out a white beam of light and fell on the old man.

That powerful beam of light instantly shredded the bright meteor, and accompanied by a scream, the old man of the longevity realm completely turned into dust in the void!

The people below were shocked and sad!

An eternal emperor used his life to tell everyone a truth in a very tragic form.

f*ck, we will all die if we don’t surrender!

Labor and management don't want to die yet!

There are no exceptions, including the Nangong Patriarch, Nangong Batian, all kneeling on the ground, begging for mercy at the baby dragon and the spirit of the Pill Emperor:

"Senior, please forgive me!"

"We will never dare anymore!"

"It's the old immortal just now, all... it's his idea. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't get together!"

"Yes, yes, it's all the old man's idea, and his conscience is greatly broken!"

"We are all innocent victims, please spare our lives, the two seniors!"

They were all begging and pleading, and all the blame was on the dead old man,

The old man was very tragic and tragic at the moment before he died, and he was even more tragic and tragic after he died for their lives!

Everyone will never forget him,

Thank him silently!

I don't know how the old man would feel if he was still alive!

It's a pity that he didn't even have any scum left behind.

The Spirit of the Pill Emperor looked at this group of spineless wastes very contemptuously, and wanted to kill them all!

Baby Dragon stopped it in time and told it that there are still many things they need to do next,

After hearing the words, the spirit of the emperor pill was taken aback, roaring, saying, for example?

The baby dragon turns back into a human form in the air, still looking cute and cute,

Everyone is really unbelievable. The white dragon, who just showed great power, is actually a cute little baby.

But the Long Wei on her body has not disappeared, it must be her, that's right,

Baby Long looked at everyone below and exclaimed softly:

"For example, this baby is hungry, go get something to eat!"

f*ck, let me go!

The spirit of the pill emperor was speechless for a while...

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