Me, Sign A Super Duck King At The Start

Chapter 269 The Unlucky Seventy-Two Demon Emperors

They all greeted the eighteenth generation ancestors of the person who swore in their hearts,

How could he swear indiscriminately!

If you have a chance to find that guy in the future, you must cut him a thousand times.

The nine-headed Yuanshi looked at the Moon God Fairy pitifully and said:

"Then what are you going to do with us?"

"How to deal with it?"

The moon god Fairy looked at the spirit of the pill emperor on the side,

Before the spirit of the pill emperor could speak, the baby dragon said:

"So it's useless to keep them, right?"

The spirit of the pill emperor roared, which meant that they were really useless.

After hearing the words, the nine-headed Yuan lions changed their faces and hurriedly shouted:

" like this..."

"In the oath that person swore, he didn't say he must kill us?"

"We can surrender to you seniors, we surrender, we absolutely surrender, nothing more!"

After the nine-headed Yuanshi finished speaking, the giant elephants hurriedly nodded their heads, showing a pitiful expression together.

Baby Long said with some doubts:

"But it's useless to keep you guys!"

Nangong Batian hurriedly added:

"Senior is right. Keeping them is a scourge. They are not ordinary Demonic Beasts!"

"They will never surrender sincerely, it's better to directly..."

Nangong Batian immediately made a click action, scaring the monster emperors to trembling!

f*ck, you humans are too cruel!

Actually, in front of a child, he said to fight, kill, and kill. Is this appropriate?

Not suitable!

And Fairy, the moon god who has absolute right to speak, also nodded and said:

"What you said is right, it is indeed a bit troublesome to keep these eternal emperors, it is better to..."

As soon as the words of the moon god Fairy fell, the giant giant elephant stretched out its giant palm and slapped its chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

A force of the rules of wood spewed out of it, and the Cultivation Base began to quickly dissipate.

The monster emperors next to him were shocked!

The giant giant elephant, who usually looks carefree, is so smart that he will give up Cultivation Base in order to survive!

I really underestimated it!

Which is more important, Xiaoming or Cultivation Base?

Of course it's a fate!

When other monster emperors saw this, they followed the great giant elephant, dissipated the power of the rules, and abolished the Cultivation Base!

As long as you can live, Cultivation Base is a fart!

Seeing this scene, Nangong Ba Tianji didn't know what to say for a while!

At this moment, the moon god Fairy said lightly:

"It's better to sign the Demonic Beasts contract directly!"

The Moon God Fairy just said this sentence, and the demon emperor who deposed Cultivation Base couldn't help but spout a mouthful of old blood.

Damn, Big Sister!

Could you please speak faster?

The power of my rules!

My Cultivation Base!

Soon, the Demonic Beasts contract was signed, and from then on, the seventy-one monster emperors had to obey their orders.

At this time, Birdman also flew over with the Divine Eagle and Demon Emperor.

The demon emperor, who was beaten into a bear, did not dare to neglect, and rushed to sign the Demonic Beasts contract!

The seventy-two demon emperors surrendered, wouldn't it mean that the entire Ten Thousand Demon Forest surrendered?

After the dragon babies finished these, they immediately flew towards Wu Jieyao’s Taoist temple,

"Master, can this taboo formation really block them?"

"Why do I feel a little suspended!"

Xiao Dao Tong looked at Wu Jieyao's rearranged formation and asked,

Wu Jieyao stroked own gray beard and smiled softly:

"Nangong Batian's ability, the old man still knows very well!"

"Last time, although he was lucky enough to break through the formation, he came in,"

"This time it's different,"

"The upgraded version of the taboo formation, just the old guy Nangong Batian? Hey, next life!"

Xiao Dao Tong looked at Wu Jieyao, who was full of contempt, and asked again:

"But there is a little Demonic Beasts beside that big villain, and a cute little girl,"

"Will they..."


Wu Jieyao was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed:

"Stupid boy, Demonic Beasts is not good at formation by nature, not to mention such exquisite formation,"

"As for that little girl, although she doesn't know her true identity, she is actually the existence of the emperor of the longevity stage, but at such an age, it is not easy to enter the emperor of the longevity stage, let alone the formation. Woolen cloth!"

"Don't worry, no one will break it!"

Xiao Dao Tong looked at Wu Jieyao, who was very confident, and didn't say anything any more. He turned around and prepared to go back to Taoist temple with Wu Jieyao.

Suddenly, a "click" sounded,

Suddenly attracted the attention of Wu Jieyao and Xiao Dao Tong,

I saw a small crack suddenly appeared in the void where the formation was just laid out.

Seeing this scene, Wu Jieyao was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted:

"This... how is this possible?"

When he was about to cast his magic to repair the formation, he suddenly "bang", a powerful shock wave instantly lifted him, and slammed into the air...

"Master... Master..."

Xiao Dao Tong saw Wu Jieyao who had been knocked into flight, and hurriedly chased him, only to see Wu Jieyao slammed into the Taoist temple.

Not long after, Baby Dragon jumped in from the outside world, followed by the Moon God Fairy.

Nangong Batian cursed from the side:

"Wu Jieyao, you old bastard, why are you setting up again? Let labor and management find it easy!"

He was very angry now, he had led the way again, but he couldn't find the entrance again.

Let it lose its face!

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, Wu Jieyao was helped by the little Dao Tong and walked out of the Taoist Temple slowly, and shouted angrily:

"Nangong Batian, you old thing, why are you here again?"

"You are..."

"Ha ha…"

Nangong Batian couldn't help but laughed, and looked at Wu Jieyao with a smile:

"Did you pill refining the fryer? You old stuff will have this time too, you deserve it!"


After Wu Jieyao heard the words, he looked at himself, and his whole body was completely dark, and there was a faint smell of burning!

Isn't this a gift from them for breaking the formation?

Wu Jieyao, who just wanted to reprimand, suddenly discovered something.

In the camp of Nangong Batian, there was another bird, and a woman like Nine Heavens Fairy.

And they are also the emperor of the longevity realm!

f*ck, this world is too crazy!

He was shocked by the sudden appearance of so many emperor emperors.

Wu Jieyao quickly calmed down his own heart and asked:

"Ahem, fellow daoist, the old man once swears unless..."

"Thousands of demons will never die, they will never live!"

The moon god Fairy replied faintly,

After hearing the words, Wu Jieyao was taken aback and nodded.

Nangong Batian couldn't help laughing, only to see the Moon God Fairy quickly hand seals, and a white light suddenly appeared in the void.

The white light gradually grew bigger and became a big hole,

From the big hole, a lot of people quickly appeared, a total of seventy-two,

It is the seventy-two demon emperors transformed into human forms!

"Wu fellow daoist, please look, this is the seventy-two demon emperors of the Ten Thousand Demon Forest!"

The moon god Fairy said in a cold voice,

"Huh? Seventy-two Demon Emperor?"

"This... this is absolutely impossible!"

Wu Jieyao's eyes were wide and round, and his face was shocked.

"Why, we are not the Seventy-two Demon Emperor, are you?"

"You crippled, labor and management really want to swallow you..."

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