"Fairy, misunderstanding!"

"Fairy, be merciful!"

"Fairy, is it okay for the old man to admit defeat? Don't slap your face, don't slap your face!"

Outside the entrance of the fairy cave, sorrowful wailing sounds sounded,

In the originally secluded valley, Nangong Batian was chased and beaten by a beautiful shadow, and there was no way to fight back.

Nangong Batian, my heart is bitter!

This is not a question of not fighting back,

He is not an opponent at all, no matter what means he uses, he is completely crushed and can only run around!

At the last moment, he obviously fled here, The next moment, he returned inexplicably!

Caused him to continue to be hit hard!

This is the magic of Samsara’s power,

She caused Nangong Batian to continuously fall into the power of Samsara. Even if he runs to the end of the world, as long as he still has the power of Samsara from the moon god Fairy, he will return from the end of the world.

Nangong Batian could only be beaten passively because he couldn't beat him and couldn't escape.

Fortunately, Nangong Batian is still thick skinned and can't be killed for a while.

On the other side, in Hanyun’s Immortal Cave,

"Here... there..."

"Can you be careful not to break Father Han Yun's teacup!"

"Over there...you cleaned up a little bit more!"

"And here... here..."

Magnolia is busy cleaning Immortal Cave,

But such a big Immortal Cave is not allowed to use magic tricks, only a little bit of cleaning like ordinary people.

This is not the most annoying,

What irritated her the most was the bad bird next to him, who kept commanding blindly, yelling five and six, gesticulating!

She was almost mad!

The magnolia scent was extremely fragrant, and he threw the broom in his hand and shouted angrily:

"Auntie, I won't do it anymore, you go to grandma..."

Her tender voice shook the birdman back and forth again and again, and then hovered in the air with her wings flapped, and at the same time, the sound of "Oh hello" was heard in her mouth.

"Have you not figured out the situation?"

"Well, if you don't want to do it, don't do it. It's not uncommon for this bird to do it. The door is over there, let's go..."

Magnolia was surprised that Birdman let her go so happily,

Yulan Xiang frowned and asked tentatively:

"If I quit, you won't go to my sister, will you?"

After hearing the words, Birdman looked at Magnolia incense like an idiot, and said:

"Aren't you nonsense?"

"Your sister was willing to be my father Han Yun's maid. If you don't do it as a substitute maid, who am I not looking for?"

"Hey, what a pity!"

"This bird also wants to train you so that you can become the official maid of Han Yun's father in the future,"

"Sister Flower Maid, it's exciting to think about it!"

After the magnolia incense heard the words, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Although she usually knows how to deliver gifts, but now she can't help but explode in her heart.

f*ck egg, what kind of bird is this?

I can’t use the word bad to describe it at all.

This is simply a super evil big bad bird with extremely dirty thoughts and extremely evil words and deeds!

This kind of big bad bird should go down to the eighteenth floor of The Underworld, cut a thousand knives, and then be eaten stewed, cooked, roasted...

After Yulanxiang scolded Birdman in her heart, she hurriedly shouted when she saw Birdman was about to chase people away:


"I changed my mind, I want to stay!"


Birdman asked with surprise:

"Didn't you just keep yelling about leaving?"

"Now this girl thinks it's good to stay, so this girl should stay and continue cleaning!"

While she was talking, she picked up the broom on the ground,

No way, her Big sis Yu Lanqing has become someone’s maid. Yu Lanqing has made progress in the Cultivation Base in the past two days and may have to make a breakthrough.

But for Hanyun Immortal Cave, Yu Lanqing couldn't come and wait for a while, so she had no choice but to let Little Sister Magnolia fragrant.

Although magnolia incense is very reluctant, but for own Big sis, there is no other way.

At the most critical moment of Yulanqing's cultivation, how could it bother her!

Birdman saw the magnolia incense and started cleaning Immortal Cave, nodded in satisfaction, and said with a wicked smile:

"Well, you girl is quite acquainted, very good, it seems that this bird has the opportunity to continue to train you!"

"This bird promises to train you well!"

Magnolia Fragrance faced the birdman’s smirk, wishing to rush up to pluck out all its feathers, then throw it into the oil pan, and fry it well.

Birdman then sat on a small recliner, and his small body was swaying leisurely on the recliner. This scene was really maddening the fragrance of magnolia!

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound,

"Who? Dare to enter the Immortal Cave of this bird?"

Birdman was surprised, and the gate of Immortal Cave was opened!

Birdman hurriedly took a look,

f*ck, let me go!

"Sister-in-law grandma!"

For the birdman, the baby dragon is the deepest fear in his heart, especially after being beaten up by the baby dragon last time, its heart has left an indelible shadow.

Birdman hurriedly got up from the recliner, flew over, flew to the baby dragon cautiously, looked at the baby dragon timidly and said:

"Sister-in-law, why are you back?"

Magnolia was so happy to see the birdman.

f*ck, there is finally someone who makes it scared, at this moment her heart is very sour!

Birdman asked cautiously:

"Sister-in-law, you're back, what about Dad Han Yun?"

"Why don't you say a word when you come back to the fairy cave, so that this bird will bring everyone from the fairy cave to greet you!"

A look of flattery and flattery, and the birdman just now is almost like two people,

Magnolia fragrant laughed and laughed, and his heart was extremely happy.

The baby dragon caught Birdman directly and said to Birdman:

"Hanyun Big Brother still has something to do and hasn't come back!"

"Oh, so, what are you?"

The birdman who was caught by the baby dragon asked tentatively, and the baby dragon directly replied:

"You, come with me, beat someone!"

"Huh? Beat someone?"

After the birdman heard the words, he was confused and could not tolerate it to resist. The baby dragon grabbed it and left Immortal Cave.

"Haha...Big bad bird...see if you are still arrogant!"

Magnolia incense couldn't help but laugh out loud behind her, she was so happy.

Wouldn't she be free once Birdman left!

Without the evil landlord Birdman, she could stand up as a serf and sing!

Just when she was happy, there was a voice outside Immortal Cave:

"Little girl, the bird will be back soon,"

"If you find that Immortal Cave hasn't been cleaned up by then, this bird will definitely train you..."


After Magnolia heard the words, she almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, and threw the broom on the ground angrily. She really wanted to demolish this Immortal Cave!

"You...you are also from Han Yun's father..."

Birdman looked at the spirit of the pill emperor and nodded, quite satisfied.

The Spirit of the Pill Emperor looked at the bird man very satisfied, and looked at the bird brother opposite, almost couldn't help drinking with it for a few drinks.

But soon, Birdman flaunted:

"You don't know how to speak human words? It's a real laughter..."

"Come on, call one for this bird!"

Had it not been for the baby dragon here, the spirit of the emperor would rush to bite it,

There is not a single feather plucked!

It is a pity that Baby Dragon is here, he dare not do this!

It can only verbally abuse the bird man in animal language,

f*ck, they humans don’t understand the animal language of this beast, don’t you bird understand?


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